Post Game Recap: UVA

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The snag n Go slot fade is a cover 2 killer but we've used that **** too much. Teams are now alternating and disguising cover 2 and quarters coverages and killing TvD post snap.

The post snap coverage rolls are why he keeps throwing these dumb *** pics. Dude gets what he thinks is a cover 2 look and figures the seam should be open... but didn't recognize the safety getting depth post snap and rolled into 4 or quarters. Then what do you get? Pick?

Once he gets tricked into that 1st pick he now overthinks and is mentally taken out of his game.

Dawson and Mario should have long since realized this and adjusted. Maybe switching to more bro style **** was the adjustment. I sure hope not.

The passing offense would be much more efficient if we took the **** TE off the field. He's a liability and a waste of personnel. We should be strictly 01 personnel and nothing else.

We do not need Cam McCormick for any reason. No way we can't get Ray Ray or Harrell in the field in place of him.

At the very least, our plays won't be tipped off and you absolutely have to respect every receiving option we present.

Interesting. Dawson pretty much confirmed my assessment.
They are stacking the box and daring the Canes to throw. Injuries are stacking up in the RB’s room, but let’s overlook that right? The fact they had over 100 yards inspite of the sh! !t storm TVD gave passing is not good enough??? Definitely not the fault of the offensive line they only ran for 100+ . But truth be told, I remember a time that going over 100 yards rushing was a successful outing for any team but not anymore huh 🤔 ? The backs need to lift their legs up and stop getting shoestring tackled and work on hurdling drills. I hope Mario makes all running backs and receivers practice with track team on hurdling.
I’ve also noticed a ton of turf monster tackles. Our RB need to avoid getting tackled by a blade of grass once they break into the open field.