Post-Game Reaction (For Rational People Only)

1. Kevin Steele had these boys ready; great usage of blitz, overall tackling was solid & secondary played excellent.
2. O line created a decent amount of holes and mostly protected TVD, great response after a crap showing vs So Miss.

1. RZ play calling was awful. We showed we can get first downs and move the ball but Gattis has to do better when the field shrinks.
2. Receivers mostly struggled. This has become a major issue. Herbstreit kept repeating our lack of downfield threat for a reason, we have nobody we can consistently rely on right now.
3. Not enough TE & rb usage in the pass game.

1. Special teams lost this game, TS muffed punt, blocked FG, missed FG, couldn't recover their late muffed punt.

Time to regroup for MTSU. Gattis needs to make his adjustments and we desperately need Restrepo back for the UNC game. UNC becomes close to a must win for us at home. This still to me looks like a team who can win 8 or 9 games.
1. Kevin Steele had these boys ready; great usage of blitz, overall tackling was solid & secondary played excellent.
2. O line created a decent amount of holes and mostly protected TVD, great response after a crap showing vs So Miss.

1. RZ play calling was awful. We showed we can get first downs and move the ball but Gattis has to do better when the field shrinks.
2. Receivers mostly struggled. This has become a major issue. Herbstreit kept repeating our lack of downfield threat for a reason, we have nobody we can consistently rely on right now.
3. Not enough TE & rb usage in the pass game.

1. Special teams lost this game, TS muffed punt, blocked FG, missed FG, couldn't recover their late muffed punt.

Time to regroup for MTSU. Gattis needs to make his adjustments and we desperately need Restrepo back for the UNC game. UNC becomes close to a must win for us at home. This still to me looks like a team who can win 8 or 9 games.
Silly me...thought we had a kicker. No excuse for missing TWO field goals. Hope Borregalas is out there until 9 pm working on it this week.
Man I saw some wobbly inaccurate throws from him. I think we are going to get to the point in a couple games where people start banging the drum for Garcia. TVD just doesn't look like the same guy, and it's not only because of Restrepo. He didn't look good last week either.
Your your right on QC. I was hopeful we would see the same TVD has last year. You know the guy that went thru full progressions 1 2 ok 3 or back to 1. What I saw is the same guy as games 1 & 2. Some of his decisions were head scratching and throws off. I know the receivers are inept but this is not the same QB as last year. I thought we might give Garcia a series but that did not happen. We outplayed a 8-5 / 7-5 team and lost. They were missing their best defensive players. Those receivers are awful. On one screen neither receiver could make their 1 block … for Christ sakes they were just standing there. Even Zion killed a red zone drive with a stupid penalty. I guess we really are not very good.
I've said before you cant fix 2+ years of damage from top to bottom in only 8 months. I didnt like the result of the game because A&M is not good and may only win 7 games. Overall I like where this program is headed, especially when the LB & WR rooms are fixed, and they will be with a couple of recruiting cycles.
Obviously, not happy about this loss. This is a game we should've won, and our mistakes did us in. Right now, I'm more frustrated than anything else. Some thoughts on tonight and for the weeks ahead.
  • We have a solid defense. Kevin Steele did a great job tonight, and our defense has really taken a step forward compared to last year. We had our mistakes and some missed tackles here and there, but all around, this was a solid defensive performance. Our DL looked good, and our secondary did what it needed to. For the first time in a while, at no point did our defense put us in a position to lose this game. In fact, they put us in a position to win it multiple times.
    • Football is a game of luck in some ways, especially on TO's. A&M got every bounce tonight, and we didn't get any. That won't always be the case, and we need to generate TO's. You can't win a game like this without them.
  • Our WR room has major problems. This will need to be an area of focus for our next few classes. Wayyyyyyy too many drops tonight. Brashard should've had that last catch to convert, and he missed some other ones today. Losing Restrepo was a huge loss for this team and game, and we need him back ASAP. Until then, someone needs to step up.

  • OL played the best it has in a very long time. We got the run going, and TVD didn't go down once tonight.

  • We underutilized our TE's. Mallory didn't look bad today, and Arroyo had a nice catch early in the 2nd.

  • We have a solid RB group. If Chaney and Citizen were in the rotation, this would be one of the top RB groups in the country. However, Parish made a massive mistake by dropping that pass early in the game. Had he got it, we would've been 1st and goal inside the ten.

  • TVD wasn't what we needed him to be to win this game. He was better in the second half, but it's evident that he's not on the same page as his WRs, and doesn't trust them. He needs to be better and learn from this experience.

  • Hot take here - for some - but I didn't have an issue with what Gattis schemed up most of the night. We didn't have an issue moving the ball, but our RZ offense has to improve. The play calling inside the 20 is on him, but our personnel severely limits us. Either way, he needs to do better. The opportunities were there, and our guys did not execute. Multiple dropped passes and blown plays that would've gone for big yardage or even a TD.
    • On this point, dont y'all remember how we constantly went 3 and out with Lashlee? The 21-second drives? The same running plays and bad OL over and over again? He was a good OC here, and TVD did well in his system but let's not rewrite history. How Gattis ends up is TBD, but we didn't lose because of his play calling. We lost because we did not execute.
  • Mario would've been hailed as a clock management genius had we won. His clock management wasn't the reason we lost tonight. It was all about execution, and our guys needed to follow through.

  • Going back to our Orange Bowl loss in 2017, we've lost these types of games by a combined score of 177-91 since then. I'm not a moral victories guy - and today's game is nothing but an L we could've avoided - but for the first time in a long time, we were actually in this type of game for 4Qs. That's an improvement.
    • On this, our boys didn't panic tonight. In years past, we would've had 100 yds of penalties, be dancing on the sidelines, and be down 28+.
  • We absolutely blew this game. Tyrique's muffed punt was a dagger we couldn't recover from. In the future, with better personnel, we will. We don't have that team yet, though.
We get a tune-up game next week, and after that, a bye before our conference schedule starts. Getting over the UNC hump will set the tone for conference play. Am I happy with what we did tonight? Absolutely not. We blew what should've been a nice win. However, you'd have to be blind not to see some major strides from last year. Defense is miles better, we actually had a competent game plan, and we didn't get outcoached. For us to get better, we have to execute. No way around it. Our boys lost today. For once, it's not entirely because of coaching.

Overall, I believe this is a team that'll go 9-3/10-2. Nobody other than Clemson has a defense like the one we played tonight, and I still have faith in TVD to figure things out. Also, remember that this isn't going to be a short process. Imho, we're (at best) 2-3 years away from making a real push. Until then, our boys must keep their heads down, buy into the process, and start building for the future. Getting to the ACC Championship is the goal for the immediate future. Long-term, I'm not worried. For once, I could see the progress and not be left hopeless by a loss like this.
Great post agree 100%
It’s not just TVD, or Gattis scheme/playcalling, or the WRs, it’s all of the above a mixture of all 3. The passing game in General needs work in general and all 3 of those play a role. Got to score TDs when we in the end zone.
All facts. People love to rewrite history all of a sudden yall forgot Lashlee running inside zone on 3rd and 7. Gattis is far from perfect and needs to run more RPO/rollout but he is not the bum CIS is pretending him to be.
Bum? Nah but he’s more Enos with his concepts than Lashlee. Just being honest. I’m very unimpressed.
The problem is we lost a game we should have won. If they outplayed us and we lost by 8, the losing by less than the past makes sense but we lost by 8 in a game we should have won by at least 10 and did it in ways all around that exposed concerns…
Your right. But the outrage seems insincere. There are posters on here who said this was an 8-4 team prior to the season. So I better not see any outrage from them. I said we should go 9-3. And I had this as an L. I’m upset, but I’m not ready to make drastic changes. Not time for that yet. I do think we need to shrink the lineup. At this point, Mario should know who is warriors are. As we go into ACC play, we need to ride with them.
First time we didn't get whipped on national TV by a team with equal or better talent. Baby steps. While very disappointed, I liked the grit I saw.
We lost this game 17-9. Not sure what your point is, we are exactly statistically in line with the scoring average in “these types of games”…
I guess his point is that we were in this game for 4 quarters and were within one score when our last drive started. In "these types of games" it was usually over by the end of the first quarter.
Game was already decided by the stupidity of tyrique.

A2M is a terrible team. Terrible. We beat ourselves because we are a dumb ******* team.

Our other “first rounder”, TVD, - beyond awful. He is not a fit in this offense. An offense that requires you to think. See above.
Guy missed throws when he had 5 seconds and wide open receivers. It has nothing to do with thinking he just was plane inconsistent and missed throws intramural QBs could have hit. Sad part was when he did make a good throw our receivers dropped the ball.
I have more of a problem w/ pacing. Our O showed no urgency in the last 8-9 mins of the game while knowing full well we needed to. That left me going WT?! Our pre-snap clock management wasn't good, imo. Felt like we took just about every down all the way to low single digits. The check w/ me adjustments were maddening. I get we needed to make sure we got the right play call in place, but I felt it also gave their defense extra time to make their own adjustments as well. Another thing is that the sideline reporter, Rowe, mentioned that she felt their defensive players looked gassed toward the end. Running 35-38 second pre-snaps doesn't stress their fatigue enough which is something that needed done.
I get that and I agree. This game was still winnable at the pace we were going but to take advantage of fatigue I agree with you.
1. Kevin Steele had these boys ready; great usage of blitz, overall tackling was solid & secondary played excellent.
2. O line created a decent amount of holes and mostly protected TVD, great response after a crap showing vs So Miss.

1. RZ play calling was awful. We showed we can get first downs and move the ball but Gattis has to do better when the field shrinks.
2. Receivers mostly struggled. This has become a major issue. Herbstreit kept repeating our lack of downfield threat for a reason, we have nobody we can consistently rely on right now.
3. Not enough TE & rb usage in the pass game.

1. Special teams lost this game, TS muffed punt, blocked FG, missed FG, couldn't recover their late muffed punt.

Time to regroup for MTSU. Gattis needs to make his adjustments and we desperately need Restrepo back for the UNC game. UNC becomes close to a must win for us at home. This still to me looks like a team who can win 8 or 9 games.
No mention of van dyke. Would prob put him in the ugly category
I guess his point is that we were in this game for 4 quarters and were within one score when our last drive started. In "these types of games" it was usually over by the end of the first quarter.

I understand that, and I agree.

However, scoring wise it’s not really an improvement. Miami should never score less than 20 points in a game, and that will be very common with Mario unless he changes this antiquated offense.
Bum? Nah but he’s more Enos with his concepts than Lashlee. Just being honest. I’m very unimpressed.
I don’t really care if his concepts are similar to Penos. He schemed guys open and we dominated an SEC team in the trenches. We didn’t hit on the plays that’s it. I didn’t like the red zone calls though. With Lashlees rungame calls we had no chance in this big games no matter how you slice it.
Last night was very winnable. Incredibly so. What makes it that much more frustrating. Don't see aTm being more than their usual 8-4 this season from what faced us. Once they hit conference play, they will get exposed, imo.

Hoping our play doesn't end up being indicative of what our season will look like. Would be disappointing if it does.
This, their offense is atrocious outside of 2 players. Their D is good but not dominant, several SEC teams are going to hammer them
Bum? Nah but he’s more Enos with his concepts than Lashlee. Just being honest. I’m very unimpressed.
That's a lazy comparison. Enos was not effective running the ball or passing. You can shít on Gattis pass calling but he's not running single back with 9 foot QB drops. Enos was a different level of incompetence.
I don’t really care if his concepts are similar to Penos. He schemed guys open and we dominated an SEC team in the trenches. We didn’t hit on the plays that’s it. I didn’t like the red zone calls though. With Lashlees rungame calls we had no chance in this big games no matter how you slice it.
Any OC worth this salt can scheme guys open a couple times lol, that’s the standard now? That was as vanilla a route tree as I’ve seen since in a minute. Running drags because the d is in a deep shell , then catching and running for 8 yards isn’t scheming open , especially on third downs. We scored 9 freaking points with all the trips in the redzone. That’s atrocious and the play design was even worse. If you want to celebrate “ moving the ball against an Sec defense while scoring nine points we just can‘t agree. Thats a pathetic bar.
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Any OC worth this salt can scheme guys open a couple times lol, that’s the standard now? That was as vanilla a route tree as I’ve since in a minute. Running drags because the d is in a deep shell , then catching and running for 8 yards isn’t scheming open , especially on third downs. We scored 9 freaking points with all the trips in the redzone. That’s atrocious and the play design was even worse. If you want to celebrate “ moving the ball against a Sec defense while scoring nine points we just can‘t agree. Thats a pathetic bar.
Hit the plays you win by two scores. I’m with you on the red zone calls. They were bad.