Possible Miami vs Bama matchup??

All I know is that if we threw bottles at the Notre Dame buses as they pulled into Hard Rock then we should be throwing kegs and cinder blocks at the Baga buses if this somehow happens.

Instead we'd probably hear about some of our "fans" tailgating with Gerry Judy's family and tales of local high school corches creaming their pants when Sabag dropped by during the week leading up to the game.
after Tua Left the game they didn't score the rest of the game! i think without Tua it would be closer than some think
Lol you really think our DBs would be able to keep up with Bamas FOUR receivers?
Depends on your definition of "hold our own". I don't think they steamroll us the way some people seem to think. I wouldn't put my life savings on the game though.
If VT beats Pitt, would need them to lose to UVA and UVA to get killed by Clemson.

Would be tough. Plus Miami has to obviously win out. Need them all to have 4 losses.
True but UVA even getting beat by Clemson would still be 9-4 which could still see them ranked. If Pitt beats VT, VT beats UVA, and Pitt loses to BC that would have all three teams with four losses (and in a 4 way tie with Miami). I think in that scenario VT goes and gets hammered by Clemson leaving them with 5 losses and very likely unranked. Miami also by that point would have a 5 game win streak.
True but UVA even getting beat by Clemson would still be 9-4 which could still see them ranked. If Pitt beats VT, VT beats UVA, and Pitt loses to BC that would have all three teams with four losses (and in a 4 way tie with Miami). I think in that scenario VT goes and gets hammered by Clemson leaving them with 5 losses and very likely unranked. Miami also by that point would have a 5 game win streak.
Agreed path gets easier with a Pitt win over VT.
Honestly, yall are ******* pussies if you dont wanna play Bama, at HOME in hard rock. Grow a pair. These kids will salivate at the opportunity to knock them off.
It’s not about being a ***** but let’s be real bama will beat the **** out of us.... just like Clemson did lol... how can we compete wit bama if we can’t even beat GA Tech lol let’s let’s be realistic here smh
Only hope we would have is the Playoff hangover like Texas and UGA last year. UGA was not having it and came in unfocused and got smashed.