POS Neuhiesel

Honestly, who gives s**t?

Curb-stomped his *** 65-7 in 2001 and 16 years later, he's still not over it.

Good. Let him whine. Take care of business, beat Georgia Tech and that kills his argument.

Oooh, tough guy—the stadium is FORTY MILES from campus. Sick burn, bro.

Go play more fake-*** John Denver songs on CBS.

Ignore the noise.
Thank you Rick Neuheisel!

Prior to Coach Richt's arrival and for a portion of last year we had players who said all the right things, but they really were not focused or dedicated to doing the things that are required to be a consistent winner. Based on that history, that culture; Georgia Tech scares the **** out of me!

Should the Canes show up prepared, angry and focused we will know that the program has taken a massive step in, as they say, BEING BACK!

I thanked that horse's rump Neuheisel, because anything that lights a fire under the backsides of our players is welcomed and encouraged.

By the way...Kirk Herbstreit has also issued a sincere and appreciated beware warning to the Canes concerning Georgia Tech.

Herbie tends to be a clown, from time to time. Heck, Herbie had a BOY CRUSH on the previous head coach. Because he KNEW the Golden One WOULDN'T bring Miami back. Now, Miami has Richt and Herbie absolutely knows Miami will be a legitimate contender in the near future and all that.

Nobody and I mean nobody in the media has slobbed Um harder than Herbie. Dude never picked against um and always had us playing or winning titles. Even years I knew he was crazy ( and I'm a fan)

He picked us to win a title with Kyle freaking Wright at qb.

Some of these Herbie haters sound as nuts as the " 911 was an inside job folks".
Statistically speaking he's not wrong about GT's defense being better than FSU. GT is ranked higher in YPG and YPP. That said, he's still douche.
He will have CBS Sports on probation within the next 12 months.

underrated comment.

Rick Neuheisel has had an extremely controversial and tumultuous coaching career since he was hired by Colorado in 1995. After choosing to leave the Buffaloes in 1999, Colorado was investigated by the NCAA for 53 recruiting violations, 51 of which occurred while Neuheisel was the head coach.

Neuheisel got into even more hot water at Washington when he improperly visited five of the Huskie recruits. The NCAA finished their investigation of Colorado and put the program on two years of probation. Neuheisel was also not allowed to do any off-campus recruiting for seven months as part of the punishment.

After being questioned about betting on college basketball and reportedly having conversation with the San Francisco 49ers, Neuheisel is fired from Washington.

Although filling out a March Madness bracket probably shouldn’t have been a big deal, there is no question that the rest of Rick’s career was clouded with controversy.
I found that extremely comical because, as others have pointed out, GT's defense has had to contend with UNC, Pitt, JVST and Tenn. As opposed to fsu's D dealing w/ Ala, Wake, NCSt, and us...

How about the irish ***** saying tech's d is better than the nole's!

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The more hate the media spews about us the closer we are to being back.

The media loves to hate on Miami. It just made no sense to do it when we sucked. Now that Richt has looking better and better prepare for more irrational shots at Miami to get listens, views, likes etc.
LOFL at Neu-weasel talking trash about The U.

The UW fans I knew despised him as much as Canes do.

That soft, lazy SOB's time at UCLA made Randy Shannon look like Jimmy Johnson.
Funny...Aside from getting obliterated by the Canes, he coached at UCLA where the Rose Bowl is 30 miles, more than an hour drive, from campus.

Did the old man forget we sold this game out?

Goodness, we went from Portis to Gore to McGahee in that game, unreal

That and Rolle was the third string.

That's all fine, but what's got his panties in bunch is Crudup tossing a TD when he was down 58-7.

And who actually caught that ball?

Geathers. Point was that our untested backup QB came in a threw a TD against his #11 team. Didn't even need the stars, the scrubs were better than his team.