Portal shopping list

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Well, ****, sounds like we're short everything but a long snapper.

Longtime fan & not a hater, but this falls squarely in Mario's lap. He & staff should have done a better job portal shopping in the early period. If you do that, you'd now be cherry picking instead of having to fill up the cart at Costco. This might also be a reflection on the laborious staff shuffling after the season.

So, we need 2 backup interior offensive linemen. Excuse me, but didn't Mario & Co. bring 2 interior OL with them from Oregon (Jonathan Dennis & Logan Sagapolu)? Terrible look if you failed these two evaluations.

Big DT? Didn't we bring in two - though obviously not pluggers - in the initial portal? How did those evaluations work out?

A cornerback & safety/nickel . . . so what's the deal with Terry Roberts - player or poor evaluation?

Starting caliber RB and a backup QB? This should be interesting.

Bottom line, the college game is about talent & Miami isn't perfect, but the talent level should be at least equal to or better than most ACC teams. Yeah, keep stacking talent & fill holes. ****, yeah. At some point it's just not all about recruiting. It's not fantasy football where you pile up 5 stars. The coach has to take the talent he has & compete - put a respectable product on the field.

Understand the need to be patient & hope Mario kills it, but the early work isn't comforting.
So now we're making evaluations on transfer players, who haven't played a down for the Team . Also, no one has a clue on what is going on at the high security Greentree practice facility, obviously more secure then the Pentagon.
So now we're making evaluations on transfer players, who haven't played a down for the Team . Also, no one has a clue on what is going on at the high security Greentree practice facility, obviously more secure then the Pentagon.

A lot of the portalers that Mario brought in last season ended up starting or being heavily in the rotation (Mesidor, Jackson, Denis and Sagapolu saw action, Young, Agude). And the latest transfers have some headliners (Cohen, Lee, Francisco, Deen, Davonte). I think it's safe to say that overall Mario has been trading up via the portal well overall.

But no one hits 100%. The LB transfer was a nonfactor in our weakest position group. Moultrie got some reps but didn't show much. Sagapolu and Denis are not Top P5 IOL. Ladson is a role players only, as is Lichtenstein (who I think will contribute more than most expect). I'm in the minority and have never been impressed by Porter; Roberts gives me the same vibe. Even if some of these guys end up being called up for action, they're not ideal.

My conclusion -- keep hitting the portal while you're acquiring and developing the young talent out of high school. We have major holes and major question marks. Hope for the best with the kids you have. But plan for the worst by adding more competition ASAP.
y’all never learn.

What makes you say that? And if you say stars, I’ll laugh my a$$ off.
Ok watch a few minutes of other teams spring games and tell me Boston college, miami of Ohio, nc state, Georgia tech, temple, Virginia and Louisville are more talented than our team
Ok watch a few minutes of other teams spring games and tell me Boston college, miami of Ohio, nc state, Georgia tech, temple, Virginia and Louisville are more talented than our team
I'm not sure watching a few min of spring highlights is the best way to gauge how good a team will be for the upcoming season. That being said the only team you listed that prob will be a competitive game is NC State.
So much secrecy around his injury and time table for return. Most thought he “quit” on the team and was waiting to turn pro. Then rumors swirled about a botched procedure or setback. No clue what’s going on but something doesn't add up.
Between this situation and Citizen being out now maybe 2 years, the S&C department is very suspect.
So basically we need a whole team.
Yes. You’re always trying to improve.
Jaden Alexis is leaving Texas. Not because he sucks but because they got better dudes than him.
We have a good players we just don’t have enough of them. Georgia can lose Alexander and that’s not a big deal. We lost Darrell Jackson and we still haven’t replaced him.
So yeah, in order to compete with the big dogs you need every position group to be stacked and we’re just not there yet. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just the facts.
He wouldn’t come to ride the bench for a year would he? Lol
No, he's gonna come and take TVD's spot.

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