Please provide update on TVD immediately

TVD has been known to do that too.

Let’s see what a week of prep and getting in synch with the starting offense and recievers will do for him.
Really? 4 int in 7 games with 2 being tips and 1 being a really bad route concept by the OC. I may give you the S Miss one where he did not see the safety but at least the dam ball would have it his receiver in the hands if the safety did not jump the route.... Man you are clueless.
I didn't want to see TVD go out like that. I'd like to think that's true of everyone, but who knows.

While I don't think Garcia fixes anywhere close to all of our problems, it'll be interesting seeing him start with the score zero to zero. No excuse for what happened this past weekend, but that's a lose lose situation to come into as your hand is forced.
How was it a lose-lose situation? He scored two quick TDs and then started fumbling and throwing crazy picks.

He went from 2018 FSU N’Kosi Perry to 2018 UVA N’Kosi Perry in the space of about 10 minutes.
How was it a lose-lose situation? He scored two quick TDs and then started fumbling and throwing crazy picks.

He went from 2018 FSU N’Kosi Perry to 2018 UVA N’Kosi Perry in the space of about 10 minutes.

There were a few other events between, but we caught them off guard and were pressing. They made adjustments and he admittedly fell apart like the rest of the team.
Go rewatch the play and what all transpired. Then mix that in with he didn’t come back. Thats not day to day friend.
It didn’t look good at all

Mario said he is really sore yesterday. Didn’t say anything was broke or nothing. And some guy on 247 claims he saw tvd on campus and he didn’t have anything on his arm and said he was just sore as **** but he will be ok
I think it was hilarious watching CIS hold its collective breath after the first 2 TDs Garcia threw. You had the Garcia hopefuls ready to proclaim him the next 1st round pick. Then you had the TVD apologists praying it went downhill. Says a lot about this fanbase.
Mario said he is really sore yesterday. Didn’t say anything was broke or nothing. And some guy on 247 claims he saw tvd on campus and he didn’t have anything on his arm and said he was just sore as **** but he will be ok
Manny Navarro said he saw him on campus with a sling
I think it was hilarious watching CIS hold its collective breath after the first 2 TDs Garcia threw. You had the Garcia hopefuls ready to proclaim him the next 1st round pick. Then you had the TVD apologists praying it went downhill. Says a lot about this fanbase.
they literally had a thread about him whether he should leave or stay and how it would be good for him to go to give Garcia a shot. now Garcia looks like a trash can against An actual p5 team (I say that loosely considering what duke was the last few years) and he gets taken for a ride
agreed. lane would have this roster w this soft schedule winning 10.
Its funny how Lane has coached 11 years and has had 4 years with 10 wins or more and 5 years with 5 losses or more but he's god ******* gift to coaching with this fan base. 2 of the ten win years were when he stacked his teams at FAU in relation to the competition. The rest of the years he was in premier programs and got his *** handed to him. And, i'll grant you, he may come here and win for a year or two then be looking for an even better job. Look I agree that Mario and staff have done a **** job to date (and I was/am a bigger supporter of his), but the dude needs time like the others have gotten. And unlike Lane, i think he actually wants to be here a long lets hope this **** gets fixed.
I think he could play again this season but I’m not sure it matters at this point. Its not major , so that’s a positive.
Good to hear nothing major but I see him shutting it down and getting ready for next year, likely not here in Miami.
Its funny how Lane has coached 11 years and has had 4 years with 10 wins or more and 5 years with 5 losses or more but he's god ******* gift to coaching with this fan base. 2 of the ten win years were when he stacked his teams at FAU in relation to the competition. The rest of the years he was in premier programs and got his *** handed to him. And, i'll grant you, he may come here and win for a year or two then be looking for an even better job. Look I agree that Mario and staff have done a **** job to date (and I was/am a bigger supporter of his), but the dude needs time like the others have gotten. And unlike Lane, i think he actually wants to be here a long lets hope this **** gets fixed.
he has grown as a coach. he admitted that himself if you go back to his interviews post Alabama. I didnt say hire the lane from tenn, USC, or the raiders. the lane that he is now as a coach is very very good.

he doesn't get any credit for taking over a ****** FAU program that. never did any winning and takin g them to 10 win and dominating that conf? butch was there that same time frame and couldn't do anything. FAU post lane still isnt what they were with him.

longterm - yes Mario wants to be here vs going to the nFL, but that doesn't matter imo. you get the better coach period. that being said, I dont think Mario is a terrible coach overall. I think hes done a terrible job so far this year. it doesn't mean he can't succeed. I think **** have to reevaluate everything he knows about success if we want to win big here. if not, I think well better in 10 years but not where you think well be. he may be our richt in terms of consistency but not the guy to take you a title.
If I’m a qb I’m Texas tech bound. Or if tennesse isn’t committed to starting the 8 million dollar man as a freshman then there. TVD would kill it there