Please no Coley, Richt

Just what I want to see...steady diet of fake handoffs out of the shotgun from a stationary quarterback. Pathetic.

Georgia always runs the ball between 34 and 42 times per game on average. That is the proper range for a warm weather balanced offense, as I've argued for years. Richt is generally in the 37 area, which is perfect. The Canes have tried to pretend that 31 to 33 is sensible. Say goodbye to that.

James Coley had a chance to bump the rushing attempts and establish a physical presence with all the play action options than naturally flow out of it. Instead he blew it with a variety of bizarre choices, from the sideline V offense of 2013 to the shotgun obsession of 2015. He is a fearful tinkerer without conviction. Overmatched.
Coley in a recruiting capacity perhaps, but nowhere near the offense.

People suddenly want to sang some tune as if it was someone else fault he sucked at calling plays. Calling off the dogs and being a predictable wr screen calling PoS are 2 different things. People who know nothing about football can see how obvious he was at what was coming next.
Keep him on, let Richt call the plays and let Coley learn from Richt. I see no problems with that

I don't care how irrational it is, but I want nothing to do with this bozo

Ariz is outside his ******* mind.

If Coley is retained I'll start a Fire Richt thread. That entire line of reasoning is ******* ridiculous. Coley is/was A HUGE PART OF THE ******* PROBLEM HERE THE LAST COUPLE YEARS.

Anyone who wants Coley retained needs to go root for another team. Period.

And for the love of God stop with the "oh just keep him on the staff in another capacity" bull****. The guy left FSU CAUSE HE WANTED TO CALL PLAYS. He's not going to take that type of indirect demotion at this point.

He needs to go. Period. No questions asked. One of the most incompetent OC's I've ever seen.
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Keep him on, let Richt call the plays and let Coley learn from Richt. I see no problems with that

If you are gonna do that, bring in a guy who actually has shown legit potential, and isn't a dirty stinking Nole. This is the perfect opportunity to bring in Kenny Dorsey. Corley is a trojan horse and I want him the fvck away from this program. Guy has the stink of a loser on him.
Keep him on, let Richt call the plays and let Coley learn from Richt. I see no problems with that

If you are gonna do that, bring in a guy who actually has shown legit potential, and isn't a dirty stinking Nole. This is the perfect opportunity to bring in Kenny Dorsey. Corley is a trojan horse and I want him the fvck away from this program. Guy has the stink of a loser on him.
I can agree with that too. Most important thing is that he's not calling plays. I assume he will be relegated to the same position he had at FSU which is that of a recruiter hence why I'm not against keeping him.

But I understand why people would want him gone, he's terrible
The easy thing is to blame Coley and walk off into the sunset. Was Coley held back by Golden? Was Coley held back by his OL? How many times does Kaaya check out of the play calls? These are questions I would like the answers to before I would say Coley should be gone.
Have him be a QB coach. I am all for it. I would like him to be apart of the program but not calling plays.
Richt is calling plays. Coley is bringing in great QB talent. What's the problem?
His playcalling is the problem, not his recruiting. As long as Richt is determined to call his own plays, we could do a lot worse than keep Coley.

Richt already said he'll be calling plays so I'm good with coley staying
Coley cool with taking a demotion and potential pay cut? Because we not paying him 500k to recruit.
His playcalling is the problem, not his recruiting. As long as Richt is determined to call his own plays, we could do a lot worse than keep Coley.

Richt already said he'll be calling plays so I'm good with coley staying

If RIcht said that then we are good. Doesn't matter who is the OC, might as well keep him there for recruiting....... I do like the idea of having Dorsey though :chuncky:
Coley cool with taking a demotion and potential pay cut? Because we not paying him 500k to recruit.

His behind can kick rocks then. Richt isn't going to let him call another bubble screen, or my favorite run up the middle 3rd and long in the red zone.. SMH>
The easy thing is to blame Coley and walk off into the sunset. Was Coley held back by Golden? Was Coley held back by his OL? How many times does Kaaya check out of the play calls? These are questions I would like the answers to before I would say Coley should be gone.

Lol was Golden/OL/Kaaya holding him back. The mans RZ offense and 3rd down conversion % were horrific every year here. The man lived off of chunk plays his entire time. When it came to needing to move the chains he couldn't make it happen. His offense fooled not one single person for more than 15 mins and that is being extremely generous. Plenty of teams go into clock management mode in games. Yet plenty teams still move the chains and keep their defense off the field in that time frame.

This year OL was bad, but what about last year or the year before? Was It Golden/Morris/Kaaya at that point holding him back? Were they the reason the offense sucked at staying on the field or scoring points in the RZ?

As far as Kaaya checking off. Isn't Coley the OC and shouldn't he be telling his general to shut that Peyton Manning **** down and run what he calls? **** Kaaya can't get past his 1st read, why the **** is he checking down anyways.
The easy thing is to blame Coley and walk off into the sunset. Was Coley held back by Golden? Was Coley held back by his OL? How many times does Kaaya check out of the play calls? These are questions I would like the answers to before I would say Coley should be gone.

Lol was Golden/OL/Kaaya holding him back. The mans RZ offense and 3rd down conversion % were horrific every year here. The man lived off of chunk plays his entire time. When it came to needing to move the chains he couldn't make it happen. His offense fooled not one single person for more than 15 mins and that is being extremely generous. Plenty of teams go into clock management mode in games. Yet plenty teams still move the chains and keep their defense off the field in that time frame.

This year OL was bad, but what about last year or the year before? Was It Golden/Morris/Kaaya at that point holding him back? Were they the reason the offense sucked at staying on the field or scoring points in the RZ?

As far as Kaaya checking off. Isn't Coley the OC and shouldn't he be telling his general to shut that Peyton Manning **** down and run what he calls? **** Kaaya can't get past his 1st read, why the **** is he checking down anyways.

What part of RICHT WILL BE CALLING THE PLAYS escapes you?
Richt's the HC. However he wishes to staff it is up to him....

If he were to keep any of the current staff, I wouldn't expect it to be too many....
Richt is calling plays. Coley is bringing in great QB talent. What's the problem?

Is Coley the only guy in the country that can recruit QB's?

If Mark wants to call plays great. Yet Coley has no need to be around a QB our an offense. I don't see him bringing anything to the table. Dorsey would be an major improvement in that area. Richt will bring in talent so Coley isn't going to make or break that area.
" Has proven himself as a developer of QB." - HAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA





Seriously, what?