Players Can't Talk to Pete?

This is your typical SoFla media types:


Any wonder why they hate the banners?

manny is bad, but susan miller degnan has set back women journallists about 100 years. she has to be THE softest "journalist" in history. She literally breaks no stories and has never once even made an attempt to cover any of the negativity surrounding the program. If you had only followed the canes FB program through her weak a$z stories, you would not even have a clue how deplorable the situation is.
Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?
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Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

Oooh, "faux" news, how ******* edgy. In your rush to expose yourself as the flaming douche you are, you neglected to notice the subject of this thread is not a foosball board censoring Petey Da Brau, but rather that bastion of faqqoty liberalism, the Univ of Miami.
Hey, Pete,
If you're frozen out, you might as well let your opinions fly. Nothing to lose and this site will be better off.

All of this.

Wow, if Carter's dad is saying this, after how much the team rallied behind his son last year, then you know things are really bad. I'm sad that the University is in full **** mode right now just because they were stupid enough to keep the head football coach everybody knows is a complete failure and the fans are revolting.

I think they were told to not talk to us when we were there. All social interactions were awkward with the players. The Duke I talk to now, and the Duke I talked to back then are two different people.

Always seemed like they wanted to say something or speak more, but didn't. The exception, Taylor Gadbois, and we know what happened with him. He would talk our ears off. NOBODY else did.

Which Duke you like better? Lol

Goes without saying.
Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

Oooh, "faux" news, how ******* edgy. In your rush to expose yourself as the flaming douche you are, you neglected to notice the subject of this thread is not a foosball board censoring Petey Da Brau, but rather that bastion of faqqoty liberalism, the Univ of Miami.

Oooh, "flaming douche" and "faqqoty liberalism"... That IS much edgier! My point is that those with (true) liberal ideas don't believe in censorship. It is the antithesis of everything they stand for. Conservatives, ... not so much. Remind me again who's the first to represent the rights of even those like the **** Party to publicly assemble and march in the streets? That's right, that bastion of faqqoty liberalism, the ACLU.

Btw, isn't it Al Golden who forbid the players from talking to Pete? So Al Golden is a liberal now?
Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

Oooh, "faux" news, how ******* edgy. In your rush to expose yourself as the flaming douche you are, you neglected to notice the subject of this thread is not a foosball board censoring Petey Da Brau, but rather that bastion of faqqoty liberalism, the Univ of Miami.

Oooh, "flaming douche" and "faqqoty liberalism"... That IS much edgier! My point is that those with (true) liberal ideas don't believe in censorship. It is the antithesis of everything they stand for. Conservatives, ... not so much. Remind me again who's the first to represent the rights of even those like the **** Party to publicly assemble and march in the streets? That's right, that bastion of faqqoty liberalism, the ACLU.

Btw, isn't it Al Golden who forbid the players from talking to Pete? So Al Golden is a liberal now?

Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

I once called Rush. Told the screener that I disagreed with Rush's position on the mortgage tax deduction. They put me on immediately.

I can think of several left wing governments practicing censorship and much worse.....
National Socialist Party, USSR, North Korea, Cuba, Mao's China through today, among many others. Refresh me on the right wing governments and organizations practicing censorship?
I've never seen a flaming douche before, but you sound pretty **** close!
Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

I once called Rush. Told the screener that I disagreed with Rush's position on the mortgage tax deduction. They put me on immediately.

I don't doubt you, but that's a pretty benign disagreement. Try calling to challenge him on something he said during an earlier show that you found to be factually incorrect. You will get a different result.

I can think of several left wing governments practicing censorship and much worse.....
National Socialist Party, USSR, North Korea, Cuba, Mao's China through today, among many others. Refresh me on the right wing governments and organizations practicing censorship?

The only common left-wing element to all of those governments you listed is their socialist structure. I can assure you that there is nothing left-wing or liberal about their policies on human rights and civil liberties. You are conveniently mixing up fiscal liberalism with social liberalism to make your point. Sorry, but you can’t tie everyone up into the same neat little package, even if it does make it easier for you to make your argument. Great Britain is socialist. Are they in the same boat with those you listed?

As for right-wing governments and organizations practicing censorship, are you serious? Let’s start with the good ole’ US of A. The religious right in this country is constantly getting books pulled from the shelves of libraries and schools that don’t jive with their beliefs. ****, they’re standing outside of abortion clinics blowing away doctors. Ask anyone in the entertainment industry what kind of chilling effect there was when G.W. Bush’s religious fanatics took over all of the regulatory agencies, including the FCC. Remember the huge $550,000.00 fine levied against CBS for Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction”? Thankfully the Supreme Court tossed that nonsense. I can remember WQAM radio hosts not being allowed by management to play any noises resembling bodily excretions (aka: fart noises, etc.) for fear of being hit with fines by the morality police. And speaking of Dubya, remember those neat little “free speech zones” he had his goons round up protesters in? You’re free to voice your opinion, as long as it’s 5 miles away from where the President or the Republican National Convention is located, and if you so much as step out of the 20 square foot area we’ve set up for you, you will be pummeled by cops and arrested.
Liberal mentality. Free speech as long as you tow the party line.

In this day of Faux News Channel, now it's the liberals who believe in censorship? Wow. Everything is topsy turvy.

Do me a favor, call in to the talk radio show of any one of ur conservative heroes (like Rush or Hannity) with an opposing viewpoint and see if you can get past the highly inquisitive screener who decides whether you make it on the air. Then get back to me on that censorship thing. ...or don't. This is a football forum. Whoops, am I censoring you now?

I once called Rush. Told the screener that I disagreed with Rush's position on the mortgage tax deduction. They put me on immediately.
