Pete:Jon Ford


Nov 3, 2011
The guy who runs the Kentucky rivals site says that Kentucky has a better shot with him than Miami does right now. Is he full of **** or is there truth to what he is saying?
Well that certainly will be good to whatch as for now he is our only DT recruit..

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The guy who runs the Kentucky rivals site says that Kentucky has a better shot with him than Miami does right now. Is he full of **** or is there truth to what he is saying?

He's saying that because his teammate Jordan Wright committed there. Wright wasn't allowed to commit to us, and Ford isn't stupid.

Everyone needs to remember it's the time of year where pay sites put out **** info to try and get clicks and subscriptions IMG_0193.webp
Harley yes, Edwards we will see. Better chance with him than the board believes
Pete is Randy's late visits before the dead period the reason Edwards and others are considering Florida? If he becomes DC he will be a thorn in our side.
Randy has the respect of the South Florida community.
Harley yes, Edwards we will see. Better chance with him than the board believes
Pete is Randy's late visits before the dead period the reason Edwards and others are considering Florida? If he becomes DC he will be a thorn in our side.
Randy has the respect of the South Florida community.

certainly helped when he was a HC here and half the HS coaches hated him
The guy who runs the Kentucky rivals site says that Kentucky has a better shot with him than Miami does right now. Is he full of **** or is there truth to what he is saying?

He's wrong.

I think the rumor I've heard is that Ford may have some issues with academics and because of this Kentucky is selling him on
being able to get into their school easier than UM.
Have you heard anything along those lines?

(and apologies to Ford if this is BS).