Paul Finebumb....

man youre not from Miami then if you dont enjoy pipo. hes literally every person you grow up with down here. a little bit of your childhood comes out when you hear pipo

I'm not going to sit here and tell you how Miami I am. I listened to that show for year's. I laugh here and there and occasionally enjoy it when they break news like Goran Dragic getting traded to Miami.

That being said you guys are fool's. That show is the golden platform for miami and they use it to make fun of us. If you think it's because that's the point of the show then why does Dan Lebatard make EVERYONE on the show uncomfortable when he goes off on his Racism and Political rants. That's not joking material but it's something he cares about. He simply doesn't care about Miami Enough. LSU was laughing at Pipo last year. I love the shipping container and Mike Ryan. Stu-Gotz is funny when hes not playing the dumb guy. But Dan Lebatard try's HARD TO NOT BE THE HOMER. You cant expect his "Homies" to defend him or respect him for that matter. He's very intelligent but he's not invested in the People's interest
This is the best pipo skit.
He lays into levatard about the pell grant scandal and not even growing up in Miami.

I was literally watching that today in my office when my dean stopped by. It's Florida week. Oh well.
man youre not from Miami then if you dont enjoy pipo. hes literally every person you grow up with down here. a little bit of your childhood comes out when you hear pipo

You are correct lol. I'm from NYC. Only lived down there for 4 years for school and then I go down and visit a few weeks each year.