Our players are not good

A long-lasting issue of our guys leaving early for the NFL is probably the reason. No judgement to the guys chasing their dreams, but ****, to go pro and not make a roster you coulda just came back and banked on NIL
Most of those guys were running AWAY from Miami, not running to the NFL.
always an excuse... Bro it was a simple out route. now OCs need to remove all out routes to short side of field? The second one was because he threw it directly at the Dlineman - the WR/TE was wide open.
Two out routes side by side on the short side of the field with pressing corners is absolutely a horrible call! Your QB is throwing the ball no matter what since it’s a timing call. But when there’s no space to throw that it’s a bad call. And the second one.. again, you leave the d-end unblocked and he jumps up to bat down a short pass and the ricochet fell into his hands. Poor play calling. Have someone chop his a$$! Lol. QB can’t curve ball that bih
always an excuse... Bro it was a simple out route. now OCs need to remove all out routes to short side of field? The second one was because he threw it directly at the Dlineman - the WR/TE was wide open.
TVD had a historic 7/8 games last year and we essentially brought back the entire offense with the exception of Rambo. All you had to do was continue with what was already started last year or adapt some of those concepts with your own vision instead the whole offense has to learn an entirely new playbook, concepts couldn’t be more different, etc. and TVD has gone from being someone who looked like he could be on the path to be a heisman trophy finalist and top 5 NFL pick. Now he looks like someone who could be an average G5 QB with no Arena football league aspirations.
Most of those guys were running AWAY from Miami, not running to the NFL.
Off the top of my head I can’t think of a list of players Miami has recruited (so portal doesn’t count) that left Miami (whether nfl or transfer) and was successful.

REALLY speaks to our player development.
Off the top of my head I can’t think of a list of players Miami has recruited (so portal doesn’t count) that left Miami (whether nfl or transfer) and was successful.

REALLY speaks to our player development.
Which is my point. As soon as guys did just enough to believe they could get signed, they got out. They knew going back for one more year would do nothing but damage.
Which is my point. As soon as guys did just enough to believe they could get signed, they got out. They knew going back for one more year would do nothing but damage.
I’m agreeing 100%. Def shouldn’t be this way though, gotta figure a way to change it
Off the top of my head I can’t think of a list of players Miami has recruited (so portal doesn’t count) that left Miami (whether nfl or transfer) and was successful.

REALLY speaks to our player development.
I don’t know about that. We still are top 15 of most players in the NFL, Njoku, Dallas, Homer, Brevin Jordan, etc all look like they are carving pretty decent careers for themselves.
Fair weather?! My ny99a we lost to MTSU. I don’t know of ANY P5 D1 fan base that would be ok with that loss. FOH
My stance on attendance has always been the same. Start winning and playing fun football or stop complaining.
The chasm between the HS hype surrounding our So Fla HS recruits and how they actually play when they hit the field is huge. Lack of size, fundamentals, physical play and speed leads me to wonder if the rep of South Fla HS excellence is still valid at all. Or, these days, is it just a myth from days long gone by.
I'm genuinely not so sure.

Their WRs were leaving our DBs in their dust. That was... shocking. MTSU had more speed on the outside than us, let that sink in.

They went up top as soon as they say they had the right coverage.

Keyshawn has been running past defenders for the last two weeks but we can’t get him the ball..

Gattis has been awful calling the right play against the right defense. He is leaving easy money all over the field and the offense has lost confidence.

It’s simple. When they play tight, throw deep. When they play off, throw short. We have been terrible at this basic concept.
TVD had a historic 7/8 games last year and we essentially brought back the entire offense with the exception of Rambo. All you had to do was continue with what was already started last year or adapt some of those concepts with your own vision instead the whole offense has to learn an entirely new playbook, concepts couldn’t be more different, etc. and TVD has gone from being someone who looked like he could be on the path to be a heisman trophy finalist and top 5 NFL pick. Now he looks like someone who could be an average G5 QB with no Arena football league aspirations.
Rambo and Hartley were 67% of TVDs completions, 58% of his yards, and 48% of his TDs.

Then Restrepo and Jacolby George who were injured and didn't play brings those totals to 82% of completions, 76% of Yards, and 60% of TDs.

So pretty big difference actually.

And yeah a new offense - crazy. QBs are asked to do that all the time. QBs that are supposedly 1st round picks should be able to do it. He had an entire offseason, that he supposedly was dominating - was he not? It isn't scheme when you have wide open WRs that are just being completely missed by the QB. How many QBs are able to operate a non- Air Raid offense in CFB? A lot. People need to stop *****ing that we are asking so much of TVD. He's the ******* star QB! Its a dumbass excuse.