OT - Urban Meyer as Jags coach is a surprise


All-ACC (#1 most reproted porster on CIS)
Feb 7, 2013
Maybe I’m the only one, but this is a huge surprise to me.

I’ve never seen Urban as an NFL type coach.

Not enough control over players, their behavior, and just general overall control.

It’s going to be interesting to see if someone who is predisposed to have a “health issues“ handles the pressure of not only working with multi-millionaires as its players, who are less beholden to the head coach, but of having to manage in an organization where there are many “chiefs“
They have a ton of capital -- cap room and 4 picks in the first 65. That's insane. I project a hot start but some serious locker room difficulties if things go sour ala Chip Kelly. As far as X's and O's I think he'll have some success.

What you say regarding the facts of their situation is true, and your projections are reasonable.

But it’s a completely different thing going from college to the NFL. Especially for someone who is prickly and has a thin skinned personality.

I mean I’m not sure, it’s hard to predict the future, but I just don’t see him as someone who will be able to handle the day today of the NFL, where I don’t care what anybody says, you don’t have the control you do in the college
Maybe I’m the only one, but this is a huge surprise to me.

I’ve never seen Urban as an NFL type coach.

Not enough control over players, their behavior, and just general overall control.

It’s going to be interesting to see if someone who is predisposed to have a “health issues“ handles the pressure of not only working with multi-millionaires as its players, who are less beholden to the head coach, but of having to manage in an organization where there are many “chiefs“

I actually see it in a slightly different way.

Urban has shown that he can tolerate the dregs of society (Aaron Hernandez, Zach Smith) if they help him to win.

I think you are correct that he will struggle to rein in some of the "NFL-level" distractions, but he is a stubborn guy. I also think he will be lucky to have a Tebow-like QB as his shield, he can let Sunshine get in there and "lead by example". I think when Saban was with the Dolphins, he lacked an on-field leader who could take some of the attention away from his "do it like I did it in college" shenanigans.
What you’re missing is the other “hot” candidates have zero head coaching experience. How many times have the Fins hired a coordinator who failed miserably as a HC? Everyone wanted Urban this time around because he’s a proven winner and a leader of men. He doesn’t have the same deficiencies as a Spurrier or Kelly as far as being hot head drill sergeants. I expect Jax in the playoffs next year with how weak the AFC south will be unless he botched the DC hire.
I actually see it in a slightly different way.

Urban has shown that he can tolerate the dregs of society (Aaron Hernandez, Zach Smith) if they help him to win.

I think you are correct that he will struggle to rein in some of the "NFL-level" distractions, but he is a stubborn guy. I also think he will be lucky to have a Tebow-like QB as his shield, he can let Sunshine get in there and "lead by example". I think when Saban was with the Dolphins, he lacked an on-field leader who could take some of the attention away from his "do it like I did it in college" shenanigans.

Yeah I don’t know how to actually feel about this. Just in the back of my mind I think that although Saban and him are different type of people, that the results will be the same.

Some of these super successful college coaches don’t translate well to the NFL where you’re dealing with more adult type players.

I just can’t get my head around him being an NFL coach to be honest.

I know it sounds somewhat nebulous, but I’m just not seeing it.
What you’re missing is the other “hot” candidates have zero head coaching experience. How many times have the Fins hired a coordinator who failed miserably as a HC? Everyone wanted Urban this time around because he’s a proven winner and a leader of men. He doesn’t have the same deficiencies as a Spurrier or Kelly as far as being hot head drill sergeants. I expect Jax in the playoffs next year with how weak the AFC south will be unless he botched the DC hire.

I don’t think that you can totally discount the fact that he has zero NFL experience.

I realize coordinators from the NFL get hired with frequency, and part of the reason is they have NFL experience in maneuvering through these organizations. Not that it helps all of them, but at least they know how to work through an organization in the NFL.
Yeah I don’t know how to actually feel about this. Just in the back of my mind I think that although Saban and him are different type of people, that the results will be the same.

Some of these super successful college coaches don’t translate well to the NFL where you’re dealing with more adult type players.

I just can’t get my head around him being an NFL coach to be honest.

I know it sounds somewhat nebulous, but I’m just not seeing it.

You may end up being exactly right. But I do think that Urban has a somewhat...flexible...moral code that may allow him to handle some of the NFL weirdness. And it also depends on if he empowers/delegates to his assistant coaches to handle the "adult" issues. I don't think Saban was OK doing that in Miami.
Maybe I’m the only one, but this is a huge surprise to me.

I’ve never seen Urban as an NFL type coach.

Not enough control over players, their behavior, and just general overall control.

It’s going to be interesting to see if someone who is predisposed to have a “health issues“ handles the pressure of not only working with multi-millionaires as its players, who are less beholden to the head coach, but of having to manage in an organization where there are many “chiefs“

Someone wrote a pretty negative article about how Urban treated players and the psychological games he played with them. I don't think that **** works in the NFL. It worked for our guy, but I'm pretty sure the Cowboys were the youngest team in the NFL at the time. We shall see...

Go Canes!
I think it's a boom or bust situation. Yes, they have all that capital but how many times do teams truly maximize great opportunities like that. The one thing with him though is he knows how to build great staffs and if he can do that to alleviate some of the pressure off himself, I think he can be successful.

Landing Lawrence is a big first step and having some skill guys waiting in Robinson, Chark, and Shenault forms a good core to build off of.
Meyer's strength has always been in his staff building and recruiting. Throw recruiting out the window in the League.

But, if he has the same acumen for NFL assistants as he did in college (and the Jags give him the resources), I expect him to build a solid staff.

It could still fail pretty spectacularly.
Considering his history of health issues, I was somewhat surprised he took an NFL job. Since his “retirement”, there’s been countless rumors of his return to CFB.

Not sure what his motivation is but guys like him have a need for speed - so to speak.
IMO, many miss on Urbans best trait. He always surrounds himself with people as good or better coaches. It's as simple as that.
That’s why he’s been so successful. He understands that for a leader to be successful, he needs to surround himself with people as smart or smarter than himself.
Maybe I’m the only one, but this is a huge surprise to me.

I’ve never seen Urban as an NFL type coach.

Not enough control over players, their behavior, and just general overall control.

It’s going to be interesting to see if someone who is predisposed to have a “health issues“ handles the pressure of not only working with multi-millionaires as its players, who are less beholden to the head coach, but of having to manage in an organization where there are many “chiefs“

I remember Spurrier getting slammed because he kept "college HC hours" and still tried to have a reasonable work life/balance as a NFL HC. He was viewed as lazy because he was only working 12 hour days as a NFL HC, when other coaches like Gruden sleep maybe 3-4 hrs per night (not an exaggeration). Washington sportswriters were jumping all over him as he was seen golfing one time during the season on a Tuesday afternoon. God forbid he actually take a couple hours a week to do something not football related. If Meyer's health concerns are real (it seems like they are legit) I don't think his NFL coaching career is going to last more than a couple years as it is going to grind him to a nub. I think he'd eventually kill it as a NFL coach, but the job will probably kill him first.