Soccer OT- The EPL returns


Nov 5, 2011
Nice to see a bit of normalcy returning across the pond with the startup of the Prem. Hope springs eternal for my Spurs in their quest to fight for top 4 and some silverware in Jose’s first full year as manager. I’ve found the Prime series All or Nothing an interesting look at the club as well. - COYS.
Sorry, I think you mean EFL returns.

Also, Spuds? Really? The epitome of a nothing club!
Yeah, I picked a club to follow that hasnt won anything in 20 years. Kinda like my alma mater UM. Go figure. The only difference is that I was fortunate enough to experience the Canes glory years first hand.
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I do like Davinson on your Spurs but hope James and Mina score a bunch of goals on him this weekend for Everton. ;)
Sanchez is the same player he was with Nacional. You can't teach 6'5" but he still doesn't play long balls well and holds onto it too long in front of goal.

Regardless, I support him.
Nice to see a bit of normalcy returning across the pond with the startup of the Prem. Hope springs eternal for my Spurs in their quest to fight for top 4 and some silverware in Jose’s first full year as manager. I’ve found the Prime series All or Nothing an interesting look at the club as well. - COYS.
#1 priority will be Europa League
Sanchez is the same player he was with Nacional. You can't teach 6'5" but he still doesn't play long balls well and holds onto it too long in front of goal.

Regardless, I support him.
He was a stalwart at Nacional and one of the main reasons they won the Libertadores in 2016.
He is not 6'5".
He was a stalwart at Nacional and one of the main reasons they won the Libertadores in 2016.
He is not 6'5".
LOL I completely mistyped his height. Totally my bad.

Of course, that's why he got signed. His game just hasn't gotten any better.
LOL I completely mistyped his height. Totally my bad.

Of course, that's why he got signed. His game just hasn't gotten any better.
He is solid from what I have seen. One of the best CBs for Colombia and in South America in my mind.
There's not too many teams that have a CB pairing like Sanchez and Mina who can control the ball in space and put some nice headers on goal in the other box.

Only maybe Holland with their spectacular tandem.
Good start for my Canes and my Goonerz
They tell me I’m suppose to hate you, i think its a tribal thing since Its north London and the stadiums and 4 miles apart. Im sure theres a long and storied history between ****nal and Spurs, but I dont know it yet.
Eye watched a sockher game once. Eye was inn prison and their was know way too change the channel.
Eye watched a sockher game once. Eye was inn prison and their was know way too change the channel.
TO my untrained eye, the tv doesn’t do the sport justice. Up close, what some of those guys can do with a soccer ball is amazing to me. Even so, Gareth Bale’s bicycle kick in the Championship League final against Liverpool a couple of years ago is an outrageous piece of skill, in any sport, in any league.