OT Roger Goodell, Rich *** Clown


Dec 29, 2013
"I can't believe you are booing the Cowboys"

Smug politician who proves you can fool wealthy idiots to make yourself rich...But the common people know you are a fraud.
I watch every Giants game and the best game at every other time slot on Sunday and Monday.

If you can't tell just how soft the nfl has gotten over his watch, the ridiculous calls, the silly "equal rights" bs etc. etc. etc.

like gatorh8r said, I can't help you
My issue with him is how he treated Ray Rice. A few game suspension became basically blackballing because...reasons I guess. There was nothing in the video that wasn’t already in the police report, but because the video was bad for PR, Goodell decided to make a fall guy out of Rice and take a guy who’s already served his punishment and run him out of the league.

I don’t condone sucker punching women in elevators, but all the TMZ video release did was show the NFL to be equal dirt bags for such a lame punishment. Goodell’s solution was to punish Rice again for the same issue rather than addressing the problem.
It's a mystery as to why he is the NFL commissioner. Dude has lived under a rainbow.
He’s made the draft a lot better.

This is spot on. The current format and taking it out of NYC have been great.

I'm no fan of Goodell goin back to his incessant scapegoating of James Harrison when he was on the Steelers but the thing really to remember with any commissioner before you get all worked up is that at the end of the day they're all employees of the owners. So hate the structure that the owners created but blaming Goodell specifically is why he makes the big $$$- to serve as the public whipping boy when necessary.
If I'm Goodell I'm eating up those boos like the heel in the WrestleMania main event.
He needs to do the black beard ala "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and go total heel turn.
Point wasn't him making the NFL money, it's him making money because he is the perfect prototype of the type of person everyone knows from work...The sleazy *** kisser who could care less about product quality (the game) or the employees (the players); his purpose is making sure the bosses get their big bonuses and he skims off his cut. The fans recognize his duplicty and react accordingly. Roger is perpetualy smug and doesn't care that his joke fell flat; his lips have already paid the bills.