OT - Narcos Mexico 2

Season kind of drags, but that time was more about how Mexico transitioned from just some mules to the baddest cartels on the planet. Basically detailing their rise in the crime underworld, essentially the transfer of power from the Columbians. The next season will be a roller coaster as a the various cartels go to war from what was essentially a time of peace in comparison. It's gonna be bloody as ****.
Enjoyed it, but they really changed alot of stuff from how it really went down. I know they've always done that, but they took it too another level this season. For instance, what happened to Palma and his family was far more gruesome in reality and wasn't orchestrated by Felix. lot of ppl complained about how Chapo is portrayed in the series, but I think they've gave him some good and surprising depth this season.

Pacho is the hardest dude in the entire series.

I'm wondering if they're building up to Enedina, which would put them in current timeline. I wouldn't mind them getting out of Latin America eventually and start looking at drug trafficking from other countries.
Enjoyed it, but they really changed alot of stuff from how it really went down. I know they've always done that, but they took it too another level this season. For instance, what happened to Palma and his family was far more gruesome in reality and wasn't orchestrated by Felix.

I'm wondering if they're building up to Enedina, which would put them in current timeline. I wouldn't mind them getting out of Latin America eventually and start looking at drug trafficking from other countries.

you mean the dude whose wife got decapitated and kids thrown off bridge? I’m already fretting that.