OT: Hurricane warning

They don’t know - and don’t know that they don’t know - but think they know.
It’s a terrible case of both ignorance and arrogance.
But you know, don't you? And now you've told us, so they'll be after you.
I'm amazed at how great the models were with Dorian, particularly GFS and the National Hurricane Center. They applied a logical power rating approach and didn't overreact to anything. The Euro picked up on a few subtle trends but generally overstated every one of them. That will be a theme when Dorian's path and model performance are reviewed.

Per usual, the worst performance was by the adjusting posters on the storm tracker sites. They desperately clutched one outlier after another. The theme was always, "It may look like this, but it's really this..."

Very familiar. And then they would link tweets from fellow adjusters. Somehow the administrators on those sites shout down the people who show up with "all clear" proclamations, but they never do anything about the persistent theme of overstating the worst case scenarios and clutching the outlier tracks.

This site linked below was incredibly valuable. It shut out the adjuster noise and merely allowed a model map of Florida with the projected path in the magenta line, along with two handy links above to the NHC forecast track plus the most reliable spaghetti models:


Unfortunately the late trend right now is closer to North Carolina's outer banks, as you'll note from that final link. Last night the projected path was more out to sea
Good stuff man thanks.But were those really like that this time last week? Last week some had Miami in the crosshairs. But thanks for at least linking something legit vs just trying to be the coolest guy in the room.
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Is it not obvious that we are seeding this thing? I mean come on. We have pretty much stopped this thing in its tracks. Let alone its lost half of its strength. I call BS that we are not doing something to these storms to minimize the damage. These things can be economy killers and Trump already showed his hand on this, obviously were not gonna nuke it, but he gave the go ahead to do something. Someone tell me I’m wrong. 🤷‍♂️ My inner conspiracy theorist is going crazy on this one. Lol
Man I knew trump was responsible for this **** somehow. That ****** hates brown people!!!!!! LOL
Bwahahaha dude!! That’s hilarious! I appreciate the humor!
Your welcome!!! All jokes aside though that does sound crazy how that thing just stayed spinning in one spot forever. X-files should investigate.
This thread has turned into a freak show of weirdos, borderline humans, and paranoid schizophrenics.