OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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Stand for the national anthem that says "No refuge could save the hireling and slave, From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave"

LMFAOOOOOOOO and I've been known this and have never stood for that **** bc of that very reason.

My grand dad fought in WW2..came home and was spit on by people like you, one of many who didn't get his GI Bill bc of the red tape the govt put blacks through.....it took Congressman Alcee Hastings to get his GI Bill money but we need to stand for the Flag? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Excellence^^^^ my grandfather fought in WW2 as well, with the same experiences!
White Supremacy not racism.
Nope, you are lying once again. U are a PATERNALISTIC WHITE SUPREMACIST. It’s not about racism it’s about your polluted entitled proxy wanna be slave owner mind state.

You don't know what these words mean. You're using them all interchangeably in a veiled attempt to invalidate my argument by labeling me a racist because you are either too lazy or too ignorant to debate from any other platform, but you do understand that actually calling someone a racist has lost all of its effect because it's almost always a baseless accusation.

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

white supremacy
: the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races

1: a system under which an authority undertakes to supply needs or regulate conduct of those under its control in matters affecting them as individuals as well as in their relations to authority and to each other

A white supremacist IS a racist, by definition. You don't get to change what words mean just because you understand how just running around pointing at everything and yelling "RACISM" just makes you look like a jackass. And a paternalistic white supremacist, which you just accused me of being, is a white supremacist who has achieved the goal of subjugating all other races to the authority of whites.

See how utterly ******* stupid you sound when you actually know what these words mean?
You see that too? He keeps trying to put us in a trick box.

I didn't want to believe it but he's definitely a supremacist.

It’s the only box he has. The attempted paternalism is a dead ringer for white supremacist. They tell you how to properly react to your collective treatment but they never renounce said treatment head on and ask it to change anything.
You don't know what these words mean. You're using them all interchangeably in a veiled attempt to invalidate my argument by labeling me a racist because you are either too lazy or too ignorant to debate from any other platform, but you do understand that actually calling someone a racist has lost all of its effect because it's almost always a baseless accusation.

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

white supremacy
: the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races

1: a system under which an authority undertakes to supply needs or regulate conduct of those under its control in matters affecting them as individuals as well as in their relations to authority and to each other

A white supremacist IS a racist, by definition. You don't get to change what words mean just because you understand how just running around pointing at everything and yelling "RACISM" just makes you look like a jackass. And a paternalistic white supremacist, which you just accused me of being, is a white supremacist who has achieved the goal of subjugating all other races to the authority of whites.

See how utterly ******* stupid you sound when you actually know what these words mean?
U are a Paternalistic White Supremacist. What don’t you understand about that??
Learn to read...I said "TRULY free" and then you quote from American history books that were written by weak a$$ historians that didn't care to write the truth yet you think that's our history.

Black people have truly been free for only 48 years....challenge me on this...I'm waiting my man.
*****ing about 9/11 being holiday and brushing aside black history month is the dumbest **** ever you guys are pushing some hate right. You don’t see me *****ing about a white history month or a straight pride month or come Christmas time I see a menorah I’m not going to ask them to tear it down because it threatens me

Well dude if you’re inferring social status then sure its been 50 years... but yes they were freed along with other slaves when slavery was abolished that’s not a weak *** fact in history my guy.

“You don’t understand what it’s like to be black” Sure you’re right I don’t but there’s going to be no progress when you use it like a crutch and nurture an issue 400 years old. But you want to cherry pick racial things throughout history and apply it to the 21st century. Instead of kneeling for a flag that didn’t cause highest rate of single motherhood and the highest rate of race on race crime why not tackle those issues first ?

mlk didn’t die for a black america there was already a black america and that didn’t really end up well he died for us all to be Americans.

Stand for the national anthem that says "No refuge could save the hireling and slave, From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave"

LMFAOOOOOOOO and I've been known this and have never stood for that **** bc of that very reason.

My grand dad fought in WW2..came home and was spit on by people like you, one of many who didn't get his GI Bill bc of the red tape the govt put blacks through.....it took Congressman Alcee Hastings to get his GI Bill money but we need to stand for the Anthem? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
ok my grandfather was spat on too from the Vietnam war what’s your point lol also my other grandfather was a contractor in the 50s and the majority of his workers were either Hispanic or black and catch this one of his African American workers has his on ac company and just replaxed my grandfathers whole ac unit for free because he loved my grandpa that much and there’s a permit in front of his house for the work being done .. see how I can pluck stories too ?

proves my point that we are still racist today because you bring up an incident from 70 years ago ... cry me a river
You don't know what these words mean. You're using them all interchangeably in a veiled attempt to invalidate my argument by labeling me a racist because you are either too lazy or too ignorant to debate from any other platform, but you do understand that actually calling someone a racist has lost all of its effect because it's almost always a baseless accusation.

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

white supremacy
: the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races

1: a system under which an authority undertakes to supply needs or regulate conduct of those under its control in matters affecting them as individuals as well as in their relations to authority and to each other

A white supremacist IS a racist, by definition. You don't get to change what words mean just because you understand how just running around pointing at everything and yelling "RACISM" just makes you look like a jackass. And a paternalistic white supremacist, which you just accused me of being, is a white supremacist who has achieved the goal of subjugating all other races to the authority of whites.

See how utterly ******* stupid you sound when you actually know what these words mean?
You can’t make this up lol
*****ing about 9/11 being holiday and brushing aside black history month is the dumbest **** ever you guys are pushing some hate right. You don’t see me *****ing about a white history month or a straight pride month or come Christmas time I see a menorah I’m not going to ask them to tear it down because it threatens me

You keep crying about this 9/11 angle and some **** I never wrote or even implied...this explains why you come across like you're not really understanding me. Furthemore...most black folks these days brush black history month aside...you know why? Bc of people like you that think bc we have been given a month then we don't have a reason to gripe about anything...guess what? We've rejected that **** for about 3 decades now bc we know that every month is black history month and we aren't going to allow the ancestors of former colonizers and oppressors who are now bigots to relegate us to just ONE MONTH and to "be happy" about it.

Do you understand that? I doubt it.

Well dude if you’re inferring social status then sure its been 50 years... but yes they were freed along with other slaves when slavery was abolished that’s not a weak *** fact in history my guy.

That just shows how much education you truly lack. You're an idiot.
Here are the facts.

The first slave came to America in 1619
Emancipation proclamation signed in 1863….it was ratified in 1865
Reconstruction goes to 1877
Then Rutherford B Hayes becomes president and the troops are pulled out of the south and then Jim Crow starts for 100 hundred years.
We know go through the 20th century, 1960’s in which we get the civil rights act (1965), housing act and voting act.
If we had to place a marker on when black folks were technically and fully free Americans…it would be 1970 = only 48 years ago

“You don’t understand what it’s like to be black” Sure you’re right I don’t but there’s going to be no progress when you use it like a crutch and nurture an issue 400 years old. But you want to cherry pick racial things throughout history and apply it to the 21st century. Instead of kneeling for a flag that didn’t cause highest rate of single motherhood and the highest rate of race on race crime why not tackle those issues first ?

mlk didn’t die for a black america there was already a black america and that didn’t really end up well he died for us all to be Americans.

LMFAO! Is this what helps you sleep better at night? Now MLK is revered but during his era he was vilified, ridiculed, insulted, assaulted, murdered....but now you're using his name as if you would have been down with MLK? LMFAOOOO...man anyone reading your posts on this subject understands that you would've been a bigot back then also.

BTW, I'm more Malcolm than Martin anyway.

ok my grandfather was spat on too from the Vietnam war what’s your point lol

You people are always coming up with a got **** LIE to assimilate our plight solely to reject our feelings. LMFAOOOOO! GTFOOH with this lying *** make believe ****. Then you put an "lol" at the end of the sentence...you think that's funny your gramps got spit on? That's how I know that **** isn't true.

also my other grandfather was a contractor in the 50s and the majority of his workers were either Hispanic or black and catch this one of his African American workers has his on ac company and just replaxed my grandfathers whole ac unit for free because he loved my grandpa that much and there’s a permit in front of his house for the work being done .. see how I can pluck stories too ?

Bigots, racists, and supremacists always and I mean ALWAYS have a story about how they're not like that bc of black friends, black employees, etc etc etc Bull ****. This is directly from the bigots play book. You played it perfectly.

proves my point that we are still racist today because you bring up an incident from 70 years ago ... cry me a river

what? LMFAO!!!!!! WTF does this even mean...[/QUOTE]
Stand for the national anthem that says "No refuge could save the hireling and slave, From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave"

LMFAOOOOOOOO and I've been known this and have never stood for that **** bc of that very reason.

My grand dad fought in WW2..came home and was spit on by people like you, one of many who didn't get his GI Bill bc of the red tape the govt put blacks through.....it took Congressman Alcee Hastings to get his GI Bill money but we need to stand for the Anthem? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

lol...your hostility to the Star Spangled Banner is based on a **** poor understanding of one line? The hireling and the slave were references to both the paid and conscripted soldiers of the Corps of Colonial Marines...you know...the guys they were fighting against? The British were renowned for capturing people--granted, some were actual African slaves, but most conscripts were not--and forcing them to fight for the crown.

The idea that F.S.Key, mid-battle, moved from writing a song about bravery and battle, to a back-handed slap of chattel slaves on some plantation, is just nonsense.
You keep crying about this 9/11 angle and some **** I never wrote or even implied...this explains why you come across like you're not really understanding me. Furthemore...most black folks these days brush black history month aside...you know why? Bc of people like you that think bc we have been given a month then we don't have a reason to gripe about anything...guess what? We've rejected that **** for about 3 decades now bc we know that every month is black history month and we aren't going to allow the ancestors of former colonizers and oppressors who are now bigots to relegate us to just ONE MONTH and to "be happy" about it.

Do you understand that? I doubt it.

That just shows how much education you truly lack. You're an idiot.
Here are the facts.

The first slave came to America in 1619
Emancipation proclamation signed in 1863….it was ratified in 1865
Reconstruction goes to 1877
Then Rutherford B Hayes becomes president and the troops are pulled out of the south and then Jim Crow starts for 100 hundred years.
We know go through the 20th century, 1960’s in which we get the civil rights act (1965), housing act and voting act.
If we had to place a marker on when black folks were technically and fully free Americans…it would be 1970 = only 48 years ago

LMFAO! Is this what helps you sleep better at night? Now MLK is revered but during his era he was vilified, ridiculed, insulted, assaulted, murdered....but now you're using his name as if you would have been down with MLK? LMFAOOOO...man anyone reading your posts on this subject understands that you would've been a bigot back then also.

BTW, I'm more Malcolm than Martin anyway.

You people are always coming up with a got **** LIE to assimilate our plight solely to reject our feelings. LMFAOOOOO! GTFOOH with this lying *** make believe ****. Then you put an "lol" at the end of the sentence...you think that's funny your gramps got spit on? That's how I know that **** isn't true.

Bigots, racists, and supremacists always and I mean ALWAYS have a story about how they're not like that bc of black friends, black employees, etc etc etc Bull ****. This is directly from the bigots play book. You played it perfectly.

what? LMFAO!!!!!! WTF does this even mean...
Yea I know you’re more Malcolm than Martin I can tell from your racist views and you’re right soldiers were welcomed home after the war calm down homeboy and how is that antidote different from yours ? Oh wait you’ve been screaming it it’s because I’m white supremacist

**** bro didn’t know that plight still affects your daily activities ... you should call someone about it oh wait yes I forgot it’s not a issue anymore because people like you still pedal it
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Yea I know you’re more Malcolm then Martin I can tell from your racist views[/QUOTE]

Malcolm wasn't racist you bigoted POS.

Neither am I.
lol...your hostility to the Star Spangled Banner is based on a **** poor understanding of one line? The hireling and the slave were references to both the paid and conscripted soldiers of the Corps of Colonial Marines...you know...the guys they were fighting against? The British were renowned for capturing people--granted, some were actual African slaves, but most conscripts were not--and forcing them to fight for the crown.

The idea that F.S.Key, mid-battle, moved from writing a song about bravery and battle, to a back-handed slap of chattel slaves on some plantation, is just nonsense.

LMFAO! Now he's trying to justify the line with his own made up BS explanation. You must be a religious person with this level of spin.

Deposit rejected.
MF talking like he was with Key in battle when he wrote it.

Abusers defend abusers and racists defend racists..
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