OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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It’s in the history books man what ignorant statement are you talking about lol the question was when was wben African Americans were freed and other slaves too. There is an actual date in history for it and I referenced it so now it’s ignorant? Please provide me systematic racism in today’s system
Yes if you go further back close to the start of the thread (kinda of **** show don’t blame you) that yes police brutality happens and there is going to be racism but it’s not just pigeon holed to African Americans or Spanish people it affects everyone including white people who actually are killed more than African Americans by police officers you can look it up to if you want.

What I was saying earlier is that there are other platforms to go about it or try to spread the message about it as opposed to kneeling to the one thing that unites us all as Americans.

Cops are human and are going to make mistakes but you have to look at it both ways at the end of the day they want to go home to their families just like us and t’s never reported in the news when they are gunned down in cold blood. If you want to tackle this thing at systemic level crime rates have to go down it’s just facts .. easiet way to not have a run in with the cops is not to have one at all. Then the possibility of “police brutality” would drop.
More #3...

@HarrietTubmanCane there you go little guy don’t let your logic hurt your head too much
Riiiiight....👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 More false reality and narrative creation #1. The proof will be shown going forward, I guarantee u won’t post any bs like that again.
Using actual facts from documented history rather than cherry picking misinterpretatations to fit my narrative is me creating a false reality.

Using the actual definition and original meaning of a word to support my argument rather than contorting it to the point it bears no resemblance to the intended use in order to demonize my opponent as a racist is me trivializing to minimize.

You have not argued a single data point. All you’ve done is demonize everyone who has disagreed with you as a racist under some false notion that this invalidated their opinions, facts, or sources.

Instead of debating the substance of a response, you have repeatedly attempted to pigeonhole them into groups so that you can attack them rather than make a valid counter argument.

You spout absolute nonsense, and when another poster calls it nonsense, instead of providing evidence to support your claim, you accuse THEM, of deflecting and denying and site their refusal to buy your nonsense as evidence of racism.

No one here has made a single argument, that I can recall, on the sole basis of race except for you and tee, yet everyone that doesn’t fully accept your assertion—through repetitive attempts to pigeonhole all responses into a group of “white supremacy” arguments—that all white AND BLACK people whose opinion differs from yours are racist, paternalizing white supremecists.

They say arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what you do, in the end they’re just going to knock down all the pieces, **** all over the board, and strut around like they’ve won.

About 10 pages ago I made the assertion that you did not come into this discussion with an open mind for reason, but merely an ear waiting for a reason to reply. And you’ve spent the last 10 pages not discussing or debating the issue, but calling everyone racist, labeling everyone Richard Spencers, and falsely reducing everyone’s argument to a platform of white supremacy.

That is not a false reality, my man. You’ve been duped into violating every one of those rules you keep referring to and have revealed yourself as not only a racist, but an ignorant racist who can make no argument except one of racism.

I have enjoyed this. Thank you.
View attachment 61155
@Tee3000 this filth you mean ? You scum ******* bashing 9/11 when there’s a whole black history month but you’re too short sighted and blinded with hate to use common sense

When did I bash 9/11?

& I'm almost bringing the overt racist outta you too...I know it's deeply embedded.

& Black history month? Really? The shortest month of the year right? Every month is black history month.
It’s in the history books man what ignorant statement are you talking about lol the question was when was wben African Americans were freed and other slaves too. There is an actual date in history for it and I referenced it so now it’s ignorant? Please provide me systematic racism in today’s system

Learn to read...I said "TRULY free" and then you quote from American history books that were written by weak a$$ historians that didn't care to write the truth yet you think that's our history.

Black people have truly been free for only 48 years....challenge me on this...I'm waiting my man.
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true, i could have written that out explicitly. communication on topics like this isnt a strength of mine, and thats why i normally always avoid it. recent events have motivated me to change that, though. but if harrietTubmanCane interpreted my posts in the same way, then clearly thats a failure on my part to communicate my actual ideas. ill work on writing with more clarity.

It's all good DD...you're good with me fam.
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The flow of this debate has been:

YOU: [some generic anecdotal nonsense]

ME: [a measured and precise counter to your nonsense]


ME: No I'm not. That's silly, and has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote.

YOU: Denial is the first sign of being a racist, Mr. Hannity. Denial and deflection. Creating a false reality in which you are NOT a racist is a common tactic among racist racists. Everybody knows that. Anybody that doesn't know that is obviously a white supremacist in disguise.
The flow of this debate has been:

YOU: [some generic anecdotal nonsense]

ME: [a measured and precise counter to your nonsense]


ME: No I'm not. That's silly, and has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote.

YOU: Denial is the first sign of being a racist, Mr. Hannity. Denial and deflection. Creating a false reality in which you are NOT a racist is a common tactic among racist racists. Everybody knows that. Anybody that doesn't know that is obviously a white supremacist in disguise.

The fact that you call the **** you're spewing "a measured and precise counter to your nonsense" is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country...it's filled with people like this.

You don't get it.

No progress will ever be made until people like you truly respect the other side...
The fact that you call the **** you're spewing "a measured and precise counter to your nonsense" is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country...it's filled with people like this.

You don't get it.

No progress will ever be made until people like you truly respect the other side...
Standing for the American National Anthem is not a black thing or a white thing. It's an American thing. People like YOU have chosen to make it about race and place people like me on the opposing "side." I didn't ask for this, I am not the cause of it, and you are a victim of nothing except your own insecurity and need for validation through victimization.

The points that I raised were not racial in any context, yet you and @HarrietTubmanCane have responded with nothing but false claims of being victimized by the people on this board who simply share a different opinion.

The idea behind the right to protest was to protect the right of the citizenry to redress grievances towards the government. Kaepernick redressed his fans, the paying customers of the NFL, and the millions of people who turn on their television to just watch a football game. I’m not doubting his passion for the cause no more than I am doubting the genuine offense or patriotism of many of the people who stopped watching, burned jerseys, and quit going to games.

The American flag represents the original rebel spirit that defined what it means to be an American. It represents each and everyone of us as members of the Republic, that we run the government and not the other way around as was the case in every nation that preceded this one, and that when faced with an oppressive government, we're not going to lie down like beat dogs...If Kaepernick understood what the flag really stood for--that even governments run by those with the best intentions, are still run by imperfect people, and when it comes that such a government becomes oppressive, it is both the right and duty of the people to demand change--he could have rallied people of common interest to his cause rather than shunning them.

Now I can respect that your interpretation, what it means to you, may be different that the purpose it was designed and written for, but that is irrelevant to the original intent. You don't just erase the history of something simply because you choose to interpret it's meaning differently that what was originally intended. The history...the documented design and inspiration by those who did the designing and inspiring is kind of what makes a fact a fact, and if the discussion doesn't even have a common basis in the documented fact, then there will always be division.

Three straight times I tried to convey my thoughts on the matter and steer the discussion away from one of division and towards one of unity.

But you two continue to insist that the ONLY way someone can disagree with you is for them to be a racist. That is the very definition of racism.

I may not understand your point of view, so explain it instead of just assuming that "I don't get it" because I have some character flaw that prevents me from being able to understand you because of the level of melanin in your skin. Don't just assume that I can't or won't understand because I have a lack of respect for the "other side." YOU put me on the other side. You drew this line in the sand and said, "You cannot cross into understand-land because you are not black."

There is not a "side" to revering the flag or the National Anthem because it means more than the cumulative sins of the people over whom it has flown or those who have sang it.

But if you insist on making everything about race, I've made you a handy flow chart.

racism flow.jpg
Using actual facts from documented history rather than cherry picking misinterpretatations to fit my narrative is me creating a false reality.

Using the actual definition and original meaning of a word to support my argument rather than contorting it to the point it bears no resemblance to the intended use in order to demonize my opponent as a racist is me trivializing to minimize.

You have not argued a single data point. All you’ve done is demonize everyone who has disagreed with you as a racist under some false notion that this invalidated their opinions, facts, or sources.

Instead of debating the substance of a response, you have repeatedly attempted to pigeonhole them into groups so that you can attack them rather than make a valid counter argument.

You spout absolute nonsense, and when another poster calls it nonsense, instead of providing evidence to support your claim, you accuse THEM, of deflecting and denying and site their refusal to buy your nonsense as evidence of racism.

No one here has made a single argument, that I can recall, on the sole basis of race except for you and tee, yet everyone that doesn’t fully accept your assertion—through repetitive attempts to pigeonhole all responses into a group of “white supremacy” arguments—that all white AND BLACK people whose opinion differs from yours are racist, paternalizing white supremecists.

They say arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what you do, in the end they’re just going to knock down all the pieces, **** all over the board, and strut around like they’ve won.

About 10 pages ago I made the assertion that you did not come into this discussion with an open mind for reason, but merely an ear waiting for a reason to reply. And you’ve spent the last 10 pages not discussing or debating the issue, but calling everyone racist, labeling everyone Richard Spencers, and falsely reducing everyone’s argument to a platform of white supremacy.

That is not a false reality, my man. You’ve been duped into violating every one of those rules you keep referring to and have revealed yourself as not only a racist, but an ignorant racist who can make no argument except one of racism.

I have enjoyed this. Thank you.
#’s 1-8 Good job 👏🏽 Tucker Carlson way to spin it.
Standing for the American National Anthem is not a black thing or a white thing. It's an American thing. People like YOU have chosen to make it about race and place people like me on the opposing "side." I didn't ask for this, I am not the cause of it, and you are a victim of nothing except your own insecurity and need for validation through victimization.

The points that I raised were not racial in any context, yet you and @HarrietTubmanCane have responded with nothing but false claims of being victimized by the people on this board who simply share a different opinion.

The idea behind the right to protest was to protect the right of the citizenry to redress grievances towards the government. Kaepernick redressed his fans, the paying customers of the NFL, and the millions of people who turn on their television to just watch a football game. I’m not doubting his passion for the cause no more than I am doubting the genuine offense or patriotism of many of the people who stopped watching, burned jerseys, and quit going to games.

The American flag represents the original rebel spirit that defined what it means to be an American. It represents each and everyone of us as members of the Republic, that we run the government and not the other way around as was the case in every nation that preceded this one, and that when faced with an oppressive government, we're not going to lie down like beat dogs...If Kaepernick understood what the flag really stood for--that even governments run by those with the best intentions, are still run by imperfect people, and when it comes that such a government becomes oppressive, it is both the right and duty of the people to demand change--he could have rallied people of common interest to his cause rather than shunning them.

Now I can respect that your interpretation, what it means to you, may be different that the purpose it was designed and written for, but that is irrelevant to the original intent. You don't just erase the history of something simply because you choose to interpret it's meaning differently that what was originally intended. The history...the documented design and inspiration by those who did the designing and inspiring is kind of what makes a fact a fact, and if the discussion doesn't even have a common basis in the documented fact, then there will always be division.

Three straight times I tried to convey my thoughts on the matter and steer the discussion away from one of division and towards one of unity.

But you two continue to insist that the ONLY way someone can disagree with you is for them to be a racist. That is the very definition of racism.

I may not understand your point of view, so explain it instead of just assuming that "I don't get it" because I have some character flaw that prevents me from being able to understand you because of the level of melanin in your skin. Don't just assume that I can't or won't understand because I have a lack of respect for the "other side." YOU put me on the other side. You drew this line in the sand and said, "You cannot cross into understand-land because you are not black."

There is not a "side" to revering the flag or the National Anthem because it means more than the cumulative sins of the people over whom it has flown or those who have sang it.

But if you insist on making everything about race, I've made you a handy flow chart.

View attachment 61162
White Supremacy not racism.
The flow of this debate has been:

YOU: [some generic anecdotal nonsense]

ME: [a measured and precise counter to your nonsense]


ME: No I'm not. That's silly, and has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote.

YOU: Denial is the first sign of being a racist, Mr. Hannity. Denial and deflection. Creating a false reality in which you are NOT a racist is a common tactic among racist racists. Everybody knows that. Anybody that doesn't know that is obviously a white supremacist in disguise.
Nope, you are lying once again. U are a PATERNALISTIC WHITE SUPREMACIST. It’s not about racism it’s about your polluted entitled proxy wanna be slave owner mind state.
The fact that you call the **** you're spewing "a measured and precise counter to your nonsense" is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country...it's filled with people like this.

You don't get it.

No progress will ever be made until people like you truly respect the other side...

Neither one of them slept last night 😂😂😂 they spent the entire night surfing Richard Spencer exerts and Alt-Right memes for rebuttals 🤯🤯🤯.

Notice how we must be (totally assumed and cannot be proven) “failures”, “poor”, “unsuccessful” and in need of “handouts” because we don’t acknowledge their false self and reality. But what can be proven is that their mind state is poor, unsuccessful, a failure and only due to and borne out of the handouts they still and have historically been receipients of. This has been proven so no need for assumptions. It’s all about supposed scarcity, all survival strategem, they haven’t lived yet, just survived and this WHITE SUPREMACY is their life line, Lord and Savior.
Amazing how this entire discussion has evolved.

No one really knows whats in another person's heart. BUT we all know right from wrong.

This discussion differences are between some who have actually experienced bias and others who have NOT had similar experiences, therefore they cannot even fathom what the other person is even saying. That's because its not part of their own reality. It doesn't happen to those they may know or care about. That fact insures that this always will be a fruitless discussion.

Whether police brutality is rare depends on your perspective. Even one life lost unnecessarily to someone not following police procedures or not acting as a professional or as human being is more than enough.

Ask anyone if you dare who has lost a family member or friend or been hurt unnecessarily by someone acting outside of police procedures whether or not they care that what happened was rare. Fact is that It shouldn't happen at all. The many good officers abhor the fact that these scum hurt their image and what they stand for

ANYWAY. This is really NOT the place or the forum for these types of discussions especially when it gets to the point that only insults are being traded and people become more vested in being right ....instead of doing right.

This discussion will not change anyone's mind, Although It may open some to the thought that others on this planet have entirely different experiences that what they've experienced.

The ones with closed minds that think that their reality ( what they've seen and experienced) is the only reality that exists on this planet, an that all people should act like they want them to act will continue on as always. They simply cannot relate to it because its outside of their range of experience...so they can't imagine it happening.

Then there are the pure and simple Azzholes .......and I won't waste my time, energy or thoughts on them.

So let's put this one to sleep.

Anyway I don't really care about the Browns!!
So Moving on....How About those Canes!!:hh9beelfgeoezuwg.jpg:
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Standing for the American National Anthem is not a black thing or a white thing. It's an American thing.

Stand for the national anthem that says "No refuge could save the hireling and slave, From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave"

LMFAOOOOOOOO and I've been known this and have never stood for that **** bc of that very reason.

My grand dad fought in WW2..came home and was spit on by people like you, one of many who didn't get his GI Bill bc of the red tape the govt put blacks through.....it took Congressman Alcee Hastings to get his GI Bill money but we need to stand for the Anthem? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Amazing how this entire discussion has evolved.

No one really knows whats in another person's heart. BUT we all know right from wrong.

This discussion differences are between some who have actually experienced bias and others who have NOT had similar experiences, therefore they cannot even fathom what the other person is even saying. That's because its not part of their own reality. It doesn't happen to those they may know or care about. That fact insures that this always will be a fruitless discussion.

Whether police brutality is rare depends on your perspective. Even one life lost unnecessarily to someone not following police procedures or not acting as a professional or as human being is more than enough.

Ask anyone if you dare who has lost a family member or friend or been hurt unnecessarily by someone acting outside of police procedures whether or not they care that what happened was rare. Fact is that It shouldn't happen at all. The many good officers abhor the fact that these scum hurt their image and what they stand for

ANYWAY. This is really NOT the place or the forum for these types of discussions especially when it gets to the point that only insults are being traded and people become more vested in being right ....instead of doing right.

This discussion will not change anyone's mind, Although It may open some to the thought that others on this planet have entirely different experiences that what they've experienced.

The ones with closed minds that think that their reality ( what they've seen and experienced) is the only reality that exists on this planet, an that all people should act like they want them to act will continue on as always.

So let's put this one to sleep.

Anyway I don't care about the Browns!! Moving on....How About those Canes!!:hh9beelfgeoezuwg.jpg:
Excellent post! The only disagreement is that I actually care about the Browns 😫
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