OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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...but U can’t spell dumber 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ must be the pain you’re experi
well if it isn't the grammar and history teacher I know where you can find work.circus is in town they need someone to blow up the gallons and pop the popcorn you've got enough not air to make a buck or two.just don't play fetch with the Doritos dog.
Sure. But how many jobs that youre paid to do(and paid well at that)are your employers gonna be expected to just sit back and allow you to express your own political agenda. What you choose to do with your private life is one thing. While youre on the job a whole other.
I feel you, but I want into schools all day long because that's what I do in my day job. Brooklyn those minorities kids don't stand maybe the JROTC ones do. So when they say stand for the pledge and all I've seen folks talking doing everything else but standing. I got a baseball game to coach. I'm gonna fade out this thread. DC Marlins Vs Moose academy... should be a good matchup. NW DC is the location. Then tomorrow we are headed to Phillies Youth Academy for a scout showcase event.
All yall fellas be good.
Citation: Richard Spencer

Would that be similar to the tiki torch you use at your victimhood rallies (whiteness is under attack and endangered) y’all are the new victims.
LMAO... Richard Spencer. First of all I'm not "white". Racism nauseates me, whether from Spencer, or those occupying other racial groups. Remove your blinders and stop picking and plucking info from history books just to suit your victimization narrative. Everybody that doesn't agree with you doesn't have to be a white supremacist.
No. That's not how authority works. I stated my opinion. Authority would be my ability to force you to accept it, and paternalism would be my ability to use my authority to control your actions on the matter moving forward. What you're doing is nothing short of an attempt to police thought and silence opinions that you do not like by ascribing malice to motive where none exists.
People speak as “authorities” or experts on things all the time, especially in court. Stop being intellectually dishonest.
Him calling me paternalistic for voicing my opinion on a public forum is in essence him subjugating himself to my authority...against my will.

I think I've been reverse raped...

View attachment 61144
That made zero sense and you know it. What happened is that you thought you were smart until you found out reality was being accepted and represented in this thread. Now you are retreating to semantics and intellectual dishonesty which is #5 on the white supremacist 101 list...#6 is run 😂 🤣😂🤣
Sure. But how many jobs that youre paid to do(and paid well at that)are your employers gonna be expected to just sit back and allow you to express your own political agenda. What you choose to do with your private life is one thing. While youre on the job a whole other.

How many jobs are you asked to stand for the national anthem at the start of your shift?
LMAO... Richard Spencer. First of all I'm not "white". Racism nauseates me, whether from Spencer, or those occupying other racial groups. Remove your blinders and stop picking and plucking info from history books just to suit your victimization narrative. Everybody that doesn't agree with you doesn't have to be a white supremacist.
It’s not about being white it’s about whether you are a white supremacist or not, you can be one without being “white” see: Cane Dynasty. When you’ve continually regurgitated the views of repudiate, known white supremacists, then people tend to believe you are as well. This is so easy
It’s not about being white it’s about whether you are a white supremacist or not, you can be one without being “white” see: Cane Dynasty. When you’ve continually regurgitated the views of repudiate, known white supremacists, then people tend to believe you are as well. This is so easy
Bro calm down king spew
Everyone's favorite SJW turn another thread into a pile of steaming ****?

Go Canes!
The person who derailed the thread admitted to doing so on the 1st or 2nd page of it. It’s documented truth but don’t let that stop you from achieving #’s 1 and 2 on the White Supremacist 101 list 😫😫😫
But .. but.. but.. it’s America’s fault 300 years ago why I’m a virgin victim today lmao gtfo with your master degree in the art of ******* dance
I’m still confused how this plight affects your day to day life ... you don’t see me kicking rocks and crying for Jesus being crucified ... you don’t see me being spiteful toward Japanese people over Pearl Harbor or see them crying for being put into camps in America .. you don’t see Irish immigrants claiming victim status please help me understand how you’re a victim in today’s society.
We are all Americans.. we aren’t black America .. white america .. Spanish America ... we are America and when you understand that you can drop your hateful rhetoric and stop being a beta victim
Whatta oblivious cave man 😂😂😂🤯🤯
It’s not about being white it’s about whether you are a white supremacist or not, you can be one without being “white” see: Cane Dynasty. When you’ve continually regurgitated the views of repudiate, known white supremacists, then people tend to believe you are as well. This is so easy
Dude... before you write another post, get a snack or something to drink... and get some fresh air and take a deep breath for maximum O2.
U call people dumb if you can’t spell it. That’s just common sense. Has nothing to do with being a teacher, my cat can spell that.
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