OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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U continue to focus on the “proper” reaction to a 300+ year old proactive system of oppression. But will not challenge the bitterness and rage of those who have or currently continue to enact institutional racism and white supremacy. So the act of remembering history and bringing it up is inherently an act of bitterness? And knowing and acknowledging history is mutually exclusive to personal growth and development...again how convenient. Again, I would feel this way if I were you but I’m not and we don’t share the same history. Anthem represents exactly what he wrote it for just like the police represent exactly what they were originally created for. Neither of there beginnings have ever been denounced and there’s never been an effort to make distance between then and now. Instead, the true meanings and intentions were hidden. That’s not transparency, that’s not unifying, that’s not sincerity. That’s just more paternalism and that’s the only way you know how to address these issues.

once again, you project your own internal lens of the world onto mine. you selectively read what i wrote, only cherry picking meaning from certain parts that reinforce your imagined purpose. i dont expect this pattern to change anytime soon, but i'll continue to respond because this dialogue is about more than just you and i.

So the act of remembering history and bringing it up is inherently an act of bitterness? And knowing and acknowledging history is mutually exclusive to personal growth and development...again how convenient.

of course not, and i never wrote that it was. our view of history can trigger any range of emotions. but here, we are speaking specifically about racial injustices in america's history(including up to present times) & that clearly brings forth bitterness for many. its not my place to say whether or not that's the correct emotional response for any one individual or group. but i can say that it is possible to place different amounts of importance and focus on our historical perspective as well as our emotional response to it. ive seen it done many times, by many different individuals and many different groups, throughout time. and that response can have a direct or indirect correlation to how the future will unfold, both individually, as for a society. i'll repeat myself again by saying, i am not here to tell you what is or isnt the correct response.

Anthem represents exactly what he wrote it for just like the police represent exactly what they were originally created for. Neither of there beginnings have ever been denounced and there’s never been an effort to make distance between then and now. Instead, the true meanings and intentions were hidden. That’s not transparency, that’s not unifying, that’s not sincerity. That’s just more paternalism and that’s the only way you know how to address these issues.

but just as you want(and frankly, need) others to see the world through your truth, you will also need to see it through others. thats not paternalism.. thats empathy(VERY different from sympathy, which im not calling for).

i disagree with your premise above, but for the sake of argument, i'll assume that the anthem was written by a racist for racist purposes AND that it represents to this day those exact things to anyone who sings or acknowledges it. wouldnt removing the verse that you claim to be racist(again i disagree that it is, but not the point here) actually be an instance of an effort being made to distance between then and now? if not, what would be??

beyond that, i just cannot buy the argument that cultures and that which they are made up of, do not evolve over time to become something wholly different to whoever the people are that recognize them at a given time. national anthems(of all nations), definitely exist in order to foster nationalism and pride and unity. thats their point of existence. whether or not YOU believe in that pride & unity, is YOUR choice. and that's my point.
Fam did you really cite Wikipedia? This isn't credible in any college/university for higher learning for any sort of Academia.

My gawd

wikipedia is simply an aggregation of sources. to focus on the wikipedia part of it, and not the original source its pulled from , is to miss the point.
@Loose Cannon and @Cane Dynasty you are totally wasting your time with these racist guys. They will pluck and pick the history books, to feed their victimhood by proxy agenda. You will not and you can not come to a middle ground as long as they carry their victimhood torch high, and when it's flame gets extinguished, they run and fuel it back up because without victimhood they have no identity.
Citation: Richard Spencer

Would that be similar to the tiki torch you use at your victimhood rallies (whiteness is under attack and endangered) y’all are the new victims.
once again, you project your own internal lens of the world onto mine. you selectively read what i wrote, only cherry picking meaning from certain parts that reinforce your imagined purpose. i dont expect this pattern to change anytime soon, but i'll continue to respond because this dialogue is about more than just you and i.

of course not, and i never wrote that it was. our view of history can trigger any range of emotions. but here, we are speaking specifically about racial injustices in america's history(including up to present times) & that clearly brings forth bitterness for many. its not my place to say whether or not that's the correct emotional response for any one individual or group. but i can say that it is possible to place different amounts of importance and focus on our historical perspective as well as our emotional response to it. ive seen it done many times, by many different individuals and many different groups, throughout time. and that response can have a direct or indirect correlation to how the future will unfold, both individually, as for a society. i'll repeat myself again by saying, i am not here to tell you what is or isnt the correct response.

but just as you want(and frankly, need) others to see the world through your truth, you will also need to see it through others. thats not paternalism.. thats empathy(VERY different from sympathy, which im not calling for).

i disagree with your premise above, but for the sake of argument, i'll assume that the anthem was written by a racist for racist purposes AND that it represents to this day those exact things to anyone who sings or acknowledges it. wouldnt removing the verse that you claim to be racist(again i disagree that it is, but not the point here) actually be an instance of an effort being made to distance between then and now? if not, what would be??

beyond that, i just cannot buy the argument that cultures and that which they are made up of, do not evolve over time to become something wholly different to whoever the people are that recognize them at a given time. national anthems(of all nations), definitely exist in order to foster nationalism and pride and unity. thats their point of existence. whether or not YOU believe in that pride & unity, is YOUR choice. and that's my point.
Claps profusely
I disagree with you. Protesting by kneeling isn't the answer...But just shutting up and playing football is exactly what they want black athletes to do. You can say whatever you want on this topic. I'm not anti military I just want folks to be treated better.
Sure. But how many jobs that youre paid to do(and paid well at that)are your employers gonna be expected to just sit back and allow you to express your own political agenda. What you choose to do with your private life is one thing. While youre on the job a whole other.
What exactly are you saying here? The ones that choose too focus on such things haven't gone on to live fully enriched lives?? of course you're saying that...I think you need a reality check. You don't get to decide whose living a enriched fulfilled life just bc of what you think they should focus on.

That 350k is nothing compared to the lives lost with regard to what the South was fighting for...

im saying exactly what i said and none of what you are assuming i said. those are your words and your thoughts filtered through your lens.

and never the less, the 350k PLUS still died fighting to end slavery. how you can label that nothing is beyond me. but i suppose its easy to do when its not your life being lost. but, the point being, our history is nuanced. and simply labeling all people from one group as being a certain way, is to miss a helluva lot.
Take your own advice and reread it. I’m not trying to reason with you. The sheer audacity to tell a black man how he is supposed to accept, react, protest or deal with his people’s collective condition considering our history in America, suggests a false place of superiority over him and that is paternalism. The very action you are taking or embarking upon and the context that surrounds it proves paternalism despite it not being reality, but I’ve already addressed reality’s place in your dissonance.
No. Authority and subordination does not equal superiority and inferiority. I have no authority over him or you. I also don't feel any superiority over a multi-million dollar professional athlete, but my feeling of superiority or lack there of is irrelevant because I have no platform of authority from which to exercise that feeling.
No. Authority and subordination does not equal superiority and inferiority. I have no authority over him or you. I also don't feel any superiority over a multi-million dollar professional athlete, but my feeling of superiority or lack there of is irrelevant because I have no platform of authority from which to exercise that feeling.
U were using this platform as if an authority to suggest or tell us how he should’ve reacted or protested our collective plight. It’s not your place to do so. And since you obviously thought it your place to do so, u must have a feeling of authority in order to be so audacious.
U were using this platform as if an authority to suggest or tell us how he should’ve reacted or protested our collective plight. It’s not your place to do so. And since you obviously thought it your place to do so, u must have a feeling of authority in order to be so audacious.
No. That's not how authority works. I stated my opinion. Authority would be my ability to force you to accept it, and paternalism would be my ability to use my authority to control your actions on the matter moving forward. What you're doing is nothing short of an attempt to police thought and silence opinions that you do not like by ascribing malice to motive where none exists.
U were using this platform as if an authority to suggest or tell us how he should’ve reacted or protested our collective plight. It’s not your place to do so. And since you obviously thought it your place to do so, u must have a feeling of authority in order to be so audacious.
I’m still confused how this plight affects your day to day life ... you don’t see me kicking rocks and crying for Jesus being crucified ... you don’t see me being spiteful toward Japanese people over Pearl Harbor or see them crying for being put into camps in America .. you don’t see Irish immigrants claiming victim status please help me understand how you’re a victim in today’s society.
We are all Americans.. we aren’t black America .. white america .. Spanish America ... we are America and when you understand that you can drop your hateful rhetoric and stop being a beta victim
I’m still confused how this plight affects your day to day life ... you don’t see me kicking rocks and crying for Jesus being crucified ... you don’t see me being spiteful toward Japanese people over Pearl Harbor or see them crying for being put into camps in America .. you don’t see Irish immigrants claiming victim status please help me understand how you’re a victim in today’s society.
We are all Americans.. we aren’t black America .. white america .. Spanish America ... we are America and when you understand that you can drop your hateful rhetoric and stop being a beta victim
Him calling me paternalistic for voicing my opinion on a public forum is in essence him subjugating himself to my authority...against my will.

I think I've been reverse raped...

Look at me.jpg
Him calling me paternalistic for voicing my opinion on a public forum is in essence him subjugating himself to my authority...against my will.

I think I've been reverse raped...

View attachment 61144
Literally their logic ... I’m still waiting for a reasonable response to everything I’ve said even after that disgusting remark about 9/11 like you said it wasn’t like only one race died like you said ..
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