OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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maybe go back to africa where they're kicking white people out in south africa for being.. white?

For being white??? GTFOH!!
It's amazing how you people have amnesia when it comes to the genocide, enslavement, famine, apartheid you have subjected non-white people to!
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Wow, a lot of back and forth here... so what happened to the Cleveland Browns Canes?
HarrietTCanes, your handle says it all. I sorry that history dealt blacks a ****** hand. However... this is 2018... and we all need to move on. I don't have any black friends that are obsessed with slavery, that's why they're my friends, we try to look at the person not what our ancestors did. You are keeping the past alive.

That's why the same things keep happening in different forms under the same system. Your black "friends" need to be suspect of anyone who disrespects their families' struggle as slaves and their will to overthrow slavery and slavery in its new forms (jim crow, mass incarceration). Their ancestors are the only reason your "friends" are free.
For being white??? GTFOH!!
It's amazing how you people have amnesia when it comes to the genocide, enslavement, famine, apartheid you have subjected non-white people to!

Hey, **** breath. I can pretty much guarantee that not a single person that porsts here on Cis (outside of mat drills) has ever subjected any person to "genocide, enslavement, famine, apartheid".

GTFO with that ***aloon schit. People like you and ScarrietScrubbman are the problem not the solution.
Hey, **** breath. I can pretty much guarantee that not a single person that porsts here on Cis (outside of mat drills) has ever subjected any person to "genocide, enslavement, famine, apartheid".

GTFO with that ***aloon schit. People like you and ScarrietScrubbman are the problem not the solution.

Of course, nobody is ever responsible for anything. Psychopaths are incapable of acknowledging right and wrong. You just celebrate and maintain the system that does. You d!cktaking ***g0t.
Wow, a lot of back and forth here... so what happened to the Cleveland Browns Canes?
HarrietTCanes, your handle says it all. I sorry that history dealt blacks a ****** hand. However... this is 2018... and we all need to move on. I don't have any black friends that are obsessed with slavery, that's why they're my friends, we try to look at the person not what our ancestors did. You are keeping the past alive.
Of course, nobody is ever responsible for anything. Psychopaths are incapable of acknowledging right and wrong. You just celebrate and maintain the system that does. You d!cktaking ***g0t.

Your Dunning-Kruger syndrome is showing. Might wanna zip up your fly.
That's why the same things keep happening in different forms under the same system. Your black "friends" need to be suspect of anyone who disrespects their families' struggle as slaves and their will to overthrow slavery and slavery in its new forms (jim crow, mass incarceration). Their ancestors are the only reason your "friends" are free.

LOL...the only people that want you to forget about the past, are the ones that want you to be stupid about the past...today.
LOL...the only people that want you to forget about the past, are the ones that want you to be stupid about the past...today.
Right! And these are the same “aren’t we all Americans” apologist, fake I want peace types who ignore openly racists posts like paksat’s only to address those who are from a conscious (awareness of one’s surroundings) standpoint and label them as divisive instead. The proof is in BEHAVIOR NOT WORDS.
“U are keeping racism alive by openly and verbally opposing it”...”if you would stop defending yourself and ignore them, they’d stop...”
That's why the same things keep happening in different forms under the same system. Your black "friends" need to be suspect of anyone who disrespects their families' struggle as slaves and their will to overthrow slavery and slavery in its new forms (jim crow, mass incarceration). Their ancestors are the only reason your "friends" are free.
WTF are you talking about. You sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. Jim Crow, mass incarceration, and slavery... Jesus Christ MOVE THE **** ON!
Someone doesn’t understand cause and effect. Smmfh.
WTF does cause and effect have to do with my statement. "WTF are you talking about. You sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. Jim Crow, mass incarceration, and slavery... Jesus Christ MOVE THE **** ON!"
No... what I do understand is that it's futile to get involved with you all. I'm totally wasting keystrokes... knock yourselves out.
I know you ain’t talking: Self-hate issues, Stockholm Syndrome, and cognitive dissonance (severe).

The idea behind the right to protest was to protect the right of the citizenry to redress grievances towards the government.

Kaepernick redressed his fans, the paying customers of the NFL, and the millions of people who turn on their television to just watch a football game. I’m not doubting his passion for the cause no more than I am doubting the genuine offense or patriotism of many of the people who stopped watching, burned jerseys, and quit going to games.

He screwed up. He turned away people who had paid to come to see him by spitting on something they held sacred and felt had nothing to do with his cause of awareness. People already predisposed to be sympathetic by being paying customers could have been a much greater force for change had he simply called up his publicist and said, “You know what? To **** with a game today. Get me a podium and a microphone set up on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. I have an announcement to make.”
I bet you're receiving some type of government assistance.

The flag doesn't represent the government or the military or even the police. Yeah, we stand and honor those who have fought and died to defend it, but that's not what the flag is.

The American flag represents the original rebel spirit that defined what it means to be an American. It represents each and everyone of us as members of the Republic, that we run the government and not the other way around as was the case in every nation that preceded this one, and that when faced with an oppressive government, we're not going to lie down like beat dogs...If Kaepernick understood what the flag really stood for--that even governments run by those with the best intentions, are still run by imperfect people, and when it comes that such a government becomes oppressive, it is both the right and duty of the people to demand change--he could have rallied people of common interest to his cause rather than shunning them.

Skip a game and call a press conference instead. Tell the people that you're skipping a spectacle that parades the flag around in perversion of what it stands for, and remind the people of what it really stands for and that you want to use the podium given to you by the fans to raise awareness for the millions of Americans who still feel the boot of tyranny suppressing their ability to live free and in peace.
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