OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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Massive awareness?

LOL lemme know how that works out

and if you can't see how taking a knee during a nations national anthem is disrespectful, your lack of self awareness needs to be modified. Having read now about the special forces guy that suggested it, I can't help but roll my eyes. That guy should have had the awareness to know that isn't gonna fly well

I had an issue with it long before trump said anything, he basically put the icing on the cake for the rest of the country.

besides wtf you gonna do huh? You just gonna kneel every time your own countries national anthem plays from here on out instead of doing what you're supposed to do? Exactly when do you plan on stopping this kneeling?

It did bring massive awareness of the topic. Prior to this the vast majority of people had no idea(or turned a blind eye) about police brutality. Awareness is important. This is why they had breast cancer awareness, ALS awareness, etc. Obviously we don't expect it to actually end the brutality, but it helps. There are people like you who have no empathy and obviously will never be swayed, but there are a lot of people that see the brutality and realize that even though it may not be happening to them that it needs to be addressed. This is the reason for the kneeling. Tons of kids see it everyday and may grow up to be officers, mayors, senators, etc and will at least be aware of the issue. I don't see how it is disrespectful and if you think we should go back to Africa maybe you should go to North Korea where this would not fly. It is actually pathetic that people like you get more offended at someone refusing to sing a song then watching innocent people get beaten and killed.
The ignore button is the greatest invention ever for message boards.

It helps to stop that WTF!! feeling

that some posters give you..:nice:
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HarrietTubmanCane has been waiting for a thread to derail in a direction like this for years!

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
HarrietTubmanCane has been waiting for a thread to derail in a direction like this for years!

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Is that your suicide note 📝? As I’ve plead with you before...DON’T do it!!! Being half black is not that bad...you’ll be just fine I promise!
Francis Scott Key, who wrote the national anthem was a descendant of and lifelong slave owner himself. His life’s work was chattel slavery and he became a legislator in order to protect the institution of savage barbaric slavery. He also fought, bled and put his life on the line in several battles fighting those who aimed to end slavery in America. His song “The Star Spangled Banner” is an ode to a specific battle won in defense of the chattel slavery that those player’s ancestors were a victim of. 4 lines were removed from the song because they expose this fact. So why aren’t the “angry” people appalled by this historical fact?

why not give his entire history instead of just that which fits your narrative? he also represented slaves seeking freedom in court(for free), freed his own slaves, & hired them.

here's an excerpt from wikipedia:

"Key publicly criticized slavery's cruelties, so much that after his death a newspaper editorial stated "So actively hostile was he to the peculiar institution that he was called 'The N***** Lawyer' .... because he often volunteered to defend the downtrodden sons and daughters of Africa. Mr. Key convinced me that slavery was wrong—radically wrong."[20] In June 1842, Key attended the funeral of William Costin, a free, mixed race resident who had challenged Washington's surety bond laws."

the song was inspired and written during the war of 1812. the UK didnt end slavery until much later, so to suggest that the battles being fought were to end slavery in america is disingenuous at best. the war of 1812 had several causes, none of which had to do with Britain wanting to free US slaves. in the cases where freed slaves fought for the UK, it was merely done to benefit the UK.. not in the name of some righteous moral duty against slavery. the same way that free black americans fought for the US army, and yet were still treated as second class citizens. i wouldnt praise the US in those circumstances either... and this sadly lasted into WW2 and beyond for us.

the lines that were removed from the song, were done so because they were in reference to animosity towards brittain. and in the time that they were taken out, we were allied with brittain in the first world war. that the word slave was mentioned in those lines had nothing to do with promoting slavery and its removal from the lyrics isnt proof that it was. The UK had slaves fighting for them against the US & they were mentioned in the song, along with the rest of the enemy(britain).

very little of what you wrote is fact. almost all of it lacks context and much is left out.
U can’t realistically intend to unite people on your terms only. As a black man and with our experiences and history in America I cannot afford to ignore the roots of things, the creator’s history or the country’s history, that’s a luxury or privilege that we’ve never had. U can’t have a history such as ours and then voluntarily turn a blind eye to what’s occurring right now and not see the correlation and precedent. The paternalism is a passive form of it and it needs to cease. The anthem doesn’t give me those warm fuzzy feelings inside, never has and that’s coming from a person whose ancestors are indigenous to Turtle Island and were on this land before any of its immigrants.

i do see your point. and you certainly do not need to accept anyone's terms of unity. you have that choice. that was my point. and like all choices, there will be benefits and there will be costs. other black americans have chosen to not focus on such things, and have gone on to live fully enriched, happy lives. they have also incurred benefits and costs for that choice. some realized now, some much later on down the line, perhaps not in their lifetime.

i encourage knowing history, but making sure its ALL history, and taken in its proper context. America got a lot wrong.. or it didnt get around to getting things right fast enough. but while plenty americans lived morally depraved lives, still plenty died and gave their lives to end that depravity. well over 350,000 northern deaths as a result of the civil war.
i do see your point. and you certainly do not need to accept anyone's terms of unity. you have that choice. that was my point. and like all choices, there will be benefits and there will be costs. other black americans have chosen to not focus on such things, and have gone on to live fully enriched, happy lives. they have also incurred benefits and costs for that choice. some realized now, some much later on down the line, perhaps not in their lifetime.

i encourage knowing history, but making sure its ALL history, and taken in its proper context. America got a lot wrong.. or it didnt get around to getting things right fast enough. but while plenty americans lived morally depraved lives, still plenty died and gave their lives to end that depravity. well over 350,000 northern deaths as a result of the civil war.

You are ruining the narrative!
why not give his entire history instead of just that which fits your narrative? he also represented slaves seeking freedom in court(for free), freed his own slaves, & hired them.

here's an excerpt from wikipedia:

"Key publicly criticized slavery's cruelties, so much that after his death a newspaper editorial stated "So actively hostile was he to the peculiar institution that he was called 'The N***** Lawyer' .... because he often volunteered to defend the downtrodden sons and daughters of Africa. Mr. Key convinced me that slavery was wrong—radically wrong."[20] In June 1842, Key attended the funeral of William Costin, a free, mixed race resident who had challenged Washington's surety bond laws."

the song was inspired and written during the war of 1812. the UK didnt end slavery until much later, so to suggest that the battles being fought were to end slavery in america is disingenuous at best. the war of 1812 had several causes, none of which had to do with Britain wanting to free US slaves. in the cases where freed slaves fought for the UK, it was merely done to benefit the UK.. not in the name of some righteous moral duty against slavery. the same way that free black americans fought for the US army, and yet were still treated as second class citizens. i wouldnt praise the US in those circumstances either... and this sadly lasted into WW2 and beyond for us.

the lines that were removed from the song, were done so because they were in reference to animosity towards brittain. and in the time that they were taken out, we were allied with brittain in the first world war. that the word slave was mentioned in those lines had nothing to do with promoting slavery and its removal from the lyrics isnt proof that it was. The UK had slaves fighting for them against the US & they were mentioned in the song, along with the rest of the enemy(britain).

very little of what you wrote is fact. almost all of it lacks context and much is left out.
“very little of what you wrote is fact. almost all of it lacks context and much is left out.”

...but it took you 3 days to come up with a passage from Wikipedia as a factual and reliable source 🤣🤣🤣 did you edit that yourself? Can’t make this stuff up...well actually you can obviously^^^.

I’m not interested in your facts, they’re still opinion based. I prefer truth, there’s a difference. Just more paternalism, now you get to tell me what’s a fact 😂.
i do see your point. and you certainly do not need to accept anyone's terms of unity. you have that choice. that was my point. and like all choices, there will be benefits and there will be costs. other black americans have chosen to not focus on such things, and have gone on to live fully enriched, happy lives. they have also incurred benefits and costs for that choice. some realized now, some much later on down the line, perhaps not in their lifetime.

i encourage knowing history, but making sure its ALL history, and taken in its proper context. America got a lot wrong.. or it didnt get around to getting things right fast enough. but while plenty americans lived morally depraved lives, still plenty died and gave their lives to end that depravity. well over 350,000 northern deaths as a result of the civil war.
“other black americans have chosen to not focus on such things, and have gone on to live fully enriched, happy lives. they have also incurred benefits and costs for that choice. some realized now, some much later on down the line, perhaps not in their lifetime.”

More paternalism...as if focusing on ones’ history and acting accordingly is a hindrance to success and self-actualization. And not focusing on it (whatever that means or entails) is the key to success from a black person. How accommodating an opinion to have. 😂😂 Still can’t think of a way to communicate without everything being to your benefit or on your terms. No thanks, please direct your moral advice to those closest to you. Forgetting your history (why u came here, what you did when you got here etc..) and ethnicity works for them, not me.
Carry that torch high young lad!

With vigor and conviction you can change the world!
i do see your point. and you certainly do not need to accept anyone's terms of unity. you have that choice. that was my point. and like all choices, there will be benefits and there will be costs. other black americans have chosen to not focus on such things, and have gone on to live fully enriched, happy lives. they have also incurred benefits and costs for that choice. some realized now, some much later on down the line, perhaps not in their lifetime.

i encourage knowing history, but making sure its ALL history, and taken in its proper context. America got a lot wrong.. or it didnt get around to getting things right fast enough. but while plenty americans lived morally depraved lives, still plenty died and gave their lives to end that depravity. well over 350,000 northern deaths as a result of the civil war.
“i encourage knowing history, but making sure its ALL history, and taken in its proper context. America got a lot wrong.. or it didnt get around to getting things right fast enough. but while plenty americans lived morally depraved lives, still plenty died and gave their lives to end that depravity. well over 350,000 northern deaths as a result of the civil war.“

🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ U encourage the knowing of ALL history but u believe that the Civil War was fought to free slaves or end slavery 😂😂😂
Aren't we all Americans isn't it our right to protest anything as long as it doesn't break the law or violate the rights of others.isn't it time for all of us Americans to come together do what need to be done so that everyone is treated fairly.and to respect other peoples opinion whether you agree with it or dont.time to learn how solve the problem of past ignorances and to forgive others for past errors and move forward instead of living in the past.
Aren't we all Americans isn't it our right to protest anything as long as it doesn't break the law or violate the rights of others.isn't it time for all of us Americans to come together do what need to be done so that everyone is treated fairly.and to respect other peoples opinion whether you agree with it or dont.time to learn how solve the problem of past ignorances and to forgive others for past errors and move forward instead of living in the past.

Cmon buzzkill. Lines are being drawn here. The future of humanity is at stake!
There is so much wrong with your point of view, just do me a favor and don't raise your kids to hate cops because you know the majority of them are great people who put their lives on the line! They come from the working class like us! Like the old saying goes, "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about". I'd be an *** not to acknowledge your point; we should be striking down on corruption and systemic oppression, but teaching kids to hate and act defensive towards cops is moving in the opposite direction. Think about that.
I have family members that a police officer but That statement "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" couldn't be furthest from the truth unfortunately. Driving while black is a real thing But it's impossible to expect someone who will never be able to experience that to understand it. One example is philando castile
Wow, a lot of back and forth here... so what happened to the Cleveland Browns Canes?
HarrietTCanes, your handle says it all. I sorry that history dealt blacks a ****** hand. However... this is 2018... and we all need to move on. I don't have any black friends that are obsessed with slavery, that's why they're my friends, we try to look at the person not what our ancestors did. You are keeping the past alive.
That statement "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" couldn't be furthest from the truth unfortunately. Driving while black is a real thing

Exactly, it's just another way of asking you "Can I illegally search yo' $h!t" when they have absolutely no probable cause.

The same way my skin color is probable cause to try to conduct an illegal search, is the same way that badge that's on every cop's chest is probable cause that they're gonna plant some $h!t in my car that's gonna send me up the road for however many years.
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