OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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I know all about racism in the past. Irish, Italians, Greeks, ******, etc. where all abused in the past. It may even still be going on, I am not sure so I will not speak on it. However, I don't really see how that pertains here. I do stand for the pledge of allegiance at games. I stood when I was in school. I have nothing against the pledge. However, if I was an NFL player I would 100% kneel to show my support for the message being portrayed. I don't see how kneeling down during a song is sung to a piece of cloth somehow offends veterans. If instead of kneeling during the pledge the players all wore t-shirts that had slogans or other things that would protest police violence the vast majority of the people getting mad about the kneeling would come up with a new reason to be mad. Most of the people are not mad about the kneeling and are mad that people are exposing the police abuse that goes down in lower income areas. You may not be one of those people. You may actually believe that by kneeling they are personally attacking veterans. You are obviously misinformed, but I can understand that. However, the people that just want to turn a blind eye are the people I have issues with. I have personally seen and been abused by the police hundreds of times. Someone that does not live in these areas cannot even begin to fathom what they go through. Also, by abuse, I do not mean just getting stopped for no reason. I am talking about people getting physically abused when they have done nothing wrong and where actually following the officers commands.
Good point, but I'd loop you back to my previous reply

TLDR: It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived. And I think Kap didn't communicate it well enough for everyone to understand what it stood for, which obviously ****ed a few people off.

Certainly. And so if it’s not what you say, it’s how it’s perceived, then do you see how the actions on the right are perceived as racist?
agree. but if any of them become snowflakes and take a knee and disrespect the country and our military, I will turn off the channel and tell them to punt sand
The country and the military stand for the rights and protection of those liberties. You have the right to watch any channel and not share it here too.
I know all about racism in the past. Irish, Italians, Greeks, ******, etc. where all abused in the past. It may even still be going on, I am not sure so I will not speak on it. However, I don't really see how that pertains here. I do stand for the pledge of allegiance at games. I stood when I was in school. I have nothing against the pledge. However, if I was an NFL player I would 100% kneel to show my support for the message being portrayed. I don't see how kneeling down during a song is sung to a piece of cloth somehow offends veterans. If instead of kneeling during the pledge the players all wore t-shirts that had slogans or other things that would protest police violence the vast majority of the people getting mad about the kneeling would come up with a new reason to be mad. Most of the people are not mad about the kneeling and are mad that people are exposing the police abuse that goes down in lower income areas. You may not be one of those people. You may actually believe that by kneeling they are personally attacking veterans. You are obviously misinformed, but I can understand that. However, the people that just want to turn a blind eye are the people I have issues with. I have personally seen and been abused by the police hundreds of times. Someone that does not live in these areas cannot even begin to fathom what they go through. Also, by abuse, I do not mean just getting stopped for no reason. I am talking about people getting physically abused when they have done nothing wrong and where actually following the officers commands.
My man, the objection has less to do with the cause protested, but more to the peoples who are protesting- Blacks. No need to add other variables.
My man, the objection has less to do with the cause protested, but more to the peoples who are protesting- Blacks. No need to add other variables.

Believe me I know. These type of guys will try and find any reason to disparage the protestors. They use the pledge as an excuse to hide their true motives. Like I said. They could protest a million different ways and the opposition will find a million different reasons for why they are protesting "incorrectly".
Good point, but I'd loop you back to my previous reply

TLDR: It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived. And I think Kap didn't communicate it well enough for everyone to understand what it stood for, which obviously ****ed a few people off.

Anyone can percieve any statement any which way they like. I could say "I love America" and someone could perceive it as "**** the vets". It is impossible to do anything that wont offend someone.
Uh huh, just another way of saying black people aren't patriotic.

The problem is calling someone a racist is the worst way to go about trying to get someone to join your side in an argument. All it does is reinforce their original opinion. It is a sad fact, but if we want something to be done about the brutality we need as many white people on our side as possible. We could get 100% of the blacks to back us up and their will be 0 change.
Do you realize they kneel to bring attention to police brutality not to disrespect the flag or the military?
Agreed. But just like i tell adrian,marquise & e reid they gotta realize the bigger picture as a whole if they try to use their moment for more than they should. Just as many people as this relates to it also offends. People die to uphold that flag. That is the bigger picture in this equation.
Just as many people as this relates to it also offends. People die to uphold that flag. That is the bigger picture in this equation.

This is par for the course for every protest....if everybody wasn't offended, there would be no reason to protest.

If our great Civil Rights leaders cared about pleasing everybody, they wouldn't have gotten anything done.
Agreed. But just like i tell adrian,marquise & e reid they gotta realize the bigger picture as a whole if they try to use their moment for more than they should. Just as many people as this relates to it also offends. People die to uphold that flag. That is the bigger picture in this equation.

They need to figure out a way to get it across without having an easy excuse for people to get mad. They should all kneel during the coin toss or something to bring attention to the cause without "offending" anyone.
Personally im okay with the players kneeling. I get both sides of the argument but it just seems like such a non issue in the grand scheme of things. If the NFL wants them to stop just stop putting the camera on them.
oh they do huh? What better way to protest then to tell the nation you live in to basically go **** itself by spurning the national anthem that millions have bled and died for

man if you gave me a hundred years I couldn't come up with a better way to do it!

Oh the country that just 50 plus years ago allowed a man of color the same rights as white man....right? F the anthem if thats what it represents....gtfoh with that bled and died for crap....and thats to any military or veterans past or present....you're not going to war for my sake but for your country that allows such brutalities to go on....so what that make you....and to think....i thought we had the right to express ourselves. Its a game...it will go on whether you watch it or not
oh they do huh? What better way to protest then to tell the nation you live in to basically go **** itself by spurning the national anthem that millions have bled and died for

man if you gave me a hundred years I couldn't come up with a better way to do it!

All our dead servicemen that died in action bled and died for the ANTHEM? So you think they died for a song?

I thought they died for the United States and to defend freedom. Silly me! It turns out they died defending a song!
They need to figure out a way to get it across without having an easy excuse for people to get mad. They should all kneel during the coin toss or something to bring attention to the cause without "offending" anyone.

Flag or no flag, those “angry” people will find another moronic excuse to justify their ignorance and bigotry.
White immigrants weren’t always considered white — and acceptable

U can’t bring up your struggles (especially not when the topic is black oppression) as a badge of honor when your path out from under it was stepping onto the necks of black people yourselves. Y’all fought to become those who oppressed you as well, as “white people”. This historical fact renders the Irish “me too” point null and void.
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