OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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What better way to protest then to tell the nation you live in to basically go **** itself by spurning the national anthem that millions have bled and died for

Wasn't an issue till faux fie opened his big mouth and called the players mothers b!tches.
My BLACK kids don't live in Chicago, but they are on road with crooked *** cops everyday.

There is so much wrong with your point of view, just do me a favor and don't raise your kids to hate cops because you know the majority of them are great people who put their lives on the line! They come from the working class like us! Like the old saying goes, "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about". I'd be an *** not to acknowledge your point; we should be striking down on corruption and systemic oppression, but teaching kids to hate and act defensive towards cops is moving in the opposite direction. Think about that.
I'm not gonna try and change your mind, because this isn't the place or thread nor do I care, but I will point out that you're conflating two separate issues and using one to invalidate the other.

Maybe I'm just stating two perspectives. Like, highlighting the disconnect. I'm still tryna figure out how you solve something by being one sided - let me know!
oh they do huh? What better way to protest then to tell the nation you live in to basically go **** itself by spurning the national anthem that millions have bled and died for

man if you gave me a hundred years I couldn't come up with a better way to do it!

How is kneeling during the pledge telling veterans to go **** themselves? It was a vet that recomended that Kap start kneeling. Not only that, but those vets fought for their right to peacefully protest. If you want to live in a country like North Korea that forces people to pledge then that is your right and you can form your own protest. It brought massive awareness to police brutality. Everybody who hasn't been living under a rock now knows about the issue(some people don't care and would rather try and build up a straw man in order to deflect the message). No one kneeling is thinking "**** the vets". They could do other protests and people would find a way to try and claim the message is disrespectful to a certain group.
There is so much wrong with your point of view, just do me a favor and don't raise your kids to hate cops because you know the majority of them are great people who put their lives on the line! They come from the working class like us! Like the old saying goes, "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about". I'd be an *** not to acknowledge your point; we should be striking down on corruption and systemic oppression, but teaching kids to hate and act defensive towards cops is moving in the opposite direction. Think about that.

You have nothing to worry about if you are white. I finished the quote for you. Black, spanish, brown, even poor white kids gets harassed, locked up, or killed every day for doing nothing wrong.
Best quote I ever heard in my life: "It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived."

Plus, Kap kneeling? haha, bro couldn't beat out Blaine Gabbert so he took a knee and opted out of a 100$ million dollar contract WHEN I KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO GET ANOTHER CONTRACT. How are you worth anything to the NFL if you cant beat out Gabbert? Oh yeah, the good year Kap had, it was in a dink and dunk offense that took no IQ to operate. It was under Chip Kelly, pretty easy to connect the dots on that one. Like, I don't talk about political, racial, stuff at work because I know my livelihood would be at risk if I did. Kap, for some reason, thought he was exempt from this. Good intentions, but sure as **** not the right way to go about it.

Now, I respect and acknowledge the point the guys are fighting for. More than anything. I'm not butt hurt about them taking knees. I'm sure our late veterans would be appalled to see freedom in motion. And I believe the knee was for Police brutality? Go to Chicago and look at how the civilian vs civilian kill rate. It's horrible. There's a lot of stuff wrong wit the situation on both sides. Seems like everyones fingers are up while no one listens to the other.

Change my mind? I'd like to hear other people perspectives on that.

I agree with the sentiment. The point that you are missing is that everybody knows civ on civ violence is bad. No one wants gangs to kill innocent people. There are even groups(the police, sherrifs, FBI, etc.) to stop these gangs from committing violence. On the other hand no one cares that cops kill innocent civilians. There are no groups that go after these guys that commit the crimes(in face they investigate themselves and cover up and allow it to cotinue). Finally there are even people that support the harrasment by stating they are just thugs, gangsters, etc and that they are dealt with appropriately. Even when groups pop up like the black lives matter there are tons of people that group up as anti BLM groups. No one likes the criminals that run the streets. They just want the criminals in blue uniforms to be treated like they would treat a regular criminal.
I agree with the sentiment. The point that you are missing is that everybody knows civ on civ violence is bad. No one wants gangs to kill innocent people. There are even groups(the police, sherrifs, FBI, etc.) to stop these gangs from committing violence. On the other hand no one cares that cops kill innocent civilians. There are no groups that go after these guys that commit the crimes(in face they investigate themselves and cover up and allow it to cotinue). Finally there are even people that support the harrasment by stating they are just thugs, gangsters, etc and that they are dealt with appropriately. Even when groups pop up like the black lives matter there are tons of people that group up as anti BLM groups. No one likes the criminals that run the streets. They just want the criminals in blue uniforms to be treated like they would treat a regular criminal.

I'm with you on that. A government that goes unchecked will take over.... Everyone has to be checked, including those who protect us.
Best quote I ever heard in my life: "It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived."

Plus, Kap kneeling? haha, bro couldn't beat out Blaine Gabbert so he took a knee and opted out of a 100$ million dollar contract WHEN I KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO GET ANOTHER CONTRACT. How are you worth anything to the NFL if you cant beat out Gabbert? Oh yeah, the good year Kap had, it was in a dink and dunk offense that took no IQ to operate. It was under Chip Kelly, pretty easy to connect the dots on that one. Like, I don't talk about political, racial, stuff at work because I know my livelihood would be at risk if I did. Kap, for some reason, thought he was exempt from this. Good intentions, but sure as **** not the right way to go about it.

Now, I respect and acknowledge the point the guys are fighting for. More than anything. I'm not butt hurt about them taking knees. I'm sure our late veterans would be appalled to see freedom in motion. And I believe the knee was for Police brutality? Go to Chicago and look at how the civilian vs civilian kill rate. It's horrible. There's a lot of stuff wrong wit the situation on both sides. Seems like everyones fingers are up while no one listens to the other.

Change my mind? I'd like to hear other people perspectives on that.

The kneeling gesture was devised by Nate Boyer, former Green Beret, because he thought it was more respectful than sitting on the bench during the anthem, which is what Kap was doing.

I think that’s worth noting because missing from the anti-Kap narrative is the fact that Kap worked with a former military member specifically out of respect for the military aspect of his protest.
How is kneeling during the pledge telling veterans to go **** themselves? It was a vet that recomended that Kap start kneeling. Not only that, but those vets fought for their right to peacefully protest. If you want to live in a country like North Korea that forces people to pledge then that is your right and you can form your own protest. It brought massive awareness to police brutality. Everybody who hasn't been living under a rock now knows about the issue(some people don't care and would rather try and build up a straw man in order to deflect the message). No one kneeling is thinking "**** the vets". They could do other protests and people would find a way to try and claim the message is disrespectful to a certain group.

Nailed it
How is kneeling during the pledge telling veterans to go **** themselves? It was a vet that recomended that Kap start kneeling. Not only that, but those vets fought for their right to peacefully protest. If you want to live in a country like North Korea that forces people to pledge then that is your right and you can form your own protest. It brought massive awareness to police brutality. Everybody who hasn't been living under a rock now knows about the issue(some people don't care and would rather try and build up a straw man in order to deflect the message). No one kneeling is thinking "**** the vets". They could do other protests and people would find a way to try and claim the message is disrespectful to a certain group.

It's a vets thing you wouldn't understand...Sound Familiar?
It's a vets thing you wouldn't understand...Sound Familiar?

Not really. I am the son of a vet and a large portion of the people on the block I grew up on are vets. None of them felt offended by what Kap or the other players where doing. I am sure part of it has to do with the fact that they are actually affected by it where as a vet from the country never really deals with police.
I agree with the sentiment. The point that you are missing is that everybody knows civ on civ violence is bad. No one wants gangs to kill innocent people. There are even groups(the police, sherrifs, FBI, etc.) to stop these gangs from committing violence. On the other hand no one cares that cops kill innocent civilians. There are no groups that go after these guys that commit the crimes(in face they investigate themselves and cover up and allow it to cotinue). Finally there are even people that support the harrasment by stating they are just thugs, gangsters, etc and that they are dealt with appropriately. Even when groups pop up like the black lives matter there are tons of people that group up as anti BLM groups. No one likes the criminals that run the streets. They just want the criminals in blue uniforms to be treated like they would treat a regular criminal.


Most people that use that "What about Chicago" line use it in an insincere way, as a jab, they don't really care.

They even applied it to the Parkland shooting, as if a Vice Lord or GD killed 17 kids & teachers that day.
Not really. I am the son of a vet and a large portion of the people on the block I grew up on are vets. None of them felt offended by what Kap or the other players where doing. I am sure part of it has to do with the fact that they are actually affected by it where as a vet from the country never really deals with police.

Being the son of vet means you (like my son) are not a vet.

Are there bad cops who need to be off the streets and punished? Probability certainly agrees but you can go overboard (Ask Ms. Mosby about her legal bills now, with Officers Garrett Miller, Edward Nero, and William Porter, Sgt. Alicia White and Lt. Brian Rice are suing her).

Everything else you pull out us anecdotal at best. Again, we have been taught the person who is offended is the judge. The guys who said "out of your cotton picking mind" said they meant no offense, but apologized (as they should have). If vets are offended, their feelings need to be respected.
The kneeling gesture was devised by Nate Boyer, former Green Beret, because he thought it was more respectful than sitting on the bench during the anthem, which is what Kap was doing.

I think that’s worth noting because missing from the anti-Kap narrative is the fact that Kap worked with a former military member specifically out of respect for the military aspect of his protest.

Good point, but I'd loop you back to my previous reply

TLDR: It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived. And I think Kap didn't communicate it well enough for everyone to understand what it stood for, which obviously ****ed a few people off.
Being the son of vet means you (like my son) are not a vet.

Are there bad cops who need to be off the streets and punished? Probability certainly agrees but you can go overboard (Ask Ms. Mosby about her legal bills now, with Officers Garrett Miller, Edward Nero, and William Porter, Sgt. Alicia White and Lt. Brian Rice suing her)

Everything else you pull out us anecdotal at best. Again, we have been taught the person who is offended is the judge. The guys who said "out of your cotton picking mind" said they meant no offense, but apologized (as they should have). If vets are offended, their feelings need to be respected.

Obviously I am not a vet, but the statement I made was what I was told by numerous vets. Not my opinion. No where do I claim I speak for vets or as a vet. You are also speaking in all anecdotes as well. So the vets feelings need to be respected, but peoples lives don't need to be. Got it. Makes sense.
Obviously I am not a vet, but the statement I made was what I was told by numerous vets. Not my opinion. No where do I claim I speak for vets or as a vet. You are also speaking in all anecdotes as well. So the vets feelings need to be respected, but peoples lives don't need to be. Got it. Makes sense.

My Skin Is Black – Why I Stand for The National Anthem

Oh, one more example of overcoming hate:

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