OT: Deerfield Beach football player shot to death

Sad news man, just sad! Smh May those who lost there lives RIP as there with the lord and savior now. šŸ™ but please lord let those scumbags who did this be caught and thrown in prison for life or preferably given the death penalty. The crazy thing is I drive by that church/funeral home all the time as I have a few home health patients In the Rivera beach/singer island area. Iā€™m gonna cross my heart and say a pray next time Iā€™m there.
Sad news.

ā€œRiviera Beach Police need to take responsibility too,ā€ he wrote on Facebook. ā€œAs a church who serves the community, we called and asked for their assistance before this tragedy took place. We informed them of the potential violence. Our tax dollars should ensure we get what we need in order for our citizens and families can be protected. If we request you be there be there....ā€

ā€œRiviera Beach Police need to take responsibility too,ā€ he wrote on Facebook. ā€œAs a church who serves the community, we called and asked for their assistance before this tragedy took place. We informed them of the potential violence. Our tax dollars should ensure we get what we need in order for our citizens and families can be protected. If we request you be there be there....ā€

The article states that an officer was present.
His point did not go over my head. That is why I only disagreed with his bolded part. Are you trying to say "gangsters are ******* because they wouldn't dare go up against tanks and airplanes?" That isn't even close to true. "gangsters" go up against highly trained police officers with high tech weaponry, knowing they are almost certainly going to lose. None of these guys would be afraid to fight an untrained ISIS guy with an AK, after going through boot/basic, training in their MOS, and being deployed with much better weaponry and surrounded by much better trained troops.

The fact that you think ISIS or Al Qaeda are untrained is hilarious. Especially fighting in their own desert/mountainous terrain where theyā€™re essentially as fast as a goat climbing up and down those mountains. Theyā€™re also experts in guerrilla warfare and excel when numbers and weaponry are significantly against them.

Never seen anyone try to hype up a gang banger as being more courageous than a US soldier. Laughable on your part.
ā€œRiviera Beach Police need to take responsibility too,ā€ he wrote on Facebook. ā€œAs a church who serves the community, we called and asked for their assistance before this tragedy took place. We informed them of the potential violence. Our tax dollars should ensure we get what we need in order for our citizens and families can be protected. If we request you be there be there....ā€

The pastor had requested police and an officer was actually at the funeral. They also ordered armed security who was also there. Once the actual funeral finished and most people left they both left and that's when the shooting occurred. You can only protect people so much, the child should not.have been there hanging around after the funeral if this was such a known danger.
Firstly, stop it. This craziness only happens in the United States...consistently.

Iā€™ve actually lived in Australia For years...and Europe and Hong Kong...for YEARS! Iā€™m not a talking head; I see the difference. I love America but this country is insane. Everybody on medication for something, lots of mental illness in this country, and many carrying weapons....itā€™s a crazy combo. Live abroad for a while and youā€™ll see. And Im not saying some military ****...living on a base or being a military brat...TRULY live and work abroad and then come see me. The difference is humongous.

My reaction was not in the moment. My ex and I discussed this many times, and 3 years ago we made the decision. We will not, under any circumstances allow our son to live in the United States. After heā€™s 18 he can make his own decisions but we wonā€™t ever allow him to live here, so long as we have a say.
You have to look at the Demographics of it. This country is a huge melting pot of many cultures. This is unique, we have what 300+ million people living here, you don't have this same diversity anywhere else in the world. The god given freedoms we have here are unmatched anywhere around the world. And I have traveled around the world and wouldn't live anywhere but the U.S. this is the greatest country in the world.
Maga gun nuts? Wasn't it a Bernie supporter who shot up the congressmen? I don't watch the news much. Can someone guide me to the maga gun nut story that an actual death occurred?
Always Be Closing.
Firstly, stop it. This craziness only happens in the United States...consistently.

Iā€™ve actually lived in Australia For years...and Europe and Hong Kong...for YEARS! Iā€™m not a talking head; I see the difference. I love America but this country is insane. Everybody on medication for something, lots of mental illness in this country, and many carrying weapons....itā€™s a crazy combo. Live abroad for a while and youā€™ll see. And Im not saying some military ****...living on a base or being a military brat...TRULY live and work abroad and then come see me. The difference is humongous.

My reaction was not in the moment. My ex and I discussed this many times, and 3 years ago we made the decision. We will not, under any circumstances allow our son to live in the United States. After heā€™s 18 he can make his own decisions but we wonā€™t ever allow him to live here, so long as we have a say.
Can someone guide me to the maga gun nut story that an actual death occurred?

Dylan Roof, Nikolas Cruz, Patrick Crusius, & Dimitrios Pagourtzis.

Nikolas Cruz with His gang colors on:

GUN MURDER is a misleading stat.

Russiaā€™s murder rate is several times higher.

We have a severe cultural problem that goes far beyond the tools people decide to murder each other with.

This country was literally conceived by the gun and born in bloodshed. THAT is the American way.

We owned people ias CATTLE, not indentured servants, but life long property. We use fake charity and altruism to cover for dog eat dog, ruthless capitalism.

People are losing their minds under nutritional deficiencies, toxic poisoning in the food, air, water, and common consumer products, and depraved social structure that places money and status above human dignity.

You thought America won independence from Britain? Nope. They gave us the guise of self rule to control or money system and use us as a farm of free wealth. You thought Lincoln freed the slaves? Nope. They just outlawed involuntary servitude and made it voluntary. Thus your birth certificate and obligation to pay taxes.

This country was a corporation of the Crown of England created to generate wealth for the monarchs and banking cartel. NOTHING HAS CHANGED except the illusion of choice perpetrated by our bipartisan system of neo extremist government.

Donā€™t try to blame a lifeless tool for the misery of American life. Our problems are much deeper, complicated and scarier than that simpleminded bullshyt.

I agree with this brother right here...

American "democracy" is proving itself to be a lie...

Elections are a sham...the 1% of the world own America and pick who they want to APPEAR to be in charge.

It's all reality TV now...

All this pollution, wars, coronavirus is part of a larger "de-population" effort to shrink the world from 8 billion people down.