OT: Dalvin Cook Arrested?

Good news is the woman has reported that Cook will leave after his Junior year. So now we only get butt hurt by him for 2 more games.

In all seriousness her story sounds legit. If true no reason he does not get the boot just like the QB did.

Don't worry, they'll suspend him for the first 4 games of the seasons so he can come in fresh against us.
How does the TPD consistently get away with redacting the "suspects" information, but leave the victims name and information for all to see? Is that normal police work in Tally to redact the suspect, but leave the victims name and personal information so all of their fan base can call and harass? Any cops on the board that can speak to this subject?

Everyone in Tallahassee is on board for the big win. It makes it much easier if the victim doesn't press charges against the athletes due to intense peer pressure.

Thank you.

There will be a sit down with one of the Big Donors. The little lady will get some financial incentive to settle for minor charges so Jimbo can make a go at Urban Meyer. Without Dalvin, FSU isn't even in the same room with the Buckeyes, Michigan or Alabama.
There is a warrant out for his arrest according to Warchant. Jimbo is on vacation in WV with his private investigator :upset:
He should be kicked off the team just like the QB.

[MENTION=459]#26-MEAST[/MENTION]: Here's the dilemma that FSU now faces....some may call it Karma from how they handled the J Winston Situation. The young pup was kicked off the team b/c frankly, he's a non-factor at this point. He was used as lion bait to show good faith that good ole FSU is above board and they're not going to tolerate such a depraved act. Weeell, b/c their star running back has now been accused of the same crime, they are caught in a pickle. They can't just simply sweep this under the rug b/c that kid and his parents will sue the crap out of FSU.

And guess what...he's now been suspended "indefinitely" b/c FSU is trying to show face while coming up w/ a way to get him back on the team. This is all bad for them, and I can't say that I'm sorry about it either.
It happened on June 23rd and it cones out today. What a cesspool of **** that is FSU and TPD!

Oh, and Dalvin Cook is a POS! Hitting a woman is not acceptable. Walk away!
Per Ermon Lane..."Can you (media) respect our privacy as we (Cook/Lane) deal with our current situation" ..."he has hit me harder than that, so I don't know what's the big deal"

Probably took so long because of the horrible cooperation that FSU has with the PD, ESPN had a story about it the other day, they literally give no help at all to the PD, and the PD waits days before the school actually lets them interview athletes, so the timing of it doesnt really surprise me
I hope these kids in Miami realize that actually leaving the "streets" of Miami and going to other cities is not going to stop them from getting in trouble. What you need is a support system that will allow you and teach you to make good decisions. Parents, coaches, teachers all matter in helping a kid. Maybe Cook is dumb and would of done this anywhere, or maybe it was because he left home and thought he was King of the world. Regardless, it is sick and I can't stand when people like Phillips are quoted as needing to leave Miami.
What a dumbass. Man, when will these guys realize they're a target every single time they're in public.
If they kick him off does anyone pick him up? Honestly I don't want Miami to, hitting a woman is about as low as it gets.

Wouldn't be surprised to see LSU or someone take a shot on "giving him a second chance"