OT - Boxing

I knew ruiz had this watching the 2 episodes on DAZN, im like this chubby mug can bang and if he catches AJ its over cause AJ chin suspect af hes like Kahn. U hit him in the head hard he gets hurt and all the muscle works against him cause that **** gets u hella tired

Facts bro. Great call by you. You right about that chin too. Schit is made out of fine china.

Yup, people don't know. They think being jacked is some sort of benefit and that these NFL dudes could just step in the ring or octagon and bang because they are bigger. LMAO. It gets you gassed like you said and its not going to help you hit much harder. If lifting weights made you hit harder. Malignaggi would have hired Moffit to teach him how to lift and would have been a great.
Facts bro. Great call by you. You right about that chin too. Schit is made out of fine china.

Yup, people don't know. They think being jacked is some sort of benefit and that these NFL dudes could just step in the ring or octagon and bang because they are bigger. LMAO. It gets you gassed like you said and its not going to help you hit much harder. If lifting weights made you hit harder. Malignaggi would have hired Moffit to teach him how to lift and would have been a great.
U cant put that much muscle on especially at HW, his best punches were the haymakers in round 1 then he was tired. People dont understand how tiring boxing is when u first ever train go in the ring its hard to do even one fuqin round especially if u just throwing bombs. It feels like a generation in the ring and its only 2-3 mins.
U cant put that much muscle on especially at HW, his best punches were the haymakers in round 1 then he was tired. People dont understand how tiring boxing is when u first ever train go in the ring its hard to do even one fuqin round especially if u just throwing bombs. It feels like a generation in the ring and its only 2-3 mins.

Exactly. You get to big, no way you are going to go 3 rounds, let alone the full 12. Plus it doesn't even help you. Your not going to find some 295 lb dude that is hitting harder than Foreman.

I remember kids would come into my gym. Kids would be Cross Country dudes, basketball, football, whatever. They would gas on the BAG in 3 rounds. LMAO. let alone sparring.

Facts bro. I remember seeing dudes that knew how to fight. 150lb little dudes knocking out 250 lb bodybuilder/football player types.

Roger Huerta who is a wrestler, not even a boxer, not even a good one. Faught back when the UFC was young and not talented at all. Has zero hands. Weights 154lb one shotted Rashad Bobino 3x honoroble mention all big 12 LB for Texas at 230. This was when Texas was good too. He started on the 2005 NC winning texas team as a freshman at LB. Dude literally got one shotted by a feather fisted wrestler lmfao.
Exactly. You get to big, no way you are going to go 3 rounds, let alone the full 12. Plus it doesn't even help you. Your not going to find some 295 lb dude that is hitting harder than Foreman.

I remember kids would come into my gym. Kids would be Cross Country dudes, basketball, football, whatever. They would gas on the BAG in 3 rounds. LMAO. let alone sparring.

Facts bro. I remember seeing dudes that knew how to fight. 150lb little dudes knocking out 250 lb bodybuilder/football player types.

Roger Huerta who is a wrestler, not even a boxer, not even a good one. Faught back when the UFC was young and not talented at all. Has zero hands. Weights 154lb one shotted Rashad Bobino 3x honoroble mention all big 12 LB for Texas at 230. This was when Texas was good too. He started on the 2005 NC winning texas team as a freshman at LB. Dude literally got one shotted by a feather fisted wrestler lmfao.
Alot of people dont understand this sport and when they do they cry fixed.......i got into this sport late but did my due diligence to learn the little things and watching my son and other fighters u pick it up. Im sure u know way more then me but problem is with alot of outsiders or people who dont know **** they let there feelings get involved in the fight when u can see **** for what it is. AJ got weak chinned by 100 year old champ and they expected him to beat Wilder? Wilder hits this guy once its lights out and Wilder isnt even fundamentally sound lol.

U take AJ in deep water its over just like Connor McGregor and i dont even watch mma like that and knew this. People watched FM and CM and mma fans sat there and thought CM did well he hit him the most....but then fail to realize FM would never walk down a real boxer cause of the power shots, FM had no worry over his power. Also for years I always said PAc struggles with counter punchers and always knew FM would destroy him (FM was one of the goats at countering). No one watches fights they just like a guy and become a crazy fan not looking at anything but that one fighter
Alot of people dont understand this sport and when they do they cry fixed.......i got into this sport late but did my due diligence to learn the little things and watching my son and other fighters u pick it up. Im sure u know way more then me but problem is with alot of outsiders or people who dont know **** they let there feelings get involved in the fight when u can see **** for what it is. AJ got weak chinned by 100 year old champ and they expected him to beat Wilder? Wilder hits this guy once its lights out and Wilder isnt even fundamentally sound lol.

Facts bro. I know you know your schit. You know more than a lot of dudes who have been watching it their whole lives. because you did your due diligence.

You are right though. The thing is no man wants to admit they don't know schit about fighting. So everyone has an opinion. Even if their only experience is fighting scrubs on the street that can't even throw a proper punch. Everyone wants to give their opinion and most people don't know wtf they are talking about lmao.

AJ got a china chin and WIlder would crack it in one shot. one shot from Wilder would end the fight.
Facts bro. I know you know your schit. You know more than a lot of dudes who have been watching it their whole lives. because you did your due diligence.

You are right though. The thing is no man wants to admit they don't know schit about fighting. So everyone has an opinion. Even if their only experience is fighting scrubs on the street that can't even throw a proper punch. Everyone wants to give their opinion and most people don't know wtf they are talking about lmao.

AJ got a china chin and WIlder would crack it in one shot. one shot from Wilder would end the fight.
dog i been into it for 5 years, i always liked boxing but never watched it only sometimes. When my son got into it i wanted to learn more of everything so i can teach him, im like that with every sport i want to know everything. CFB was the most difficult I know football but learning the recruiting aspect took years of being on scout and CIS. Now i usually know whos coming who isnt and etc. Im not always right even in boxing but at least i got a clue.
@OriginalGatorHater bruh i remember after i learned the sport my boy whos a hard core fan and he knows his ****. Would say for years that the angle punching of Pac would be too much for Floyd....we would talk all the time and I started to notice that he would diss FM. So I started to watch both and my friend said pac would win but me speaking to him so much I knew he picked Pac because he hated FM.he never used logic cause of the hate he had built up against Floyd. Then FM proceeds to destroy Pac just the way I said he would and it would look easy........then he chose CM and I told him turn in your boxing card before the fight lol. Never listen to him again about boxing but he always sounded like he knew wtf he was talking about. and I had to learn the sport and figure out he didnt know a ***** thing
dog i been into it for 5 years, i always liked boxing but never watched it only sometimes. When my son got into it i wanted to learn more of everything so i can teach him, im like that with every sport i want to know everything. CFB was the most difficult I know football but learning the recruiting aspect took years of being on scout and CIS. Now i usually know whos coming who isnt and etc. Im not always right even in boxing but at least i got a clue.

Ya bro. You know your schit though thats the thing. A lot of dudes watch it for 50 years and still don't know schit lmao.

I am the same way though bro. If I get into something. I want to know everything about it lmao.

Same with me bro. I generally pick the right fighters, but even after over a decade of competing and over 2 decades watching the sport. I still get picks wrong sometimes. Everyone does or else they would be making millions in vegas lmao.
@OriginalGatorHater bruh i remember after i learned the sport my boy whos a hard core fan and he knows his ****. Would say for years that the angle punching of Pac would be too much for Floyd....we would talk all the time and I started to notice that he would diss FM. So I started to watch both and my friend said pac would win but me speaking to him so much I knew he picked Pac because he hated FM.he never used logic cause of the hate he had built up against Floyd. Then FM proceeds to destroy Pac just the way I said he would and it would look easy........then he chose CM and I told him turn in your boxing card before the fight lol. Never listen to him again about boxing but he always sounded like he knew wtf he was talking about. and I had to learn the sport and figure out he didnt know a ***** thing

LMFAOOOOOO Bruh anyone that picked CM doesn't know schit about boxing. How tf you gonna come in here from a different sport and beat the champ. Thats like thinking some Rugby dude is going to come in here and beat out Tom Brady as starting QB.

Just like the Canes homers there are boxing homers and they pick who they want to win, not who they think they will win. That also how Money got so much money. he made people HATE him and everyone tuned in to watch him lose. lmao.
LMFAOOOOOO Bruh anyone that picked CM doesn't know schit about boxing. How tf you gonna come in here from a different sport and beat the champ. Thats like thinking some Rugby dude is going to come in here and beat out Tom Brady as starting QB.

Just like the Canes homers there are boxing homers and they pick who they want to win, not who they think they will win. That also how Money got so much money. he made people HATE him and everyone tuned in to watch him lose. lmao.
He was super smart and people hated him picked against him and he took the bag. I mean thats how i pick Cane games I love the U but I got to be honest and separate that when I pick a game. It aint to be more real its just being honest about it and sometimes we r wrong but I dont get blinded by the love of a team or individual, when I was young I was stupid like that but u get old and wiser.
He was super smart and people hated him picked against him and he took the bag. I mean thats how i pick Cane games I love the U but I got to be honest and separate that when I pick a game. It aint to be more real its just being honest about it and sometimes we r wrong but I dont get blinded by the love of a team or individual, when I was young I was stupid like that but u get old and wiser.

Facts bro. You know I'm the same way. I tell it how it is. Sometimes i think we are going to lose and I will say it. Me saying were going to win is not going to help the team win so no reason BSing like that.

Yup Mayweather is smart af. People like to make fun of him and schit, but dude was smart as **** and made so much money off boxing its crazy. lol.
Facts bro. You know I'm the same way. I tell it how it is. Sometimes i think we are going to lose and I will say it. Me saying were going to win is not going to help the team win so no reason BSing like that.

Yup Mayweather is smart af. People like to make fun of him and schit, but dude was smart as **** and made so much money off boxing its crazy. lol.
I cant even hang out with ni99az that be emotional like that, that pick a team to win just because its there team. Imagine in other aspects of there life they cant be 100 with it so how the fuq there going to be 100 with u? Thats y i really dont even fuq with these fried ni99az lol man, my circle is super tiny cause i get along with cats mainly like what usaid just be real about it fuq it. i was the only one telling miguel cottos cousin who trains my son that cotto would lose to canelo and they got mad at me. I said im being honest Im rooting for Cotto but he will lose lol
I cant even hang out with ni99az that be emotional like that, that pick a team to win just because its there team. Imagine in other aspects of there life they cant be 100 with it so how the fuq there going to be 100 with u? Thats y i really dont even fuq with these fried ni99az lol man, my circle is super tiny cause i get along with cats mainly like what usaid just be real about it fuq it. i was the only one telling miguel cottos cousin who trains my son that cotto would lose to canelo and they got mad at me. I said im being honest Im rooting for Cotto but he will lose lol

Same my g. They are soft hearted dudes. Type that would fold quick when the schit gets hard. We are guys not *******. We can't be emotional all the time lol.

That is some real schit though telling Cottos cousin that lmao. Cotto needs to be confident to win the fight, but you, as a fan at your crib, being blind and thinking cottos gonna win isn't going to do schit for cotto.
Same my g. They are soft hearted dudes. Type that would fold quick when the schit gets hard. We are guys not *******. We can't be emotional all the time lol.

That is some real schit though telling Cottos cousin that lmao. Cotto needs to be confident to win the fight, but you, as a fan at your crib, being blind and thinking cottos gonna win isn't going to do schit for cotto.
They were mad talkin bout u puerto rican, im like ni99a I am but im keepin it G. I was telling them Canelo is too big and he will back cotto up and cotto cant fight when hes back peddling. And thats exactly what happened
They were mad talkin bout u puerto rican, im like ni99a I am but im keepin it G. I was telling them Canelo is too big and he will back cotto up and cotto cant fight when hes back peddling. And thats exactly what happened

Facts. Exactly what happened I expected the same thing. Rooting for someone and thinking they are going to win is completely different. I wanted the Canes to beat Whiskey these last 2 years. I didn't think we would though. Doesn't mean I wanted us to lose.
Facts. Exactly what happened I expected the same thing. Rooting for someone and thinking they are going to win is completely different. I wanted the Canes to beat Whiskey these last 2 years. I didn't think we would though. Doesn't mean I wanted us to lose.
Yea i knew we would get bodied they were way more physical and our recruiting ranking was a mirage....when u recruit where we do 4-3 stars and players that the SEC let us get then u are getting borderline guys and that leaves teams like Wisky VT UNC with a chance at upsetting us. When u recruit top heavy its rare a team like Wisky can beat u. Do we get an occasional guy everyone wants? yes but one guy isnt going to make a roster. we can always lose any game with the way we recruit IMO
Yea i knew we would get bodied they were way more physical and our recruiting ranking was a mirage....when u recruit where we do 4-3 stars and players that the SEC let us get then u are getting borderline guys and that leaves teams like Wisky VT UNC with a chance at upsetting us. When u recruit top heavy its rare a team like Wisky can beat u. Do we get an occasional guy everyone wants? yes but one guy isnt going to make a roster. we can always lose any game with the way we recruit IMO

Facts bro. If we want to win big we got to recruit better. 100% what it comes down to.