
Lotta speed in this lineup
One thing I’m watching for early this season is the energy and emotion from the team. Last year’s team seemed like they were attending a funeral most games. Hopefully that’s a point of emphasis by the coaching staff this season
More of the same from Gino led teams….

Kayfus beautiful bunt, Rosario great at bat leads to walk, first and second no outs … Yoyo horrendous at bat K, Romero great at bat double scores one … 4 hole hitter terrible at bat k, 5 hole hitter terrible at bat k

1st and second no outs we get 1 run with 3 k’s. That’s late year Morris ball and Gino ball. Have to get it fixed if we ever want to get back to respectable
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Seeing the 3/5/6 hitters K against Towson in the 1st inning isn’t a great sign.

Yes, it’s early, but it looks like the same crap. Flying open trying to pull balls with 2 strikes doesn’t work. I’ll reserve further judgment.
More of the same from Gino led teams….

Kayfus beautiful bunt, pitelli great at bat leads to walk, first and second no outs … Yoyo horrendous at bat K, Romero great at bat double scores one … 4 hole hitter terrible at bat k, 5 hole hitter terrible at bat k
Frustrating but it’s the first AB’s of the first game of the season. Let’s give it a bit
For sure. I guess I just convinced myself that there are so many new faces in the lineup that I wanted to give it a clean slate and not hold the problems of the last group against them
The sad part is I don’t expect it to change while dimare is here… and I think he has a lifetime contract