Ole Genron at it again

lol. Do the administrators at these schools have no issue with their employees acting like hoodrats in public?

The answer appears to be no.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.

Clearly your time is better spent on a message board.
Homestead RB coach

Exit1_Best ‏@Did_It_Best 7m
I'm still shocked at the allegations of UM coach snitching on UF WR coach. That's so flaw if it's true

good to see the trusted adults in south Florida continuing to go all Charles Barkley on being a role model (not).

Education at its finest.
lol. Do the administrators at these schools have no issue with their employees acting like hoodrats in public?

The answer appears to be no.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.

The answer appears to be no.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.
Interesting. Not enough time in your day to trouble yourself with things that reflect on your coaching staff and by extension your school. It is a 5 or 10 minute conversation with the head coach.

I guess there is no hope for south Florida if this is a shared outlook.

Yea... because an administrator is really following his HS teams running backs coach on Twitter... As a matter of fact let me go down to the barbershop to tell him to stop saying bad things about out Special teams coordinator. This is not texas football no matter how big you think football is down here theres probably an average of 500 people at Homestead football games if that.. I could careless what my assistant RB coach does in his free time as long as it is not illegal and no parents complain to me about anything.

It's a little thing called ethics my brother & yes your school board has an ethics code! Sexual harassment isn't a violation of state law but it'll **** sure get you fired. So if that same coach was making unwanted sexual advances to your cheerleading coach & she filed a complaint what would you do as an administrator?
It's not about the mechanics of an administration tweet watching, it's about a culture where someone approved to work with kids on a daily basis would carelessly post something so childish and unprofessional with no thought of consequence.

Why is this an issue because he's not a fan of UM? There are more concerns out their about a position coach who doesn't like UM...
I disagree. When Miami loses out on 1-2 big time impactful recruits each year or 2, that adds up. Think about it - that's a group of 3-5 ELITE kids in a 4 year period. You may not think that makes a difference, but it does. JMO. Besides, it's not just "losing a recruit or 2". It's the constant negativity this guy spews and influences many kids.

1. DT was our biggest need for 2014
2. Valentine was the best available down here
3. After hanging out at the U more than most other recruits, Genpop convinced him to head to L$U
4. We were left scrambling for Plan B and C.

Valentine did not want to play NT at 330 which is a smart move on his part and was smart to see our defensive struggles. There is a million Genrons around America. Him taking kids around america is a positive, giving kids more options and opportunities to see other places. Some just need to grow some balls and see we are simply getting out recruited. The issue with Genron if there is one, is something the Head Coach should have been took care of, as a fan base we ourselves need to stop looking for scapegoats.

Valentine was scheduled to come to the U AFTER his LSU trip. Genpop wasn't gettin love from our staff and told the kid not to visit. Guess what... Valentine did not step foot on our campus. We never saw him again. That's not being outrecruited. That's our staff not "re$pecting" Genpop enough and him flexing his muscle through a kid.

The only excuse TV made was forming a better relationship with battle (who should of been a cane but he was too slow when he was an outstanding track athlete). I'm a die heart cane but lets put you guys in TVs shoes as his parents, would you send an elite DT to UM? Yes UM offers a great education but in this time education is a dime of dozen where you can graduate from literally any school and make a living after college, depends on the person. The main objective of most recruits are to get to the league and make millions of dollars to provide for family. Which school LSU or UM would give him that opportunity easier. I also had a middle man similar to Genron when I was being recruited and if it was not for him there's no way I would have had the opportunity to visit Bama.

Yeah, it would suck to have arguably the entire defensive line spotlight on you and your abilities while you raise the level of play and attract other top notch recruits to come with you. If the main objective is to get into the league and make millions (and not to make thousands and thousands in the NCAA)...you want your game to stand out, not necessarily to be fighting for PT against every other 5 star.

bull**** excuse to claim DT coaching was the problem (no decent DTs here...be a man and get the tradition back...)...especially when claiming probation was the problem first.

Not sure if this was mentioned, but after watching the 30 for 30 the other night, ESPN College Football show discussed the "snitching". The overwhelming opinion was that if UM received information about it, they had little choice but to turn it over to the NCAA. If they did not, and a person who knew about it indicated they informed UM Compliance, UM could be in some level of trouble themselves. Mentioned Urban turning in FL, etc.
LSU lost a ton of guys to the NFL, the pitched him playing time and money and NFL dreams. People thought he was gonna flip since October. It wasn't a surprise to many.

That may be part of the story, but we all also know that he had a coach at his school, genron, pushing him to l$u.
Maybe the NCAA is already looking at Hialeah Champagnat to see what LSU is arranging for them to receive. There are more eye balls looking at this school than China has rice.
Homestead RB coach

Exit1_Best ‏@Did_It_Best 7m
I'm still shocked at the allegations of UM coach snitching on UF WR coach. That's so flaw if it's true

good to see the trusted adults in south Florida continuing to go all Charles Barkley on being a role model (not).

Education at its finest.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.
Interesting. Not enough time in your day to trouble yourself with things that reflect on your coaching staff and by extension your school. It is a 5 or 10 minute conversation with the head coach.

I guess there is no hope for south Florida if this is a shared outlook.

Yea... because an administrator is really following his HS teams running backs coach on Twitter... As a matter of fact let me go down to the barbershop to tell him to stop saying bad things about out Special teams coordinator. This is not texas football no matter how big you think football is down here theres probably an average of 500 people at Homestead football games if that.. I could careless what my assistant RB coach does in his free time as long as it is not illegal and no parents complain to me about anything.

It's a little thing called ethics my brother & yes your school board has an ethics code! Sexual harassment isn't a violation of state law but it'll **** sure get you fired. So if that same coach was making unwanted sexual advances to your cheerleading coach & she filed a complaint what would you do as an administrator?

a.) Put moves myself on the cheerleading coach
b.) Offer her cash money to shut up about it
c.) suggest a **** video of the two of them
d.) fire them both if a, b, or c don't work
If dude has no problem bashing us on social media I can only imagine what he's saying to recruits behind doors
lol. Do the administrators at these schools have no issue with their employees acting like hoodrats in public?

The answer appears to be no.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.

Part of the problem and not the solution....
lol. Do the administrators at these schools have no issue with their employees acting like hoodrats in public?

The answer appears to be no.

Just shocking lack of accountability/professionalism/civilization.

Sorry swagger as an administrator, one of the last things I'm worried about is a RB COACH who is most likely not an employee at my school making a comment about a UM coach possibly snitching on a UF coach.

Part of the problem and not the solution....

The administrators need to hold the coaches to a higher level of accountability if they expect their student athletes to handle themselves well in public.