Ok. Not a thread for stadium deniers

Will they make sink shaped urinals to keep the authentic feel of peeing in a sink like at the OB?
Nothing like windmilling your **** in front of about 20 guys to dry it off after a drunken ****.

I still tell the story that’s 100% true, of ****ing in the trough, standing in 6 inches of God knows what kind of toxic waste water, and watching a **** float by my feet. This actually happened.

I could’ve just ****ed on the floor it wouldn’t have made any difference. I’m pretty sure that was **** and brown water I was standing in.
An updated state of the art replica is fine. I want a museum inside the stadium dedicated to UM Football’s great history. Have a movie or theatre room that visitors can sit in and watch videos dedicated to the program. Memorable plays like the wide rights etc. considering the storied history of the program, the possibilities are ENDLESS

Cant put stuff like that in HRS.
Why you couldn't do that at HRS?
I almost have a visceral dislike of that 50,000 capacity talk.

If we’re doing well, we will have at least half the games that will sell out. If we’re not doing well, then who cares anyway.

If they do a 50K stadium we'll end up playing 2 games a year at Hard Rock. Those games will be the most important ones and the players wont feel like they're playing a home game. It'll feel more like a neutral site game.
There is no way we will ever recreate the Orange Bowl. That place was special for so many reasons: the neighborhood, the history, the hilarious lack of amenities. You're not going to get any of that in a new stadium.

So if (and this is a massive if) we figure out a stadium site, just design it the best you can to maximize crowd noise and proximity of fans to the field.
There is no way we will ever recreate the Orange Bowl. That place was special for so many reasons: the neighborhood, the history, the hilarious lack of amenities. You're not going to get any of that in a new stadium.

So if (and this is a massive if) we figure out a stadium site, just design it the best you can to maximize crowd noise and proximity of fans to the field.

Im hopeful that any new stadium finds a way to recreate the Orange Bowl neighborhood vibe. I wanna see street meat vendors and neighborhood parking. Anything besides a **** multi-story concrete parking garage.
I wonder how much of that had to do with the OB being such a dumpy ****hole. Most of us enjoyed that aspect but the people who inhabit this city would flock to a new stadium so they can post about it on SnapFace.
For the first few games sure. Then the novelty wears off. See: Marlins Park
Loose Metal signs upper decks to bang on railing for 3rd down ? That and the falling concrete chunks really would get the visitors / some locals shook .
I still visit the Real Cane Talk boards from where us canesport members mutineed against Gary Vermin and I found a thread we had on the “Vortex”. There were some really great posts on there, some of which even prophetic. Some excerpts:

Hurricaneu45 (12/9/2011): “There is only 1 spot on campus that can fit a stadium.... but odly enough nobody has ever brought it up on this board.
Its the spot pictured below, to the North East of Mohoney Pearson there is a piece of land that appears to be outside of campus, but it's actually owned by the University of Miami.
Part of the land is home to the Henry S. West Laboratory which is run by the University's school of education (Its in miami dade public school district), the land is on the other side of Carillo St is ALSO owned by the University.

I know it sounds a little crazy, but this is the ONLY spot that would work; the elementary school would have to be relocated somewhere within the campus, but the size of the land can be our home. In this other image below we can see approximate dimensions.

At the narrowest point we have 606Ft... at the widest point 860ft..
Length-wise we have more than enough with 790 feet at its shortest point and over 1200 feet at the longest point... Therfore we have a space of ATLEAST 606' by 790'

To give you some kind of a comparison, the footprint for the Tulane Stadium is 540 ft X 725ft.
We can most definitely have some thing Like SMU Stadium which is on a footprint of 600' x 700'... We can do this ON CAMPUS..

Bottom line fellas, IT CAN BE DONE.... now whether this is a better option than Tropical Park, I'm not sure.. the logistics of parking/tailgating/pre-game environment with the involvemnt of the City of Coral Gables makes me wonder a bit about the on-campus stadium.. regardless it can be done.. no doubt about it.
I want to hear your thoughts”



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  1. Nothing to be torn about. Greentree isn't holy. It's a field, land. Land where a stadium should go.

    For me, there is only one place to put it and that's in campus. You don't wait 90 years to do sOmething only to half *** it.

    On Campus.

    You want students and alumni to give $ to UM and TRULY support UM football for generations? You want a little of what EVERYONE else has? Put it on greentree.

    CC does not lie.

    CC has been 100% right about all of this.

    I'll debat anyone on the planet regarding this subject. I don't give a **** how many fancy law degrees you have, I know more then you do about THIS topic.

    On Campus. It's really the ONLY way it happens. Why? Because the city of Miami will NEVER give you the land. They already **** down your throat and laughed. Same
    For the county.

    On Campus

    Vortex time!!


    Dec 9, 2011Report

  2. BTW

    IGNORE any ******* that tells you "Coral gables will never......"

    Also, the reason you use greentree/Hecht/Cobb is because that area insulates you from the CG community. The alumni center area and that student housing area outside of the sports complex serves as a buffer. It is part of YOUR SELL to coral gables and part of the logistical plan to keep autos and foot traffic out of CG and focused ON campus, ACROSS campus, INTO sunset place and the sunset district, up the metro rail corridor north and south and OUT of CG.

    It's all been done before. I'm not reinventing anything.

    You could EASILY have a gameday on campus that had minimal impact on CG.

    You funnel people, give them direction, redirect traffic before and after games, change traffic flows, orchestrate events at certain locations keeping people out of CG, promote local businesses as areas to congregate before and after games.

    That area has businesses that would DROOL to have that type of foot traffic 6-7 days a year. DROOL.

    Lots of $ to be made on gameday in that area.



    It's all been done before.

    Ask the people and community of Carrillon how much the 45k seat UCF stadium has affected them. Zero . Ask them if UCF did everything in its power to address their concerns and objections. They did, flawlessly.
    Dec 9, 2011Report
@TheOriginalCane found your post in this same thread from over 10 years ago!

You know I love you, CC, but we would have to do a couple of things with your plan.

First, we would need a traffic cut from San Amaro, under the Metrorail, out to US 1. Absolutely necessary for traffic flow. So we would have to work with the state of Florida on this. Doable.

Second, we would need to relocate buildings STAT. This is why I think 2018 is a reasonable date. Many people want to snap fingers and make something happen, but if we are going to open up an enormous hole on campus, we need to relocate all of that stuff. Which is STILL why I have ALWAYS maintained that we need to acquire more land. At any rate, Greentree could easily move to Granada. Move PanHellenic down to Fraternity Row. Build a new LC, maybe relocate WestLab off-campus and suddenly you have space for the New Hecht.

You could probably relocate Schiff and the IM fields to South Miami with the purchase of some land.
Dec 10, 2011Report