Ok. Not a thread for stadium deniers

It has nothing to do with how great Hard Rock is

Any idea the revenue we miss out on by not having our own stadium? Not even factoring in the cost of the lease we're just giving away

Naming rights, sponsorships, concessions, parking, other ancillary items, lease and event revenue, etc. That's what happens when you get big-businessmen involved and looking at your financials to help.. they think of and identify the areas where more money can come from

If the university was footing the bill and the benefit was decades in the future.. ok probably not.

But someone else is looking to foot the bill and the university gets all or most of the benefit at no cost... football would be self-sustaining the entire athletic dept. Hard to pass up
Not to mention, today's students are tomorrow's season ticket holders and donors. You can't undersell the student experience at games. What would make future alumni more likely to stay passionate about the school and program, a stadium closer to campus or bussing 1-2 hours each way to Hard Rock?
Literally Barry Jackson has been wrong on anything Miami, and reports things after the fact. I’ve now learned to take whatever this dude say w/ a grain of salt. The coaching situation & all his horrible intel should tell u all u need to know about any of his tweets moving forward. Not saying he’s wrong; just saying don’t put stock in it.


We did sign a 25-year lease at Hard Rock which began with the 2008 season. Hopefully this "committee" does put together something tangible that can be put in place before that lease ends. If the committee does all the legwork and handles all the backroom politics, there's no reason the school would say no to any proposal.
Per ACC rules, don't you have to have at least 55K capacity?

I don't know, I don't have a ACC rule book.

Plus I did say IF WE'RE DREAMING.

What I do know is Wake Forect's home stadium is appx. 32K. Duke's home stadium is appx 40K. UNC Home stadium appx 50K.

So IF there is a rule, it's not being enforced equally on ALL ACC teams.
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8/31/2024: Kickoff Classic to baptize Deion Sanders Field at Justin Flowe Stadium. Haselwood lot opens 5 hours prior to kickoff; Marshall lot opens 4 hours early; Leach and Kiffin lots 3 hours and are not directional.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. It’s not gonna happen. We get it. You’re the smart ones who think it through while everyone is a sucker. Cool. But for those who will hold out some hope for it to actually happen are you down with an OB replica or do you want something totally different? Stadium deniers can play too. Just pretend they announced a site and budget for a new stadium. Mark me down as an OB replica. I will never, ever, ever let the memories of that place leave me and if we can replicate that at even 50% I’m good.
I can promise you it’s going to happen. The stadium will not be the Orange Bowl. It’ll be top of the line with retractable dome. They’re going all in (no hand cranks for my rivals guys :). Right from the horses mouth.
I still visit the Real Cane Talk boards from where us canesport members mutineed against Gary Vermin and I found a thread we had on the “Vortex”. There were some really great posts on there, some of which even prophetic. Some excerpts:

Hurricaneu45 (12/9/2011): “There is only 1 spot on campus that can fit a stadium.... but odly enough nobody has ever brought it up on this board.
Its the spot pictured below, to the North East of Mohoney Pearson there is a piece of land that appears to be outside of campus, but it's actually owned by the University of Miami.
Part of the land is home to the Henry S. West Laboratory which is run by the University's school of education (Its in miami dade public school district), the land is on the other side of Carillo St is ALSO owned by the University.

I know it sounds a little crazy, but this is the ONLY spot that would work; the elementary school would have to be relocated somewhere within the campus, but the size of the land can be our home. In this other image below we can see approximate dimensions.

At the narrowest point we have 606Ft... at the widest point 860ft..
Length-wise we have more than enough with 790 feet at its shortest point and over 1200 feet at the longest point... Therfore we have a space of ATLEAST 606' by 790'

To give you some kind of a comparison, the footprint for the Tulane Stadium is 540 ft X 725ft.
We can most definitely have some thing Like SMU Stadium which is on a footprint of 600' x 700'... We can do this ON CAMPUS..

Bottom line fellas, IT CAN BE DONE.... now whether this is a better option than Tropical Park, I'm not sure.. the logistics of parking/tailgating/pre-game environment with the involvemnt of the City of Coral Gables makes me wonder a bit about the on-campus stadium.. regardless it can be done.. no doubt about it.
I want to hear your thoughts”

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Yup, things will go just Peachy for the FSU and the Home and Home with the F*#king Irish. Then there’s Clemson and Southern Cal when we play them. Have you considered the litigation that the University is going to suffer from the NIMBY’s in the Gables?