Official “fire Blake James” banner thread.

da plane.webp

Fire Blake James!!
I stopped here and not because I want/don't want Highsmith.

Just because someone went to school here doesn't mean they need to be considered. We should have our focus on bringing in the best guy, not just an alum.

If you find two EQUAL candidates and one went to school here, fine. But our goal should be to find the best guy.

Of course I agree, you find someone better hire them in a heartbeat. Danny White from UCF comes to mind. I didn’t mean to come off as “that” guy who only wants someone who’s affiliated with the university.

All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be against it if it happened and he isn’t some unproven JAG, guy has legit NFL connects
Facts..that’s why I say if y’all feel that strongly..boycott and sit out the rest of the season talk through various channels, email let your voice be known and heard through the right channels.. maybe find another hobby in the fall other than going to the games..but there’s no point in flying banners then showing up for the game..for me, ima still rep the U I’ma be at the game on Friday like I was Saturday and ima go to the FSU game..that’s my choice..but like I said if y’all reall want the affect positive change, the banners have never worked

so you are fully enabling the continued mediocrity. some “fan” you are.
Another “it has to be a miami guy” post.


Not saying it HAS to be him, I’d take Danny White in a millisecond - really anyone who has prior experience as an AD and was consistently competent in the way they approached hires and all that.

All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be against the hire given his NFL administrative experience and overall football knowledge, but if there’s a better candidate get him obviously.
So what the point in the banner?..if still showing up and u feel the way u do but still spending money..the AD is judged not only on football, but the sports department as a whole. You affect that with💰💸
Football is the only sport that drives in revenue! So you better believe he is judged by what happens on the field! Enjoy looking at the banner on firday because it’s happening.
Ok guys I was in the Jen strawley thread and I posted on there since all this behind the scenes stuff is coming out maybe we should add her and Bass to the banner. How does “Save the U, fire Strawley, Bass, and Blake” what do you think guys? Sounds good? Also I’m calling the plane/banner company tomorrow to get all the specifics and quote and then I’ll redo the gofundme and make a new thread on here with all the info.
Of course I agree, you find someone better hire them in a heartbeat. Danny White from UCF comes to mind. I didn’t mean to come off as “that” guy who only wants someone who’s affiliated with the university.

All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be against it if it happened and he isn’t some unproven JAG, guy has legit NFL connects

His Miami connections aren’t what matters, that was my point.
Ok guys I was in the Jen strawley thread and I posted on there since all this behind the scenes stuff is coming out maybe we should add her and Bass to the banner. How does “Save the U, fire Strawley, Bass, and Blake” what do you think guys? Sounds good? Also I’m calling the plane/banner company tomorrow to get all the specifics and quote and then I’ll redo the gofundme and make a new thread on here with all the info.

Yep thats diversity for you.
Ok guys I was in the Jen strawley thread and I posted on there since all this behind the scenes stuff is coming out maybe we should add her and Bass to the banner. How does “Save the U, fire Strawley, Bass, and Blake” what do you think guys? Sounds good? Also I’m calling the plane/banner company tomorrow to get all the specifics and quote and then I’ll redo the gofundme and make a new thread on here with all the info.

Ok someone really needs to summarize this deleted thread. Sounds like lots of good stuff in there.