Offensive Gameplan.. .

There were almost always 2 guys on Brevin. But maybe we could have done more to involve Mallory. I have to admit that I'm becoming disenchanted with him.
I'm seeing a parallel with Jeff Thomas. Show me signs that you're elite, then...nothing but disappointment.
If the wideouts caught at least three of those deep balls Venerables would of eased up on the zero coverage and spreaded out his defense more. The wideouts didn’t so he just lined 8 in the box and blitzed more than we could block. Lashlee say all week, make the congested catches, and the wideouts didn’t. The gameplan started and ended with the wideouts.
Under throwing a deep ball so your receiver can come back to it or get a PI call is almost a staple of college offenses. We had at least 4 chances last night and I think got one call. The other times our guy either fell down or tried to dance around the DB. Herbie said it like 100 times, run through the DB on the way back to the ball so you get the call.
here's the facts

king ain't very good, you guys need to cool it with that guy. Clemson dared him to take a deep shot and sent the house at him
these wr's are a flat out joke, harley should have went to west virginia
baker sucks bad bad badddddd clemson kept attacking the very same spot all night long
that roche guy needs to find a hobby that forces him to multi-task
They heard all week we we're back. And they weren't looking ahead like they were when Wake Forest scored a few touchdowns on them. We've got a ways to go with them, but we certainly can run the table and get a rematch. We are going to find out next week against Pitt if this culture has really changed or not.
Agree with this week being an important one about culture. Manny was rightly praised for all of the offseason moves. Lets see if they payoff after getting knocked on our ***.
I put the offensive disaster on king and our receivers. Yeah I know the receivers suck but man those two picks were egregious. Also penalties.
Manny is a ***** and his players all reflect that. Al Golden was a used car salesman. Manny is the same but he sells imports so some of you guys think he’s the guy...he’s not and he never will be. Until our administration makes a commitment to the program we will be stuck in college football purgatory.
I put the offensive disaster on king and our receivers. Yeah I know the receivers suck but man those two picks were egregious. Also penalties.

some florida gaytor posted on their board that we got a wide receiver playing quarterback

I know this random guy isn't the best at spotting talent, but king is making me wonder.

he's not getting much help either but **** his deep ball flat out sucks.
some florida gaytor posted on their board that we got a wide receiver playing quarterback

I know this random guy isn't the best at spotting talent, but king is making me wonder.

he's not getting much help either but **** his deep ball flat out sucks.
King is not THE problem. He was a problem last night. The problem is the receivers can’t do crap. But last night king was not good
I put the offensive disaster on king and our receivers. Yeah I know the receivers suck but man those two picks were egregious. Also penalties.

This was 100% on Lashlee. We were fd in pre snap all night. I was literally calling it out every play.

The offense was put in awful positions all night.
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Inside zone on 4th and 1 was Lashlee accepting the torch from Richt and Enos in continuing the tradition of diabolical play calling at the university of Miami. Unacceptable play call there.
Nah he had some clean pockets and was either late with the ball or underthrew the receiver both INTs he threw was on him Wiggins should have fought for that ball though.. but Mallory had his guy beat.. ball should have been thrown out in front
The deep ball was 100% on Wiggins. Even Herbie called him out on TV lol.
This was 100% on Lashlee. We were fd in pre snap all night. I was literally calling it out every play.

The offense was out in awful positions all night.
I can’t believe there were no 2 TE sets. Clemson’s weakness is the LBs. We didn’t exploit that at all except for one trick play. It was like Lashlee and Diaz believed we could just line up and beat them doing exactly what we’ve been going. Obviously it isn’t good enough. Nor did anyone with half a brain believe it would be good enough. Clemson had a real game plan to exploit us on both sides of the ball. They didn’t just line up and play their game. It was well planned and thought out. Our coaches should be ashamed as they had TWICE the amount of time to prepare.
There were almost always 2 guys on Brevin. But maybe we could have done more to involve Mallory. I have to admit that I'm becoming disenchanted with him.
I was calling for TE sets a week ago for this game lol. It’s the biggest no brainer. Instead we kept playing zero game speed with no wiggle Harley and stone hands pu$$y Pope!
Pretty sure Lashlee lost faith in his players to execute stuff. Because we didnt do **** over the middle.

And Lashlee will let his QB attack the 1vs1 matchup on the outside. Difference is he had Proche last season...

This was overall just ****. Plain and simple. Mental toughness got worse and worse the bigger it got.
Yeah, it did. He didn’t do **** to deal with a soft as fck and outclassed oline
Its not about formations...we didnt do anything to try to get a favorable match up. Instead we kept going over and over again to the match uos that we weren't winning...inside run and wr vertical route outside the hash. We didnt try a single RB screen...something you usually do against preasure....tried two WR screens....didn't move the pocket at all. Just sat there static waiting for the preazure to get to King. Didnt try throwing to our RB's...a match up we could win...nothing. We just played right into what they were doing.
This is what my eyes saw!!! Clemson was very creative in their play calling, even Fowler commented on it!! I would have thought with 2 weeks off we would have had a few more serious wrinkles