Now the fun part

That’s what I’m holding steadfast in. The people that liken Mario to Manny or say he’s a Corch are just either trying to draw attention, or they’re stupid af.

Dude knows how to build a program. This is the most adversity he’s faced in his coaching career. It’s not going to be a cakewalk to turn this crap around. He’s got help - an NFL-level talent evaluator, a top tier AD, and lots of money.

He just needs to swallow his pride and adapt on offense. You can’t fit square pegs into round holes - and that’s what he did both with his staff, and philosophy on offense.

On the field, he’s a corch until your last paragraph holds true…
Seems the close to the year may be underwhelming both on the staff front and recruiting front. Seems like we lose a couple recruits and gattis is still employed. Although our recruiting is WAY better than we deserve coming off this season even if we lose a couple guys
Corchabol probably interviews like state and county does. Has like 3 different hour long tests, one 4 hour physical exam where half your good candidate fail, then another civil service exam where the rest fail because they washed their truck instead of helping Bob roll up some electrical wire.
There’s no chance that we can keep the staff as is after the year we just had. There’s NO WAY. I don’t get what could be taking so long to announce it even if you announce it as a mutual parting of ways. Just do it already.