Notice of Allegations *update*

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I'm sorry I think the second tweet was Carroll/University trying to cover his butt. For a person who doesn't tweet to much to suddenly make a tweet regarding compliance out of the blue makes zero sense unless he was generally excited.

If the ESPN story is correct and the draft was mailed out I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its not the death penalty. If it were so bad I don't think Golden would be so positive and a person like Mario wouldn't have chosen to work here.
The good thing about this is that this is the last recruiting class golden will have to deal with this BS. In 6 months it will be over with and we will be recruiting at full strength.
Don't ever say "We Skate". we self imposed major sanctions. It would be ironic if our penalties were in fact less then we imposed.

dude you are too new here, this is a long time board tongue in cheek thing (well for most anyway)

I'm sorry I think the second tweet was Carroll/University trying to cover his butt. For a person who doesn't tweet to much to suddenly make a tweet regarding compliance out of the blue makes zero sense unless he was generally excited.

If the ESPN story is correct and the draft was mailed out I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its not the death penalty. If it were so bad I don't think Golden would be so positive and a person like Mario wouldn't have chosen to work here.

Death Penalty? .........Wtf?

Don't have to "go out on a limb" to think we're not going to get the death penalty. Doubt that was ever even close to being on the table to begin with. C'mon now......
The good thing about this is that this is the last recruiting class golden will have to deal with this BS. In 6 months it will be over with and we will be recruiting at full strength.

Not necessarily. Penalties could include recruiting restricitions for several years.
I'm sorry I think the second tweet was Carroll/University trying to cover his butt. For a person who doesn't tweet to much to suddenly make a tweet regarding compliance out of the blue makes zero sense unless he was generally excited.

If the ESPN story is correct and the draft was mailed out I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its not the death penalty. If it were so bad I don't think Golden would be so positive and a person like Mario wouldn't have chosen to work here.

Death Penalty? .........Wtf?

Don't have to "go out on a limb" to think we're not going to get the death penalty. Doubt that was ever even close to being on the table to begin with. C'mon now......

Sorry, that's not what Mark May says.
cool now i see it.jpg
Schools get to see at least one draft of the notice before it formally arrives....if its arriving Monday or Tuesday, the school must already have received the initial draft. If you assume this, then there is more credence to "we skate" else Mario would not have joined us most likely had the initial draft been full of bad news.
Death Penalty my hairy white ****!

And this if for anyone who actually believes we are going to get the Death Penalty!

Oh, and Mark May is a c*ck-chewin' ***ot.



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I'm sorry I think the second tweet was Carroll/University trying to cover his butt. For a person who doesn't tweet to much to suddenly make a tweet regarding compliance out of the blue makes zero sense unless he was generally excited.

If the ESPN story is correct and the draft was mailed out I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its not the death penalty. If it were so bad I don't think Golden would be so positive and a person like Mario wouldn't have chosen to work here.

Death Penalty? .........Wtf?

Don't have to "go out on a limb" to think we're not going to get the death penalty. Doubt that was ever even close to being on the table to begin with. C'mon now......

Sorry, that's not what Mark May says.
View attachment 21629

lol.......Mark May is to UM what John Barry is to the Miami Heat. 2 clowns.....
Schools get to see at least one draft of the notice before it formally arrives....if its arriving Monday or Tuesday, the school must already have received the initial draft. If you assume this, then there is more credence to "we skate" else Mario would not have joined us most likely had the initial draft been full of bad news.

Aren't you assuming that the University received the letter BEFORE hiring Mario, thus giving them a chance to review the allegations and pass that info to Mario? What if Mario was hired, accepted the position and THEN the letter came? Just something to think about.
The coaches who are involved will receive NOA's and they could release the NOA to the public.
they will get a different letter. the one they get will mention only what they are believed to have done and they probably wont be required to make it public as it will involve their actions while at UM which is a private university and not required to release any info. my guess is that unless their contracts with their current schools require the release of such info, we may never actually know what, if anything our former coaches get charged with

The president or chancellor at the school that currently employs an involved individual gets a copy of that involved individual's NOA. If that school is a public university subject to public records requests, then the NOA in question will become public.
My $0.02: The timing doesn't matter with regards to recruits with respect to the NOA. If the NCAA nails us, the players that signed with Miami will probably be allowed to transfer anyway like Penn St and USC. The players really have nothing to lose...
If I'm being honest, it's hard to imagine the NCAA nailing us, given self-imposings, seeming shakiness of allegations/evidence and desperate weird moves from NCAA, not to mention growing national distaste for NCAA and questions of its utility...not saying a heavy hammer would cause mutiny in FBS, but nobody's really that happy with NCAA as it is. Nice slap on the wrist and cheers for all "cooperating" looks like the NCAA's happiest path, IMO.
But then again, since it looks like we're on the upswing finally, gut demon saying something bad could happen, too.
Edit: We skate.