" Nkosi Wins.. QB Battle "

Day 1
**Of course, we need to start with QB play. Each of the three had their moments, but I’d have to say Tate Martell won the day by a tad. To my eye, he was much more comfortable out there running the offense from where he was this spring, not a lot of hesitation. He’s letting it rip with confidence and not thinking too much out there, while his accuracy is much improved. He was at his best when the team went to full 11-on-11 play, and bought time with his legs to extend plays, but threw a pretty bad pick towards the end where he stared down his receiver. Jarren Williams was second up, but split time on the 2nd team with N’Kosi Perry. Perry in particular had multiple great sideline throws, dropping some dimes in there with good coverage. I still think Williams throws the prettiest ball overall, but he didn’t how have many ‘wow’ moments as Martell or Perry today. Just one man’s opinion of how day 1 went, but obvious the competition is still ongoing and I have no doubt that each of the three will keep pushing each other until something is decided.

Day 2
QB play

This is where I spent the majority of my time on Saturday. Here is how I saw it. We did not see the start of practice, so I did not see who took the first reps.

Martell was throwing on time, and with purpose and at his best, he was the top QB. The biggest question with Martell is consistency, and that is still a question mark for him. It should be noted that most of Martell’s struggles came when he was working with the walk-ons. I can not talk about Martell without highlighting the connection he has with KJ Osborn. Every time the two are lined up together, good things happen.

Jarren Williams also had a good day and was the most consistent of the three. Williams’ best trait has to be his accuracy, especially on crossing routes. His pinpoint accuracy allows the receiver to catch the ball and not slow down at all. Even on incompletions, Williams’ always keeps the ball away from the defenders.

N’Kosi Perry was the most inconsistent of the three
, and his accuracy varies based on what route he is throwing. Perry’s best throw by far was the intermediate outside passes. Both the comeback route and the out route were money for Perry all night. Perry’s struggles came on the deep routes. When Perry threw the fly route, his passes sailed toward the sideline and out of the receivers reach. This was a consistent issue for him.

Day 3
QB play:

Overall, the QBs played similar to how they did on Saturday. The things that they did well, they continued to do well. Same for the things they struggled with. The most significant difference is that Martell started the practice off poorly, but he improved as the day continued. He clearly is more comfortable passing to Osborn and the tight ends.

Jarren Williams continued to be the most consistent of the three quarterbacks. Specifically, when throwing the corner routes, Williams was feeling it.

For the second day in a row, Perry did not have a great showing. On the short to intermediate routes, Perry was throwing well but was by no means perfect. Perry continued to struggle with the downfield throws, especially when the receiver is working the sideline. Both yesterday and today, his passes drifted out of bounds and gave the receiver no chance to make a play.

Day 4
QB play:

Martell had a better day than he did yesterday but is still dealing with inconsistencies. In 11v11, Tate was sharp when he had a clean pocket. When the pocket did break down, Martell used his athleticism to get out of trouble but didn't throw on the run much. Martell looked good throwing the endzone fade route and also got the team into field goal range in the two-minute drill.

Jarren Williams continues to be the most consistently accurate quarterback, but his accuracy faded during 11v11. Williams excelled when throwing the endzone fade route. One area where Williams did shine during 11v11 is scrambling. When a hole opened up, Williams exploded through and showed his speed.

N’Kosi Perry
had a better day today than he had Saturday or Sunday. One area where he did struggle was his ball placement on the endzone fade. On Perry’s first 11v11 reps, he drove the team down the field and looked comfortable and confident in the pocket. When Perry ran 11v11 later in practice, he did not play as well.

Day 5
QB play:

Overall, this was probably the best day the QBs have had. Both N’Kosi Perry and Jarren Williams were consistently accurate and did not turn the ball over. They were also very sharp on their deep balls.

Tate Martell did not play poorly, but he did not play as well as Perry or Williams. Martell did have some nice deep balls and was more accurate than the other days on the short crossing routes. Where Martell did run into trouble was on the intermediate crossing routes. On two different occasions, Martell did not lead the receiver well enough, and Derrick Smith got his hands on the pass. Smith caught one and dropped one.

Day 6
QB play:

Collectively, the quarterbacks had another strong performance. Tate Martell and N’Kosi Perry were very sharp all day and had very few if any, uncatchable balls. Not every pass is placed perfectly, but the receivers were always given a chance to make a play.

Jarren Williams had a good day, but he was not as consistent as he has been the rest of the camp. A couple of his passes were uncatchable. Aside from that, it was a very good day for the passers.

These guys have done a great job with the Practice Summary and are greatly appreciated. I detect a few inequities in the way they are reporting on these youngsters but even with knowing that one guy's mistakes and shortfalls are being masked in the reports, I still think we can get a good picture of what's happening.

*Inequities: Explaining Tate's bad days by suggesting that mistakes tend to happen when he's throwing to the walk-ons and repeatedly mentioning how he loves throwing to KJ. Those are excuses. I think all of the QBs prefer throwing it to the better WRs on the team. The word interception is not written once. I don't know man. I just don't know if the QB that's been throwing picks and apparently missing on short crossing routes (according to Day 5 report) won any of these days.
Tate Martell looks better but he clearly doesn't have the arm strength to lead the receivers.
same as rozier great athlete but
wasn't a deep threat. everyone
Is talking about Tate he had a great game against 🐴Rutgers
I will Give him that, but
Nkosi has also improved this season and its a lock.

As a 16-year old kid, I had an old '56 Chevy in three different primer colors.

It had intermittent windshield wipers - 'cause somewhere, I had an electrical short. They'd sometimes run good, and sometimes not at all, or flash on and then quit - then work again, only to stop.

Reliability is a good thing. Consistency is a good thing.

Last year I biitched and moaned about putting Jarren Williams in - I'd already seen the other two QB's - and Jarren was the one hitting receivers in practice.

I'm not there - I can't see what is going on - on the field - but if I were to make a guess - I'd guess that Tate is Second, Jarren is first - and N'Kosi is third. Not just now - I think that's the way it will likely end up.

Jarren hits runners - running. Runners don't need to stop, turn around to catch the ball - they can stay in stride with a ball from Jarren - with few exceptions.

N'Kosi is/was like those windshield wipers on that piece of crap '56 Chevy I had.

Tate is a winner! Tate is a leader! Tate has the it factor! players want to play with him. Tate aint losing to the gator. his winning streak continues
Look at it like this we were ranked
#2 in the nation with rozier and our defense but sooner or later teams found out that rozier couldn't hit the
Long ball and defenses started stacking the deck like LSU did and well the rest is history.

You do realize that Perry was the QB for half those games last season....just saying
Tate is a winner! Tate is a leader! Tate has the it factor! players want to play with him. Tate aint losing to the gator. his winning streak continues

tates become tim tebow before he even playing a game in this thread. ****, if he wins as much as tebow did at UF, I'm down lol
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

These guys have done a great job with the Practice Summary and are greatly appreciated. I detect a few inequities in the way they are reporting on these youngsters but even with knowing that one guy's mistakes and shortfalls are being masked in the reports, I still think we can get a good picture of what's happening.

*Inequities: Explaining Tate's bad days by suggesting that mistakes tend to happen when he's throwing to the walk-ons and repeatedly mentioning how he loves throwing to KJ. Those are excuses. I think all of the QBs prefer throwing it to the better WRs on the team. The word interception is not written once. I don't know man. I just don't know if the QB that's been throwing picks and apparently missing on short crossing routes (according to Day 5 report) won any of these days.

reading those, it seems obvious Jarren is the top passer as of now. i hope he gets a fair shot if the above continues till UF.
Put the guy in who is gonna go win you football games. Everyone is talking about accuracy this. Arm strength that. This is college football. We don’t need ******* Tom Brady behind center. We need a guy who is gonna make plays and win games. Most the guys in college who win the big games don’t throw the best spiral or have the strongest arm anyways. It’s not needed to win in college.
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Tate Martell looks better but he clearly doesn't have the arm strength to lead the receivers.
same as rozier great athlete but
wasn't a deep threat. everyone
Is talking about Tate he had a great game against 🐴Rutgers
I will Give him that, but
Nkosi has also improved this season and its a lock.
Delete your account.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

These guys have done a great job with the Practice Summary and are greatly appreciated. I detect a few inequities in the way they are reporting on these youngsters but even with knowing that one guy's mistakes and shortfalls are being masked in the reports, I still think we can get a good picture of what's happening.

*Inequities: Explaining Tate's bad days by suggesting that mistakes tend to happen when he's throwing to the walk-ons and repeatedly mentioning how he loves throwing to KJ. Those are excuses. I think all of the QBs prefer throwing it to the better WRs on the team. The word interception is not written once. I don't know man. I just don't know if the QB that's been throwing picks and apparently missing on short crossing routes (according to Day 5 report) won any of these days.
Want a good laugh? Go to OP’s profile and read him talking to himself on his profile posts lmao. He thought he was starting threads 😂😂😂