New private school bill passed..

This bill could potentially be harmful to public school football.
Bro the ruling party of Florida has since the Jeb era been under funding public schools to fail so they could create private schools to make those millions of dollars. How many of these new private schools have you seen pop up over the last 30 years? They even found a way around the law that prohibited "public tax funds from going to private schools". As they shift more funding from public schools, expect them to offer schools built with public taxes, to private school corporation for rent or sales for pennies on the dollar. For those who remember, Lotto was sold to the public as a mechanism to fund education, but they use only a tiny portion of those funds for education and the majority for their pork projects. Writing on the wall, its already super expensive to get insurance for all levels of football. Get ready for a watered down version of football. Soccer and Lacrosse on the way up.
Lol at public schools being under funded.
Yeah I’m sure those poor ******** that teach there are laughing all the way to the bank cause their so well paid, and love going into their own pockets to pay for school supplies that the public schools can’t afford to front. Some Florida counties there’s so much money they don’t know where to spend it all. Like on repairs of aging infrastructure, mold remediation, or even replace book, BOOKS for christ’s Sake, that are 5-10 yrs out of date. Yep, ***king hilarious. The last god **** thing we need is to spend PUBLIC TAX FUNDS, on private education. They are businesses, like any business they should sink or swim on their on merits. Public education has a myriad of problems, taking or reducing public funds away will only lessen finding and funding solutions. Just Sayin’
We all realize Charter schools and Parochial schools are two different things.

In Broward, we have Charters: Coral Springs and Pembroke Pines Charter.
And Parochial: Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop McCarthy, St Thomas Aquinas, Chaminade-Madonna.
Ladies and Gentleman your Education Secretary.

DeVos refuses to clarify her financial interests that may conflict with her responsibilities as secretary. DeVos dodged direct questions about her financial holdings in her written responses, failing to reveal the true nature of many of the investments she will maintain while overseeing the Department of Education. Despite her vast wealth and complex and varied financial holdings, the Senate committee made an exception for her that was not made for any other Trump nominee: to hold her hearing before the results of her financial disclosure paperwork were made public.
As a result, senators did not get a chance to ask her questions for the record about her financial holdings, including her investments in a large for-profit university slated to go public in the coming months from which she was not asked to divest, a company that refinances federal student loans into private student loans and dubious "brain training" company Neurocore (from which she will not be required to divest).
DeVos indicated very clearly in her responses to senators' questions that she expects her extended family will continue to make donations to candidates, PACs or political action committees, political parties and other partisan organizations. This is concerning because these donations may affect elected leaders' decisions about whether to challenge her education proposals, regardless of their merit.

I find it interesting that her Brother is Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater. You can do you're own research on him.

But hey, we're draining the swamp right?
I have not read the article or the bill yet, but my guess is it has to deal with primary (high school, middle school, elementary school) and not secondary (college/universities) schools.

I was under the assumption that education budget for the state included both public universities as well as public schools (K-12).
In Florida, the lotto money did go to public schools. However, whatever extra money the lotto brought in was cut out of the budget so schools essentially had the exact same budget before and after the lotto was introduced
The death blow for Public schools in Florida, has arrived. Football will be sure to follow. How long will it take before schools/ football programs like MNW are distant relics of the past?
The death blow for Public schools in Florida, has arrived. Football will be sure to follow. How long will it take before schools/ football programs like MNW are distant relics of the past?

I dont think it will effect Dade as much as other places like Broward which will definitely see a massive decline in Public school football.
Wanna know why public schools are underfunded? The County School Boards (at least Miami-Dade) have bloated departments where people get paid a **** ton of money to fan their asses.
So, public funds shouldn't be used to pay private contractors to build roads, bridges, or water treatment plants?

This is not a simple campaign slogan issue. Many public schools fail because of poor administration decisions. Others fail because of their disinterested student base. The idea behind vouchers is that kids should not be forced to attend crap schools and that not having "guaranteed " funds will force bad schools to become better. Could they be misused too? Sure, but right now 100% government run schools are failing in many areas. Why condemn kids-simply to guarantee that crap schools continue to exist?
Why are people against vouchers? As a parent I can now choose where my child can go.. I may have to pay the difference for a better private school but thats my choice should a voucher not cover the cost. If the public school has better results my daughter will go there. Why are democrats anti-choice?
That is not what is being discussed. What is being discussed it taking public tax money that would go to Public Schools are instead being given out to kids to attend private schools. If you want to attend a private school either A. You pay for it or B. The school provides scholarships from Private donations.

Public Money should ONLY go towards Public Education.

Yeah, who gives a crap about the students? They should be happy they have a place to sit down!

Seriously, don’t you think that the targeted group, basically poor, should get a shot at best education they can? I went 12 years of Catholic schools, my siblings went to public school. I had Doctorate by age 24, only one of them ever reached that high, but much older. I taught Math in Dade Country schools while working on Doctorate. Trust me, your kids are better off in a good private school.

Actually, the bill needs to deal with transportation and after school care to make this truely useful. Family of four with income under 65k probably needs help with more than just tuition for this to actually work. Education should be about the students, not the teachers or politics but our public system was based on the old Prussian system designed to turn out the type of citizens the government wants so it has always been about politics.
That is not what is being discussed. What is being discussed it taking public tax money that would go to Public Schools are instead being given out to kids to attend private schools. If you want to attend a private school either A. You pay for it or B. The school provides scholarships from Private donations.

Public Money should ONLY go towards Public Education.

Why should academically gifted students mired in poorly performing schools get the opportunity to better themselves in a private institution they could normally not afford?

You need to be careful when you use words like only and never dude.
That’s great for the kids who end up getting those schollies, but what about the kids staying at the already severely underfunded public school with a now even tighter budget?

People wonder why we can’t improve our public schools drastically.

One thing has zero to do with the other.
From 1954 to 2019 … it shows laws, even the ones decided by the Supreme Court are temporary.

Vouchers have been a priority for many opposed to racial integration of public schools since 1954. Ironically, inner city (read black) parents became pro-voucher as the hope for inner city schools dwindled. Complicated subject, but put me on the side of public money for public schools and telling homeschooled kids to **** off from the local public school athletic teams (that’s for you Tebow).

As a parent of two home schooled children, you can F off with wanting to ban kids from school athletic teams. When my tax bill is exempt from supporting the public school THEN you can cry about banning kids from public school athletic teams.
I was under the assumption that education budget for the state included both public universities as well as public schools (K-12).

I think those are different budgets and situations. These vouchers are in reference only for K-12. Expanding the school choice for K-12 where kids can go to their local public school, go to a magnet school which is also a public school, go to a charter school which is private but funded by the public school budget, or go to a fully private school but get a voucher to offset the cost to the parents based probably on what the public schools had budgeted for that kid.

I like that you can choose to go to a magnet of charter school where you know the family and parents care and value education. Especially when there are areas that there is a not insignificant group where they don't in some public school areas. To me that is always been a big part of why certain school areas aren't as good as others. Though I do feel other factors come into play. The private school voucher I am not sure where I stand on that. My gut reaction is not to like the vouchers for private schools. It is certainly not a well informed opinion on it.

Public Universities and colleges are more subsidized by taxpayers than completely bankrolled by them. From all my understanding these voucher and choice programs don't have anything to deal with them.
This. Private and Charter schools are FOR PROFIT enterprises. That means that owners can save money by cutting corners and paying the staff significantly less than public school staffs make. Essentially, if you're teaching at a charter school, it's because you couldn't get a public school job. Either that or you just like making far less money for doing the same job.

The bold is some of the fakest news I've read on this site. Its simply not true.