New commit

Happy to get him, but crazy to decline free college to be a PWO imo (especially Harvard)
May not be poor enough to get enough FA to cover Harvard(they don't give merit aid), but may have enough belief in himself to work into a scholarship a year or two down the line at Miami. Also keep in mind that UMiami does give merit aid, and odds are he probably is getting at least a 75% tuition ride, and if you combine that with government aid, you can swing it.
Is the arm strength good enough? That is ultimately the most relevant criteria.
Actually not. People overrate arm strength, especially in an era where the windows are larger in college than they've ever been before, thanks to the targeting rules. Give me a guy with solid arm strength, that can throw with anticipation and is accurate and I'll show you a guy that will do well in any offense. Being able to throw it through a brick wall doesn't matter if it isn't accurate, or if you can't process the game between the ears.

Do I have this guy as a future starter at Miami? No, but he could develop into the kind of backup that teams love to have. A guy that if developed correctly can step in at any moment and keep things moving. The days of stacking multiple high end QBs are over, because few high end guys are willing to sit and wait. You need to be able to develop solid backups. If you can get a solid guy as a PWO and he develops into a guy that is worth a scholarship 2 years from now, it's worth the risk.