Most explosive Miami rb ever?

Come through that Hole without your Head on a Swivel if you want.....
Najeh Davenport was the most explosive, when near a laundry hamper with FSU clothing in it.

Sorry if already posted, but I can't read through 20 pages to find out.
Worse....Nate was the Craziest MFer I've ever seen...and known at UM....I would tell other stories bout Nate....but I'll defer too @dsddcane...Lol....
This dude sat there bragging on ej getting in a fight with multiple teammates and beating up 2 lacrosse players. Lol. This generation is really sad the **** they brag on for 1 and how lil they've seen 2.
I‘ve heard that here. Dude was like an enforcer.
Nate was alot more than an enforcer. Nate was all about team. More specifically all about the defense. If you didn't hold up to your end him and Al was gonna be moving **** out the way once we got in that locker room. If that was an issue (cause alot of people thought nah I ain't taking no showers, I ain't changing,started leaving clothes in their cars etc. Than Nate in particular would find ur *** somewhere at Hecht,on campus,in Coral gables,tennis court,the bowling alley,the gym. I remember one time Nate choked out a running back at a woman's volley ball game after whooping him that same day at the bowling alley. That was the thing with all of us. Long as u took that **** like a man and learned on the field we'd all go to war for each and every one of us.