Minor King Update

I think Lashlee calls the game a certain way with King because he knows that King is limited as a passer. He struggles to see the middle of the field, especially the short middle because of his height and his deep ball is just not accurate. At the beginning of the year, I thought that maybe he’d improve with more time in the offense and with his receivers but he really only threw the ball well vertically in that one game against NCSt. He does some things at an absolutely elite level but some parts of his game are below average. Ironically, I think if he gets a better handle on the zone read, it will actually open up the passing game for him. Right now, the game plan to stop Miami is to pinch your d linemen to overwhelm the interior line and shut off the inside zone running lanes. While playing man on the backside because even if Miami’s receivers beat their man, the throw will be in accurate. Even an accurate throw will still be a challenge since the receivers drop so many passes and rarely adjust to anything that’s not thrown perfectly. If King can get the read right and keep when the d-end crashes it will force the defensive line to have to play more traditional rush lanes. Which not only will open holes for the running back on the give but also open throwing lanes to attack the middle easier.
The deep ball I think has to do more with chemistry. He threw the deep ball well at houston
The deep ball I think has to do more with chemistry. He threw the deep ball well at houston
I hope that’s the case. I just didn’t see it improve much as the season went on besides the NCSt game where he was dropping dimes.
I ain't betting on him playing. To play against Bama, you got to be 100%. The best shape in your life. Based on recovery times, he can play, but I don't expect him to be at the level we need him mentally and physically. The only kicker is if he received a stem cell infused graft or something new/experimental and he heals mad quick.
Even if he does, he won’t be able to move around the way he will need to. Bama is going to crush the OL. Miami would be wise to bring him back after.
My statement is under the assumption that he's 100%.
Of course the year our starting qb tears his acl in bowl game we open up with bama smh. I really don’t like the thought of a recovering knee going up against bama with our o line.... unless they take a monumental leap as a unit in spring/fall
Sure Jan GIF
Lashlee is going to have to be a lot better for King to have an impact against Bama. Unless the expectation is we are going to be a drastically improved team It may not be wise to risk the rest of the season by playing him first game.
If we had a Top 5-10 OL I might consider it....but with what I saw last yr with that turnstile OL....i'm not so sure....
Wishing him the best but hoping TVD or Garcia beat him out. Just not impressed with his arm or legs.

Mr. Billy D Williams, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.