Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

"There are some on the Board of Trustees who feel the more pressing concern is not replacing Diaz with a bigger-money coach, but rather hiring a business-savvy athletic director and allocating more resources to upgrading and modernizing the athletic department in the age of Name, Image, Likeness and the exploding transfer portal."

Why the **** wouldn't you do both? Why is it one or the other? This reeks of another attempt of someone trying to deflect from Diaz.
So if they want business minded that would be Gino since he's already run multiple. Just hire Gino, make ZO the man in charge of the football program, and hire Mario already. Do it now so we can try and sign some dudes during the early signing period.
It seemed like the business-minded BOT camp does not want Gino/Zo since they have no experience with marketing a football program and the new name/image/likeness rules.
Can you paraphrase? This looks like it is behind a paywall.
Basically this:

-Some Trustees (definitely Epstein crew) aren’t focused on getting rid of Manny and bringing in a new coach. They was a “business savvy” and “cutting edge” AD that will “transform” the athletic department. Big focus from this crew on the transfer portal and it’s ability to change a team 🚨🚨🚨. AKA let us pick our stooge, keep Manny, and keep the mediocrity train rolling.

-Some trustees (Columbus mafia) are football focused and believe that a good football program will provide the revenue needed to transform the athletic department. They want a new coach.

-Manny wants to be told one way or the other whether he’s back or not.

-A new coach may be hired before a new AD is out in place.

-Some trustees (Epstein crew again) don’t believe Zo and Toretta have the experience to change the department.
If the AD hire gets us a guy like Riley (on his level and I don't think Mario is on Rileys level), then yes. if it gets us the same tier of candidates then we wasted 2 years of recruiting (1 year of an especially loaded portal) and TVDs final season
Then who do you put on Riley's level that is not newly signed or newly extended?
Basically this:

-Some Trustees (definitely Epstein crew) aren’t focused on getting rid of Manny and bringing in a new coach. They was a “business savvy” and “cutting edge” AD that will “transform” the athletic department. Big focus from this crew on the transfer portal and it’s ability to change a team 🚨🚨🚨. AKA let us pick our stooge, keep Manny, and keep the mediocrity train rolling.

-Some trustees (Columbus mafia) are football focused and believe that a good football program will provide the revenue needed to transform the athletic department. They want a new coach.

-Manny wants to be told one way or the other whether he’s back or not.

-A new coach may be hired before a new AD is out in place.

-Some trustees (Epstein crew again) don’t believe Zo and Toretta have the experience to change the department.
A good football program WILL provide revenue for the athletic department.
No way you hire a coach before the AD. No way a good coach would even come in knowing they don't have an AD in place.
Yep. And Rudy was on Team Epstein three years ago. He's definitely the "political" one in the Echevarria-Fernandez pair.
Exactly. Just because he's slithered away from selling Manny to Frenk back then and is smart enough to try distance himself from that (whereas Epstein has entrenched himself in it) doesn't mean his judgment has improved and he knows what the **** he's doing on the AD front.

Luckily, there (hopefully) seems to be some more checks and balances in front of Frenk this time. I'm usually pretty anti search firm and consultant but I'll gladly take an L on that front if Turnkey ends up having blocked nonsense and provided a legit candidate pool- one legitimate enough to have justified their anti-Jurich stance (if true).
Mike Ryan/Lebatard and David Samson discussed the following today:

- AD search could likely take up to another week (sigh)
- Feldman will probably be the person that will break Mario news (Good or bad).
- Mike cares about accuracy with his info and wants to elevate the program.
- Firm is not leaking any names. Leaks are on Miami end. The firm has a lot of power due to Frenk relying on them heavily.
- Samson believes that Miami didn't need a search firm for this position but helps with the competing factions at play (Epstein crew vs Mas group)
- Frenk will make final call. Leaning heavily on Rudy Fernandez (#1) and Echevarria (#2).
- Epstein is toothless but is doing his best to make Miami look like a circus with his leaks and Epstein is pro Status quo.
- Rudy was team Nunez (Columbus crew preference) but search firm didn't give a favorable recommendation. He wasn't up to their standards.
-Eddie Nunez broke up with Miami before they could break up with him.
- Eddie Nunez overplayed his hand.
- Lemonis is anti Manny and anti search firm and anti Status Quo. Wants Mario here.
- Mario knows what can be done here especially if he has all of the support in place that he wants.
- Samson is ok with giving the power to Mario. It's the way college sports is headed. Whoever the AD is should just worry about the other sports and let Mario have the power on football.
Wait Samson was on and there’s no movie updates???

There are some on the Board of Trustees who feel the more pressing concern is not replacing Diaz with a bigger-money coach, but rather hiring a business-savvy athletic director and allocating more resources to upgrading and modernizing the athletic department in the age of Name, Image, Likeness and the exploding transfer portal.
There are others in the inner circle who feel the UM football program has been mired in mediocrity despite three coaching changes in the past 10 years and with football as the biggest moneymaker, the solution is to invest in a high-profile coach, a proven winner such as Oregon’s Mario Cristobal or Lane Kiffin of Ole Miss.

Why is he acting like these two things are mutually exclusive?
A good football program WILL provide revenue for the athletic department.
No way you hire a coach before the AD. No way a good coach would even come in knowing they don't have an AD in place.

Unless said deal with coach is already in place and they told him who is going to be in charge of Football Ops, or hand said coach the keys to football Ops himself… just speculation.
the last sentence is what it basically is at other schools. the HC is the GM, president, coach of the entire program (football wise). the AD just needs to rubber stamp the checks
Exactly don’t get why we are worried about this. If he’s successful, he can end every press conference with telling the AD to go Fvck his face just like any other successful P5 coach. If he’s not, the AD controls the purse strings to reign him in. If that doesn’t work, AD and BOT always have the power to fire him.