Michael Irvin Transferring

When do players have to transfer to open up another scholarship spot?
Keep up your silly arguments. Double down on them.

"There are only a handful of classes that are required to graduate and only have 1 time slot available"? Did you even go to college? Everything depends on the college/school and the major. I took plenty of classes at UM that were only offered once per semester or once per year. Did you even go to UM? You have NO IDEA what Jaquan's class is, when it is offered, how many times it is offered. Nothing. You have no information, no knowledge, yet you are criticizing UM for "poor planning".

What a dopey argument.

And now you try to flip the argument around on me. I asked you to produce ANY evidence that ANY university has EVER set its course schedule to accommodate football spring practice, and now you create a false equivalency by asking me whether Clemson/Bama senior players have ever missed HALF of the practices due to coursework. You're desperate. You've been exposed. You are clawing for any life preserver while you drown in an argument that is way over your head.

Jaquan isn't missing half of spring practice. Maybe he's missed one out of two so far. As per usual, you use statistics in a ridiculous manner. Not to mention your ongoing reliance on name-calling and class warfare. Just like your fact-free claims on this thread, you falsely claim to know anything about me or my job or my salary, and you continue to act as if you are better than everyone else and above everyone else.

Now run along and figure out some other way to blame UM for Jaquan missing practice. You haven't produced, AND YOU WILL NEVER PRODUCE, any evidence that any university has EVER set its entire course scheduling to accommodate football spring practice.


That won't stop you from blaming UM. But hopefully it will prevent anyone else from falling for your ridiculous claims that UM is guilty of "poor planning" because one football player misses a couple of spring practices for his required coursework.

The vast majority of classes at the school have multiple time slots. That is a fact. Even if you took "plenty" that is still only a handful. These types of classes could easily just not be scheduled during football practice. It is simple as that. You are the dope that didn't think of this and refuse to admit you weren't smart enough to figure out this simple solution.

You can argue with the guy that posted that Jaquan missed half his practices. I was just going off what the poster said. "yes. remember Jaquan Johnson missed half the practices each week because of a required class"

If you had an issue with that statement, you should have went after him.

I am not flipping schit, you are the one that says, schools don't make schedules to accommodate the players. So post a football player, from a big name football school, that also missed half of the practices due to scheduling.

Class warfare? You are the one that started with the name calling.
The vast majority of classes at the school have multiple time slots. That is a fact. Even if you took "plenty" that is still only a handful. These types of classes could easily just not be scheduled during football practice. It is simple as that. You are the dope that didn't think of this and refuse to admit you weren't smart enough to figure out this simple solution.

You can argue with the guy that posted that Jaquan missed half his practices. I was just going off what the poster said. "yes. remember Jaquan Johnson missed half the practices each week because of a required class"

If you had an issue with that statement, you should have went after him.

I am not flipping schit, you are the one that says, schools don't make schedules to accommodate the players. So post a football player, from a big name football school, that also missed half of the practices due to scheduling.

Class warfare? You are the one that started with the name calling.

Oh lord, now you are blaming someone else for your ridiculous posts.

First, you have no idea whether HoyaCane was being sarcastic when he made his Jaquan Johnson comment. Johnson also had an injury that caused him to miss practices and playing time, so maybe JUST MAYBE he missed a bunch of practices for INJURY and HoyaCane is misremembering. At any rate, just before HoyaCane's post, hoops156 made two separate posts that specified that players are not allowed to schedule classes during practice times, and another poster pointed out that current practices were being rescheduled due to King's death in the family, and this is what may have caused a conflict for Irvin.

But instead of considering the context of Irvin's ONE missed practice, or questioning HoyaCane on whether "missing half the practices due to a class conflict" was anywhere close to accurate for Jaquan Johnson (it was not), you decided to rip Miami for "lack of planning" and claim that Miami should alter its entire course scheduling process to accommodate the football players.


But, hey, I'm sure you'll try to change the subject or move the goalposts again. Like when I have consistently referred to upper-level courses (junior and senior level classes) as being more infrequently scheduled, and you come back with "the vast majority of classes at the school have multiple time slots". Yes, I already acknowledged that, and I made it clear that we aren't talking about "freshman English".

You never answered the question of whether you went to UM. Because people like myself and JD08 did, and we know that you have to plan your coursework out in advance at a smaller school such as Miami. We aren't Ohio Taint. Ohio Taint is going to offer more classes at more times because they are the one of the largest undergrad universities in America. Miami is not. But neither Ohio Taint nor Miami plan their course offerings around their football teams.

Just look at this retarded statement: "These types of classes could easily just not be scheduled during football practice." I have literally never seen such a stupid sentence. When is football practice? Those times are not set. We've had coaches who preferred morning practices, and others who preferred later in the day. And what "types of classes" are you talking about? You don't even know. You just read one misstatement from HoyaCane and you assumed you knew everything. The university sets its course schedule multiple semesters in advance, and hires professors accordingly. Professors take sabbaticals. Football players change majors. Miami changes coaching staffs. Oh, but regardless of this, the University should set up its entire course scheduling, for over 10,000 students, just to accomodate, at most, a dozen or two upper level football players. Oh, and why don't they try to accommodate basketball players too? What about baseball players? ****, they have mid-week games, and they aren't always played in Dade County.

Now you are going to whine and blame HoyaCane for your ridiculous posts. HoyaCane wrote one inaccurate sentence that might have been sarcastic for all I know. He made a comment about a player from a couple of years ago, even though other people stated that football players generally can't schedule classes during practice times. But you went over the top, you started ripping Miami for "poor planning", when you can't even cite ONE university on the planet that has "good planning" by preventing "certain courses" from being offered "during football practice times".

As for your ridiculous challenge, to "post a football player, from a big name football school, that also missed half of the practices due to scheduling"...well...I can't do it...BECAUSE NO SUCH FOOTBALL PLAYER EXISTS. Because it doesn't happen.

That was a bold strategy, though. Too bad it blew up in your face.

As to the "name-calling", I have accurately criticized your stupid posts and, by extension, the stupidity behind such stupid posts. I never called you a "peon" or mocked your (assumed) income. You did that. If you honestly believe that a valid criticism of the stupidity of some of your ideas warrants an open door to call someone any other unrelated and off-topic names, then that is your opinion.

Your stupid, stupid opinion.
This is college football in 2020. You’re not going to have a ton of fifth year senior third stringers. As much as fans want Irvin to stick around because we need emergency depth, he’s a kid who wants to play his final year of college football. I won’t bash him for wanting to be on the field somewhere. This is why you take guys like Hodges and Mamorelli. There’s a good chance they will never be the starting tight end. There’s a pretty good chance at least one will transfer before their careers are over. You fill that void by recruiting other blocking Tight ends/h backs to take their place. Not everyone is recruited to be a starter.
This is college football in 2020. You’re not going to have a ton of fifth year senior third stringers. As much as fans want Irvin to stick around because we need emergency depth, he’s a kid who wants to play his final year of college football. I won’t bash him for wanting to be on the field somewhere. This is why you take guys like Hodges and Mamorelli. There’s a good chance they will never be the starting tight end. There’s a pretty good chance at least one will transfer before their careers are over. You fill that void by recruiting other blocking Tight ends/h backs to take their place. Not everyone is recruited to be a starter.
Agree with your point all the way. I think Hodges will be a meaningful backup and Mam's will be a starter. Both of these guys are at least as talented but absolutely are more driven than Irvin.
Oh lord, now you are blaming someone else for your ridiculous posts.

First, you have no idea whether HoyaCane was being sarcastic when he made his Jaquan Johnson comment. Johnson also had an injury that caused him to miss practices and playing time, so maybe JUST MAYBE he missed a bunch of practices for INJURY and HoyaCane is misremembering. At any rate, just before HoyaCane's post, hoops156 made two separate posts that specified that players are not allowed to schedule classes during practice times, and another poster pointed out that current practices were being rescheduled due to King's death in the family, and this is what may have caused a conflict for Irvin.

But instead of considering the context of Irvin's ONE missed practice, or questioning HoyaCane on whether "missing half the practices due to a class conflict" was anywhere close to accurate for Jaquan Johnson (it was not), you decided to rip Miami for "lack of planning" and claim that Miami should alter its entire course scheduling process to accommodate the football players.


But, hey, I'm sure you'll try to change the subject or move the goalposts again. Like when I have consistently referred to upper-level courses (junior and senior level classes) as being more infrequently scheduled, and you come back with "the vast majority of classes at the school have multiple time slots". Yes, I already acknowledged that, and I made it clear that we aren't talking about "freshman English".

You never answered the question of whether you went to UM. Because people like myself and JD08 did, and we know that you have to plan your coursework out in advance at a smaller school such as Miami. We aren't Ohio Taint. Ohio Taint is going to offer more classes at more times because they are the one of the largest undergrad universities in America. Miami is not. But neither Ohio Taint nor Miami plan their course offerings around their football teams.

Just look at this retarded statement: "These types of classes could easily just not be scheduled during football practice." I have literally never seen such a stupid sentence. When is football practice? Those times are not set. We've had coaches who preferred morning practices, and others who preferred later in the day. And what "types of classes" are you talking about? You don't even know. You just read one misstatement from HoyaCane and you assumed you knew everything. The university sets its course schedule multiple semesters in advance, and hires professors accordingly. Professors take sabbaticals. Football players change majors. Miami changes coaching staffs. Oh, but regardless of this, the University should set up its entire course scheduling, for over 10,000 students, just to accomodate, at most, a dozen or two upper level football players. Oh, and why don't they try to accommodate basketball players too? What about baseball players? ****, they have mid-week games, and they aren't always played in Dade County.

Now you are going to whine and blame HoyaCane for your ridiculous posts. HoyaCane wrote one inaccurate sentence that might have been sarcastic for all I know. He made a comment about a player from a couple of years ago, even though other people stated that football players generally can't schedule classes during practice times. But you went over the top, you started ripping Miami for "poor planning", when you can't even cite ONE university on the planet that has "good planning" by preventing "certain courses" from being offered "during football practice times".

As for your ridiculous challenge, to "post a football player, from a big name football school, that also missed half of the practices due to scheduling"...well...I can't do it...BECAUSE NO SUCH FOOTBALL PLAYER EXISTS. Because it doesn't happen.

That was a bold strategy, though. Too bad it blew up in your face.

As to the "name-calling", I have accurately criticized your stupid posts and, by extension, the stupidity behind such stupid posts. I never called you a "peon" or mocked your (assumed) income. You did that. If you honestly believe that a valid criticism of the stupidity of some of your ideas warrants an open door to call someone any other unrelated and off-topic names, then that is your opinion.

Your stupid, stupid opinion.

It is not "assumed income". I know how much you make. Unless you are the world highest paid tax attorney, you make schit. Yes, I did graduate from Miami.

You are the only one that looks like a fool since you are arguing something that has nothing to do with my original statement.

The original poster said "Jaquan missed half the practices because of his class". I said that is ******* ridiculous. Because, if it was true. It would be ******* ridiculous. According to the other comments(which I did not read), this is not the case. I never said this was the case, I was making a comment based on the information provided.

You were the one saying, it would be impossible for the school to plan around it. Your response to my comment basically said "It is not ridiculous that a football player would miss half of the spring practices, since it would be impossible for them to figure out a way to avoid this". Then, we find out, not only does the school plan for it, but they have such a good job planning for it, no kids are even allowed to schedule classes during practice times.

So it looks like my tactic to resolve the problem, is actually what they have been doing at UM. The same resolution you have been calling "dopey" for the past few days. So, actually this blew up in your "dopey" face.
It is not "assumed income". I know how much you make. Unless you are the world highest paid tax attorney, you make schit. Yes, I did graduate from Miami.

You are the only one that looks like a fool since you are arguing something that has nothing to do with my original statement.

The original poster said "Jaquan missed half the practices because of his class". I said that is ******* ridiculous. Because, if it was true. It would be ******* ridiculous. According to the other comments(which I did not read), this is not the case. I never said this was the case, I was making a comment based on the information provided.

You were the one saying, it would be impossible for the school to plan around it. Your response to my comment basically said "It is not ridiculous that a football player would miss half of the spring practices, since it would be impossible for them to figure out a way to avoid this". Then, we find out, not only does the school plan for it, but they have such a good job planning for it, no kids are even allowed to schedule classes during practice times.

So it looks like my tactic to resolve the problem, is actually what they have been doing at UM. The same resolution you have been calling "dopey" for the past few days. So, actually this blew up in your "dopey" face.

You are a liar.

First, you said this:

"How the **** did they not plan that better prior to the season." You didn't say "that's ******* ridiculous".

Then I said it's not a "plan better" situation.

Your reply was:

"This is 100% a plan better situation. The school should not be scheduling mandatory classes, that players are planning on taking, that take place at the exact same time as football practice."

At no time did you question whether HoyaCane's post was mistaken. You bought it hook, line, and sinker, and started yapping about how UM should not be scheduling "mandatory classes...that take place at the exact same time as football practice."

Stop lying about how you thought HoyaCane's post was "ridiculous". That's a lie. And you claim "you didn't read the other comments", even though hoops156 posted, literally, two posts before HoyaCane. And on top of that, HoyaCane responded to Ironmanfootball, who stated that players miss CLASSES in the spring. Not practice. Classes. So just stop it with your belated nonsense about how you were skeptical. You weren't. You ran with HoyaCane's statement as the truth and you started advocating for UM to "not schedule mandatory classes during football practice times".

As for the rest of your nonsense, again, it is impossible to avoid class-practice conflicts. You refuse to listen to the reality that the spring football practice schedule isn't even set, let alone having specific times/dates selected, until about a month in advance. Generally speaking, football players are encouraged to schedule their classes in certain time windows, and if a serious conflict arises, they are allowed to drop/add. But if Manny changes the practice schedule to accommodate King's death in the family, time conflicts may arise that were not there previously. And if a junior/senior level athlete needs a class that is only offered at one time, the Academic Support group will review it, approve it, and let the coaches know. But even though I know these things from having worked at UM, you can't acknowledge that I'm right (because you don't like me) and you insist that your grandiose and ridiculous plan "will work".

You are like that character Herman Judd on Avenue 5. You know better. You know more than everyone. Your "tactic" of UM changing its scheduling system to resolve the problem (the problem that doesn't actually exist, but you believed it did) is NOT the same as what we described that the coaches/academic support staff actually do (limit when players can schedule classes). You criticized THE SCHOOL for scheduling classes during football practice. You NEVER proposed having the football coaches or academic support team set limitations on when players could schedule classes.

I know you're not used to arguing against someone who can expose your BS. You are clearly accustomed to bullying people, calling them names, and acting as if you are better than everyone (based on your claimed income level, which is as unverified as mine is). Don't be mad at me for observing your behavior, criticizing your words, and quoting your words back to you to expose how you keep changing your stories and your claims.

Just admit what happened and take the loss. You read all the posts (both hoops156 and HoyaCane were among the first to post on this thread), you believed HoyaCane's statement at face value, and you criticized THE SCHOOL for failing to do something that no other school does either. Then I exposed your ridiculous arguments and you falsely claimed that you were skeptical of HoyaCane's statement. When I asked you to cite any other school that did what YOU PROPOSED, you tried to flip it back on me. And when I pointed out what people said about the coaching staff/academic support department limiting when athletes can schedule classes, you falsely claimed that "solution" is the same one that you proposed (which it is not).

I'm done here. You have been thoroughly exposed as a top-level bullsh!tter and a person who is used to bullying his way through conversations with "peons". Sorry that I'm not the pushover that you are used to dealing with in your daily life.

Stop lying and just admit that you made a mistake. Maybe then people will stop ignoring you.
I'm done here. You have been thoroughly exposed as a top-level bullsh!tter and a person who is used to bullying his way through conversations with "peons". Sorry that I'm not the pushover that you are used to dealing with in your daily life.

Stop lying and just admit that you made a mistake. Maybe then people will stop ignoring you.
LOL he's not pushing anyone over IRL. His online bravado is transparently false.
You are a liar.

First, you said this:

"How the **** did they not plan that better prior to the season." You didn't say "that's ******* ridiculous".

Then I said it's not a "plan better" situation.

Your reply was:

"This is 100% a plan better situation. The school should not be scheduling mandatory classes, that players are planning on taking, that take place at the exact same time as football practice."

At no time did you question whether HoyaCane's post was mistaken. You bought it hook, line, and sinker, and started yapping about how UM should not be scheduling "mandatory classes...that take place at the exact same time as football practice."

Stop lying about how you thought HoyaCane's post was "ridiculous". That's a lie. And you claim "you didn't read the other comments", even though hoops156 posted, literally, two posts before HoyaCane. And on top of that, HoyaCane responded to Ironmanfootball, who stated that players miss CLASSES in the spring. Not practice. Classes. So just stop it with your belated nonsense about how you were skeptical. You weren't. You ran with HoyaCane's statement as the truth and you started advocating for UM to "not schedule mandatory classes during football practice times".

As for the rest of your nonsense, again, it is impossible to avoid class-practice conflicts. You refuse to listen to the reality that the spring football practice schedule isn't even set, let alone having specific times/dates selected, until about a month in advance. Generally speaking, football players are encouraged to schedule their classes in certain time windows, and if a serious conflict arises, they are allowed to drop/add. But if Manny changes the practice schedule to accommodate King's death in the family, time conflicts may arise that were not there previously. And if a junior/senior level athlete needs a class that is only offered at one time, the Academic Support group will review it, approve it, and let the coaches know. But even though I know these things from having worked at UM, you can't acknowledge that I'm right (because you don't like me) and you insist that your grandiose and ridiculous plan "will work".

You are like that character Herman Judd on Avenue 5. You know better. You know more than everyone. Your "tactic" of UM changing its scheduling system to resolve the problem (the problem that doesn't actually exist, but you believed it did) is NOT the same as what we described that the coaches/academic support staff actually do (limit when players can schedule classes). You criticized THE SCHOOL for scheduling classes during football practice. You NEVER proposed having the football coaches or academic support team set limitations on when players could schedule classes.

I know you're not used to arguing against someone who can expose your BS. You are clearly accustomed to bullying people, calling them names, and acting as if you are better than everyone (based on your claimed income level, which is as unverified as mine is). Don't be mad at me for observing your behavior, criticizing your words, and quoting your words back to you to expose how you keep changing your stories and your claims.

Just admit what happened and take the loss. You read all the posts (both hoops156 and HoyaCane were among the first to post on this thread), you believed HoyaCane's statement at face value, and you criticized THE SCHOOL for failing to do something that no other school does either. Then I exposed your ridiculous arguments and you falsely claimed that you were skeptical of HoyaCane's statement. When I asked you to cite any other school that did what YOU PROPOSED, you tried to flip it back on me. And when I pointed out what people said about the coaching staff/academic support department limiting when athletes can schedule classes, you falsely claimed that "solution" is the same one that you proposed (which it is not).

I'm done here. You have been thoroughly exposed as a top-level bullsh!tter and a person who is used to bullying his way through conversations with "peons". Sorry that I'm not the pushover that you are used to dealing with in your daily life.

Stop lying and just admit that you made a mistake. Maybe then people will stop ignoring you.

You are a peon and an easily angered one. You just have a legion of fools that think you are correct because they don't have the brain power to read through your long porsts filled with nonsense.

If your point was "HoyaCane is wrong". You would have aimed your post at him for spreading false information. You didn't even come at me for "being a dope and taking what he said at face value". You came at me for thinking it was an easy fix to avoid that scenario in the first place. Of course, you were too much of a dope to realize it was an easy fix. I pointed out the easy fix and all you did was say the fix was impossible(even though the school already does this). Now you are trying to switch up your argument, since you have been to look like the dope you are.

I already posted a school that does what I proposed. UM does what I proposed. They have took actions to make sure that football players would never be forced to skip half their practices in order to be able to graduate because of a scheduling conflict. You stated this is impossible and that no school would ever take such actions.
This is a good kid. Caused zero drama. Took a look in the mirror & decided he wanted a better shot to play. Best of luck to the young man.