Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million


Excuse Me What GIF
Don't have an issue with Michael fighting back... If in his eyes he feels this is a money grab attempt on him then the right way to fight back is hitting them in the bank account as well... Look how many eyes opened up on it once he threw his suit out there..... I have no clue what the right or wrong aspects of what happened are but Michael is well within his right to push back ....
I’m just now coming to this thread. The reason y the Marriott behaved in this way is b/c The Marriott has been a long time, official partner w The NFL.

Again, there was no need for Marriott to go into premature pre-investigation details with the NFL when all that Marriott had was what one person told them.

I can tell you, with all of the official partners NASCAR had, they weren't running to tell us what every TV personality and driver and pit crew member was doing. I get the "close relationship" stuff, but that usually moves towards the "protect the NFL stars" side, as opposed to "tattle on the NFL stars" side.

Again, just my observation over the decades. I realize there's less tolerance for hijinks these days, but it's another (unprecedented) level to make such an impactful report based off of so little actual evidence. In this situation. Simply because of a business relationship, which in no way creates an obligation to share every bit of information.
Or maybe he doesn’t remember the exact words of one of the dozens of fan interactions he has any time he’s in public? Would you? Lol come on man
It’s what the man said

I didn’t put words into his mouth

If that’s what happened then I assume he would have said that instead
I met Tyrone Moss and Kyle Wright at the Marriot after the Peach Bowl one year. Nice guys. Know who else was there? NJtoFLCane? Wanna guess what he did? Well, he yelled over at Erin Andrews direction, "Erin Andrews takes it up the ***!" That's when I realized that NJ was a degenerate POS. @Tony4Miami, were you there? Stanton was.
I met Tyrone Moss and Kyle Wright at the Marriot after the Peach Bowl one year. Nice guys. Know who else was there? NJtoFLCane? Wanna guess what he did? Well, he yelled over at Erin Andrews direction, "Erin Andrews takes it up the ***!" That's when I realized that NJ was a degenerate POS.

Isn't that the guy who ended up in prison according to board lore?

Karma and irony come at you fast.
I met Tyrone Moss and Kyle Wright at the Marriot after the Peach Bowl one year. Nice guys. Know who else was there? NJtoFLCane? Wanna guess what he did? Well, he yelled over at Erin Andrews direction, "Erin Andrews takes it up the ***!" That's when I realized that NJ was a degenerate POS. @Tony4Miami, were you there? Stanton was.
Was he in a Rascal yet or was he still able to stand on his own two feet at the time? Or does he still have two feet?