Off-Topic Mass killings

The sad thing is the parent / parents aren’t there much. Even if they’re around they just hand the kid a phone or tablet where they can get back to theres. Kids are being raised by the internet. Society is f’d on so many levels.
my daughter is only 3. Her little friends already have tablets and stuff. Mine does not. I try to keep her outside as much as possible.

My sister has a 8 year old boy that has been on phones and tablets since he was 2. Kid has a great heart but is very femine to me. Also very antisocial. He wants to play with other kids but has no idea how. He hasnt even had a sleepover at 8 and doesnt really have a true friend.

When i was 5 i already had tons of friends and was playing football and baseball.

Its truly sad to see what parents are doing to their kids.
I keep hearing this is a mental health issue, and I don’t see anyone saying there are no mental health needs in our country. If everyone agrees there’s a problem, where is the solution? Is anyone proposing a way to address the mental health problem? Otherwise, I jist think this is a way for people to skirt the issue and kick the can.
well this is a very tough issue.

Guards at all schools. Either ex cops or ex military.

no more indoctrination of children.

More guidance counselors that actually talk with students about mental health

Stop medicating children for adhd, anxiety, and depression.

no social media for anyone under 18.

When we are looking at schools with thousands of students and there is one or two "resource officer(s)" on campus that act as your armed security, you're already down. You're not actually taking the safety of your students, faculty, etc. seriously at all.

Many private schools (especially down here in South Florida - I can not speak for the rest of the country) already have or are in the process of basically having armed militias on campus...and I say this as its a good thing. School of maybe 1000 total students with small armed militias (10-15 people) on campus covering gates and entry ways, a moving/roving band of them, all armed and trained to use their weapon.

Perhaps, instead of paying an entire department for belonging, equity, and whatnot (the latest cottage industry in the education world), perhaps set aside a portion of the budget to arm your school with adequate well trained former cops, former military, former and aspiring MMA fighters (that might be just working at bars and strip clubs right now)...all are registered and trained weapons users and actually take the safety of your institution seriously.

Thats a nice way to no longer infringe upon people's 2nd amendment rights while also doing something to protect children, faculty, and staff at a school.

I guess this is too difficult to do though, so, good luck to kids, faculty, and staff when the latest legitimate crazy person gets ignored and they go on a shooting spree. Just go back to the "training" which is just lock the door and pray the gunman doesn't find a way into your room.
I keep hearing this is a mental health issue, and I don’t see anyone saying there are no mental health needs in our country. If everyone agrees there’s a problem, where is the solution? Is anyone proposing a way to address the mental health problem? Otherwise, I jist think this is a way for people to skirt the issue and kick the can.
Do you think our government is in the business of solving problems?
1) Guard the schools;
2) Be better parents;
3) Stop outsourcing child-rearing to pills and babysitters;
4) Don't have kids if you can't afford the time, money, and energy to do #2 and #3.
Already done in my house.

They’re making the insane child killer a martyr. These people are glad it happened.

Sit back and imagine how evil you have to be to call a person that shot 9 years olds a victim.

every person that believes that should be removed from this earth. They have no place in a functioning society.

They’re making the insane child killer a martyr. These people are glad it happened.

Disgusting… still no condemnation of the insurrections by liberal media? Oh that’s right… they PROMOTED the insurrection as a good timing! they are more worried about the trans community than innocent Christians that were killed a couple days early by a trans person… just like the WH as they laid out this past week
What exactly was the state armies, the militia? People want to interpret a well regulated militia by today's terms, but George Mason gave the definition in the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and be governed by, the civil power.

But no, it doesn't guarantee an unfettered right to any kind of weapon and the NFA is evidence of that.
It did. Bull**** passed by congress doesn't change the intent of our founders.
It's funny how you conveniently left out the full second amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

As former Chief Justice Warren Burger said (a lifelong conservative who was appointed by Nixon), "The gun lobby's interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have seen in my lifetime."

"...the real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state."

"The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires."

But hey, I guess you know more than former Chief Justice. I guess he was "anti american" just like Scalia. But, if you also think you have unlimited free speech I can't help you.
A well regulated militia, since there was no standing professional private army, was wholly comprised of the citizenery that cosplayed as soldiers when called. The citizen is the basic formation of the militia as a unit.

FULL STOP. End of discussion.

No serious person believes otherwise, to include Chief Justice Berger (as no SCOTUS jurist who understands the topic agrees with him).
TrumpCane has an 18 month old girl

In a few years when she begins school and some teacher even thinks about bringing up sexuality or anything remotely close there will be **** to pay
You racist transphobe anti-groomer.

NO PLACE in society for your DANGEROUS attitude.

You probably caused the sea levels to rise by 1" last year to!
