Off-Topic Mass killings

Chicago is up to 16 killed so far , I projected 20 so tonight they should surpass my my projection of 20 very easily , I had 30 in my mind but didn’t want to get upset.
Chicago is up to 16 killed so far , I projected 20 so tonight they should surpass my my projection of 20 very easily , I had 30 in my mind but didn’t want to get upset.
Upset that 10 more people died than you expected. Oh dear that would be upsetting.
Yeah, I saw that pic with the Trump 2020 flag draped over his shoulders like a cape. Was he wearing it in mockery of Trump, or adulation? Either is possible I guess.
Either way he’s not worthy of living a single second longer. Hang him up… especially if he injured or killed any little ones

And doing this on the 4th of July… there’s just no words