Off-Topic Mass killings

None of my training goes along with what those officers in the hallway did. There is NO reason for them to not have breeched the door.

The officers outside were actually doing their jobs correctly as it was their job to maintain a perimeter.

The fault of this lies on the 19 officers in the hallway ( which was by far an adequate force for the situation) and whoever the leadership was that told the tac unit to backdown. But in reality, this should have been ended before the tac unit showed up in the first place by the initial units on scene. Complete failure by those officers if this is indeed the way it went down.
Anyone want to take a guess what happend in 2004?


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Apparently the one that first showed up and I believe killed the gunman was off-duty and just in the area getting a haircut.

But there's no pRoOf!!

Now is a perfect time for both sides of aisle to come together for the sake of the children and start holding the police, judges, and politicians accountable and stop making excuses for their "team". Wrong is wrong. We have to do better.
But there's no pRoOf!!

Every other study has shown it was a massive failure... so.
Now is a perfect time for both sides of aisle to come together for the sake of the children and start holding the police, judges, and politicians accountable and stop making excuses for their "team". Wrong is wrong. We have to do better.
Months before a midterm? It's time to stop waiting for the federal bureaucracy to save you... start organizing around our local school board if you want real results. I know I am.
It's debatable but to claim that every other study says otherwise and in massive form is kind of a wee little bit of overreach, bud.
True. But anyone with any real knowledge of what the 94 AWB entailed knows its was complete garbage... it was useless window dressing; a complete feel-good measure.
What's your secret to all this vast knowledge? Are you at the holiday inn right now?
Go read the bill my friend, it was crap. If I was a anti-2a person I would not be happy with it...
Secondly that graph is complete make-believe. Absolute horse-****.
What are the odds a random teacher propped the back door open 5 minutes before an armed, incel sociopath entered the school?
Considering it was over 90 degrees in Uvalde that day, it’s not farfetched that a teacher might’ve opened a door to let some air in...

But what’s more important is finding out why 19 cowardly officers prevented Border patrol tactical team from entering the school & refused to stop the shooter for a whole hour until after he killed multiple children & teachers out of fear of being shot?

They stood idly by & they need to answer some serious questions as to why...
Considering it was over 90 degrees in Uvalde that day, it’s not farfetched that a teacher might’ve opened a door to let some air in...

But what’s more important is finding out why 19 cowardly officers prevented Border patrol tactical team from entering the school & refused to stop the shooter for a whole hour until after he killed multiple children & teachers out of fear of being shot?

They stood idly by & they need to answer some serious questions as to why...
Don't both of those oddities seem... odd?
Don't both of those oddities seem... odd?
If you’re looking at it from a circular reasoning standpoint it could, but I don’t give a sh*t about Gun control conspiracies, I’m in full support of the 2nd amendment.

That’s not the issue. The issue is the officers & their inability to act actually got multiple children killed.