Off-Topic Mass killings

Well HS boys now. By the time they graduate are probably 5% incels. I didn't know a single kid at UM that hadn't had *** before getting to the U.

Its not irrelevant. We aren't talking about a 14 year old incel. We are talking about 17 year olds or older. An incel is not a virgin. Tim Tebow was not an incel. An incel is someone who wants to have ***, but can't. because they are a creep or something similar.
Some people on CIS are like, "hey, whoa, pull your punches OGH..."
I guess you're right, the families of those children should be fine then.

Question about that building you are too rich to live in. You said that the majority of residents don't want the cops there.

Does that mean the ones who do want the cops there are not entitled to the police being there?
I never said they aren't entitled to. Obviously everyone is entitled to because that is the law. I am not a "radical" as you put it before. I am not outside with BLM protesting police stations. I am just stating the fact, that the vast majority of black people, don't like living in fear of the oppressive police.

Do none of you guys understand how the projects work? Once you make like 40k a year as a single person, you can't live there anymore. I couldn't even live there if i made less right now, because there is a waiting list.
Ok, maybe I struggle with the definition of incel. To me, incel is virgin. But, from what I understand, not all virgins are incels but all incels are virgins.

5%? Jeezus, I’m old. Kids these days. Lol
Hahaha ya lol. Kids have a lot of *** now I guess.

Ya no an incel is not a virgin. If you just love playing video games and never leave your house. and have 0 interest in having ***. You are not an incel. Your just celibate. Same if your very religious like tebow.
Incel is involuntary celibate. Someone who wants to have ***,but can't. In todays world. If you can't have *** that means you are either very creepy, have extremely bad hygiene, or something of that nature. So pretty much picture the creepiest weirdest kid in your HS and that is an incel. Then tell me you don't think those kids are more likely to shoot up a school than a kid picked at random from a lineup of single parent kids.
No one said it would make you middle class. The 1960s were a drastically different for time for Blacks in the US. Obviously there were hundreds of other factors at play.

This just feels like a troll job now. Seems your just fighting everyone including the facts on the ground for some other reason.

The family structure being an important factor in some ones life just isn't debatable. But ok you disagree.
and there are million factors right now that are causing black people to be poor. Its not because we stopped getting married.

The point I am making is, how wealthy your parents are is a far bigger indicator of your success than their marital status.
I lived there 7 years ago and I lived there in the 90s when the murder rate was far higher. I would have told you word for word the exact same thing then. I can go pick my boy up from the building right now and have him type up the exact same thing I said if I wanted to in about 5 minutes.

You are the one that brought up money. You claimed that me making to much money to live in the PJs nullifys my experience in there. By your logic you shouldn't have even entered this convo because you don't live here. Never have lived here. and have spent minimal if any time in areas like this.

So pretty much, in your opinion. No one who has the means to help people in the projects should be able to, since once you make enough to help. You won't be able to live there anymore.
Put it to a vote, and find out. Nobody should be making that decision for everyone.

I’ll do you don’t better, if you believe that’s how most people feel, give them a choice. When you apply for housing, check the “No police involvement” box. Make certain buildings/areas free of police.

I personally hate police, but I also don’t accept the police do more bad, than good. If you have actual numbers that say that, feel free to show.
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I’ve been to my high school within the last few years and it’s still pretty open. Many schools still are.

That honestly surprises me. I’m not saying they’re fortresses, but schools are generally harder to get into nowadays. Including high schools. I’m not saying they’re impenetrable, because honestly, somebody with the will and the means can get into a school, but I just don’t think it’s like it used to be in the places that I know of. Obviously your observations are different.
Put it to a vote, and find out. Nobody should be making that decision for everyone.

I personally hate police, but I also don’t accept the police do more bad, than good. If you have actual numbers that say that, feel free to show.
You think I am joking when I say I know every single person in my building. I am not. I literally know everyone. I have hosted backpack giveaways and schit like that all the time for my building. And all sorts of other schit in my building. Pretty much everyone would say the same thing. When the protests were happening the building was literally empty. I don't need to put it to a vote to know what the consensus is. Do you need to put a vote up in your town to know what the consensus would think of banning the police from your town? Of course not because you know the answer. The problem is, a vote wouldn't do schit, but put a target on our back, and end up with us getting policed even further. When the protest were going on 2 years ago. They would drive around our building every hour or 2 blaring the sirens for minutes to wake everyone up as "retaliation".

I don't hate cops. and I don't think they do more harm than good since the majority of the country is white. So for 70% of the population they do more good than harm and for 12% they do more harm than good. and of course you can't get "actual numbers" because most of the "bad" is never actually reported. It just goes down as some criminal getting convicted.
You think I am joking when I say I know every single person in my building. I am not. I literally know everyone. I have hosted backpack giveaways and schit like that all the time for my building. And all sorts of other schit in my building. Pretty much everyone would say the same thing. When the protests were happening the building was literally empty. I don't need to put it to a vote to know what the consensus is. Do you need to put a vote up in your town to know what the consensus would think of banning the police from your town? Of course not because you know the answer. The problem is, a vote wouldn't do schit, but put a target on our back, and end up with us getting policed even further. When the protest were going on 2 years ago. They would drive around our building every hour or 2 blaring the sirens for minutes to wake everyone up as "retaliation".

I don't hate cops. and I don't think they do more harm than good since the majority of the country is white. So for 70% of the population they do more good than harm and for 12% they do more harm than good. and of course you can't get "actual numbers" because most of the "bad" is never actually reported. It just goes down as some criminal getting convicted.
I edited my last post. But I said give them a choice. It’ll give them each what they want and give a real time test to see what the difference is, if any.
I edited my last post. But I said give them a choice. It’ll give them each what they want and give a real time test to see what the difference is, if any.
I agree with that. The thing is its fantasy. It will never happen. They will never allow that sort of vote. A lot of people would lose their jobs. If the most patrolled areas of the city all of a sudden became no police zones. A lot of COs would lose their jobs if all of a sudden the arrest rate plummeted. A lot of companies couldn't get cheap labor anymore if prisons were no longer filled. etc.

We understand that and that is why very few people. Myself included are actually trying to put forward legislation that does something like that. We would be happy if they treated us like they treated wealthy white people. If they policed the projects like they policed the coral gables suburbs. We would all be very happy and would have no issues. Sadly. That also seems to be a fantasy.
I agree with that. The thing is its fantasy. It will never happen. They will never allow that sort of vote. A lot of people would lose their jobs. If the most patrolled areas of the city all of a sudden became no police zones. A lot of COs would lose their jobs if all of a sudden the arrest rate plummeted. A lot of companies couldn't get cheap labor anymore if prisons were no longer filled. etc.

We understand that and that is why very few people. Myself included are actually trying to put forward legislation that does something like that. We would be happy if they treated us like they treated wealthy white people. If they policed the projects like they policed the coral gables suburbs. We would all be very happy and would have no issues. Sadly. That also seems to be a fantasy.
Privatize it.
He doesn't want cops around. Cops should stay out according to him. But if his 6 yr old daughter was killed because of a gang related drive by...I wonder if he would still feel the same way.
Seems like in this very thread we are discussing *checks notes* a shooting that the cops were present for and failed to intervene in.

Are they supposed to stop an in progress drive by now?
Small town police officers....guarantee you those dudes were like, I didn't sign up for this.
What the **** did they think they signed up for? To just drive around handing out tickets? If they didn't sign up for this stuff why does their precinct have all the armor and rifles they are wearing in the video? You don't need rifles to hand out tickets.
What the **** did they think they signed up for? To just drive around handing out tickets? If they didn't sign up for this stuff why does their precinct have all the armor and rifles they are wearing in the video? You don't need rifles to hand out tickets.

Yeah, you and I understand that, but that's the kind of town where literally no one has experience with anything close to this event.