Off-Topic Mass killings

No schit kids that graduate HS do better. Never said they don't. I never said anything regarding church either. I go to church every Sunday so you are barking up the wrong tree regarding that one.

As far as kids out of wedlock, that doesn't mean anything since tons of things may be effecting that. People who have kids out of wedlock are most likely poorer which would cause them to most likely end up in a worse situation. The number 1 indicator of wealth, is how wealthy your parents are.

You also left out the most important factor in your 3 factor model. its poverty. Poverty trumps all those things. A HS dropout, with 1 parent, athiest, who is the son of a billionaire is going to do far better in life. Than a a HS grad, who goes to church every sunday, and has 2 parents. 999/1000 times.
We've been fighting a war on poverty for over 50 years. How much has improved?
so this will be long, but I have not heard one effective solution yet from any of the parroting heads on either side. Any of the solutions presented would not have solved this or many other "mass shootings" of now or before.

Gun free zones: They are two types of Gun Free zones. 1. Fully enforced gun free zones. These are ones like at an airport, court house, etc. Where every single person is positively checked for a weapon. They are fairly effective, but expensive and hard to control. Schools are much more difficult to implement this, due to the nature of multiple entry points and staffing levels to maintain integrity of all entry points. 2. The "Gun Free Zones" that hang a sign up and say no guns allowed. These become slaughter points, as only law abiding sane (loosely used here) try and obey the law. These absolutely have to be banned, cause almost every mass casualty gun related incident are here. This is absolutely where we need to look for CHANGE, they change everyone is saying needs to come, but no one is effectively identifying as the change they are calling for. BAN ALL NON ENFORCED GUN FREE ZONES. That is the answer. If it is a GUN FREE DECLARED ZONE, then the organization that is declaring it MUST BY LAW ENFORCE IT.

Second. I don't think we have got it right by folks carrying guns around in Schools. I really don't, I know my 2nd Amendment Friends will not agree with me on this one, but hear me out. There is absolutely no way a "School Resource Officer" can cover all the grounds on a school zone effectively. PLUS, they are known and have patterns that can be predicted. In addition, having teachers and other school administration folks carrying guns on their hips isn't a good idea either. They can easily lose control of those guns as most are not in a physical condition to overpower many of the younger stronger kids in these modern schools. Last, teachers and admins shouldn't be roving the halls looking for an active shooter. They should defend their ground, not patrol for a threat.

So my solution, and I have proposed this before to many folks whom once they hear it out, do not necessarily disagree with it nor find fault with the logic. it goes like this.

1. Each classroom has a small biometric safe in the classroom. Only the teacher and a designated security personal can access said safe.
2. Any teacher wishing to of their own accord have a self defense weapon to defend that classroom and that classroom alone, can put a weapons of their choice in that safe as long as it is legal.
3. Teachers would only be allowed to put something in or take it out in a non emergency situation before or after school hours when children are not present.
4. No one knows if there are 100 guns in that school, or 0. It is UNKNOWN and UNPREDICTABLE; however, a massive deterrent.
5. Any teacher that wishes to get training for defense purposes - that training counts toward master plan points of recertification.
6. This is not to have them patrol the halls, this is to barricade the rooms just like we do today; however, if something comes in that door, you don't have the slaughters that you do today

That's it. It is a price effective solution and deterrent. It doesn't have gun welding teachers roaming the halls. It doesn't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do. It gives a crazy idiot thinking they are going into a "Gun Free Zone" a real deterrent to the same old I am going to kill folks that are unarmed easily.
I'm just getting caught up on this thread and saw this and it reminded me of a thought I had the other day. I'm not sure what you would call it, but in my head I call it the "ADT deterrent". A ton of people have signs outside their house that it's protected with something like ADT or SimpliSafe or some security thing. If someone is walking by houses looking to rob one... they will most likely skip over a house with a sign in front of it (or a 'beware of dog' sign). Any kind of deterrent is a good deterrent... even if it's all just smoke and mirrors.
I don't have a hatred for policing. I don't like people that abuse others. There just happens to be crossover.

You are 100% wrong. I am a law abiding citizen and I have been in every socioeconomic level and at no point have the majority of my black neighbors appreciated your presence in our community. Most of the "crime" that you prevent doesn't even effect the average person living in our communities. A gang member killing another gang member or someone selling drugs, is not effecting me. Me getting arrested because I look like a drug dealer or getting beat up for "resisting" does effect me.

You lived in a unique neighborhood then.
But the gang culture that exists, and the gang violence sure does matter to those who are caught in the crossfire.

Are you saying you got arrested because you "looked like a drug dealer" and have been beat up by the police for no reason?
I was "caught in the crossfire". Since I lived in the same building that it was going down in. And just like you were saying regarding your team. 99.9% of the time they keep it within themselves. Almost every murder in my building was among them. Almost all the robberies, etc. When those people call you up and say "I was just robbed" they won't tell you, but 9/10 times they were involved with those gangs as well.

I have been lucky enough, thank god, to never have been arrested for looking like a drug dealer(or for any reason for that matter). If that happened to me, I would still be living in the hood sine a felony ruins any chance you have of making a decent salary. But I know countless people who have. And yes I have been beat up numerous times for no reason. If you were an officer in a majority white suburb or something, you wouldn't understand where I am coming from.
No schit kids that graduate HS do better. Never said they don't. I never said anything regarding church either. I go to church every Sunday so you are barking up the wrong tree regarding that one.

As far as kids out of wedlock, that doesn't mean anything since tons of things may be effecting that. People who have kids out of wedlock are most likely poorer which would cause them to most likely end up in a worse situation. The number 1 indicator of wealth, is how wealthy your parents are.

You also left out the most important factor in your 3 factor model. its poverty. Poverty trumps all those things. A HS dropout, with 1 parent, athiest, who is the son of a billionaire is going to do far better in life. Than a a HS grad, who goes to church every sunday, and has 2 parents. 999/1000 times.
Yes Jeff Bezos kids will be richer than ours. That’s not the point. The point is people who start in poverty can pull themselves out with those behaviors and years of social data show it.
Because one man and one woman isnt the only family accepted by humans residing in America, the religious right is up in arms ready to break up more families. It is simply a talking point. Who in their right mind cares who sleeps with who?
Yes, keep railing against one man and one woman present in the home raising the kids together. Things are working out so well with all those alternatives. No consequences! Right?
Yes Jeff Bezos kids will be richer than ours. That’s not the point. The point is people who start in poverty can pull themselves out with those behaviors and years of social data show it.
They can, I did it. But there is a ton of luck involved. If you never been in that situation you wouldn't understand. most people do not, because most people aren't lucky.
I can't speak on that, but in the 30 or so years I have been around it hasn't improved very much at all.
Exactly. This is the problem I have with government programs. When they've been shown ineffective, it's almost impossible to make a change because somebody's income relies on the status quo.

I don't know of a single person who wants to see anyone in poverty, but just suggesting looking at other approaches will either have the status quo fans calling you heartless and suggesting you don't want to see people succeed or have the heartless cheering you on with calls to dismantle it all.

This guy obviously had a troubled home life more than just poverty.
Exactly. This is the problem I have with government programs. When they've been shown ineffective, it's almost impossible to make a change because somebody's income relies on the status quo.

I don't know of a single person who wants to see anyone in poverty, but just suggesting looking at other approaches will either have the status quo fans calling you heartless and suggesting you don't want to see people succeed or have the heartless cheering you on with calls to dismantle it all.

This guy obviously had a troubled home life more than just poverty.
War on poverty is the only boondoggle that exceeds our failure in the war on terror.
They've had portables since I went to school and the old high school campus was very open. With all the recent growth, I'd expect more trailers, not less.

With all the stupid things politicians find to spend money on, I think the can spare a few bucks for school safety.
Were going to build school fortresses and make the gun manfacturers pay for it!
Exactly. This is the problem I have with government programs. When they've been shown ineffective, it's almost impossible to make a change because somebody's income relies on the status quo.

I don't know of a single person who wants to see anyone in poverty, but just suggesting looking at other approaches will either have the status quo fans calling you heartless and suggesting you don't want to see people succeed or have the heartless cheering you on with calls to dismantle it all.

This guy obviously had a troubled home life more than just poverty.
Oh ya 100%. This guy is not the type I was referencing when it comes to poverty. He and all the other school shooters are crazy. When I talk about poverty causing crime I am talking about gang members and schit like that. Not school shooters. The thing is the gov programs haven't gotten better, but without them I wouldn't be here today. I would be dead. Because we relied on food stamps to eat. Without them I would have starved to death. Same without Medicaid then Obamacare. So i don't think they are actually helping most people get out of poverty, but it does save a ton of lives and does help some people make it out of poverty.
So lock the kids down like prisoners , make them run active shooter drills and put paul blart on the door. No wonder we have mental issues.
No Einstein... they're free to leave. Its hardening from intruders...
The irony of you saying that - when your idea create prisoners out of everybody.
Were going to build school fortresses and make the gun manfacturers pay for it!
You might be overdramatizing the suggestion a tad. Again, it was done throughout Palm Beach County without much ado.