Off-Topic Mass killings

CARS have a function of transportation and service. AR 15 are meant to kill the most amount of police officers and children in a 30 second time span. Next!
Is that the same AR15 used by Marines or Soldiers? Im not sure, can you help me here?
Again, once it becomes cost effective, things change. Look at ghost guns. The AR lower receiver is machined from a block of aluminum. That's not all that difficult to do.
I am not denying that, but making things more difficult for criminals is the whole point of the law. Its clearly easier to go buy a gun in Indiana than it is to set up a 3d printer and print out ghost guns. Otherwise, criminals would all be doing it that way.
The mental health issue is a lot more tricky than people realize. It is super complicated by the intersection of personal civil liberties, legal limits as to detaining individuals, and how our legal system operates. If you’ve never been through the process of trying to have someone, for example, baker acted, you just don’t realize how hard it is to get that done. There are probably literally millions of children writing violent fiction as we speak, but only a minuscule few are going to act on it.

Saying making mental health treatment more accessible sounds good, but what does that entail?

There’s so much talk about this, but I still don’t see practical solutions.

I’m not saying do nothing, and I’m not being personally critical of you, but after all these things happen there’s always a period of two or three days of just the type of discussions we’re having, but nobody comes up with any practical solutions, and at the end of the day, it all fades, until the next one.

I’m just being honest. That’s what happens. Nothing is going to get done. That’s not a political statement that leans one way or the other it’s just a statement of fact.

Oh sure, maybe some esoteric law will get passed by Congress sometime this year, and what impact do you think that’s going to have?
I just posted something similar to this, but this is far more eloquently stated.

You can't just start putting people on watchlists or going through their search histories. And even if you could, there wouldn't be enough staff to effectively monitor/do anything about it.
But isn't that what I just said? Hey, lets keep guns because he would've found another way anyways? Dog chasing its tail.

Idk. Those red flag laws prevent known criminals and mentally ill from getting guns. But if you have no police record, what do they really do?

I would also think that any attempt to "profile" people (say, a teacher says she thinks little Johnny is a little off and might be dangerous) wouldn't hold up either... if little Johnny isn't convicted of something, why should he be on a watchlist? Isn't that government overreach too?
Yes, it is what you said. I just had to finish my thought before my part of a meeting came up. I know there would be challenges and many potential issues to overcome, but it's the best idea out there IMO.
Saw it was debunked today. Definitely fake news everywhere. All Social Media platforms has only added multiple layers to it.
The important thing though is that people grab it, run with it, and spread it as fact first for the agenda. Interestingly, you didn't come back to mention the debunking that you saw.
As i said. We need to look at everything. Reg Flag has been successful in Florida. That’s not from me but from David Hogg. You need to couple this and pump money into programs like this

The important thing though is wether people grab it, run with it, and spread it as fact first.

That happens on all sides unfortunately and a good bit at the mainstream level. Even some of the debunk stories are also fake as well. We are in a very difficult era to know what to believe. Regardless this guy tried to kill his grandmother and killed a bunch of kids. There's some obvious mental issues there.
That happens on all sides unfortunately and a good bit at the mainstream level. Even some of the debunk stories are also fake as well. We are in a very difficult era to know what to believe. Regardless this guy tried to kill his grandmother and killed a bunch of kids. There's some obvious mental issues there.
What was the mainstream source that posted the photo you grabbed yesterday to go after gender identity, out of curiosity?
I can sum this thread up. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Our right to bear arms has nothing to do with these shootings.

Mental health in America is ****.

I did skip 10+ pages here so blast me with any retorts.
Agreed, a gun is a tool. A tool designed for a specific function (namely, efficient killing of humans things). That said - how does one murder 10 grocery shoppers, or 18 school children or..., in 90 seconds, without ready access to means of war?

Sure, they could go the McVeigh route, fill a van with 100s of pounds of store-bought chemicals and detonate that van outside the school. But that type of act takes significant knowledge, resources, planning, will, motive, ideology... As opposed to - kid (deranged or not) wakes up one morning, kid grabs legally purchased gun, kid murders grandmother and proceeds to mow down a dozen or so random fourth graders.

Mental health issues or not, there are ways to, at the very least, curb this specific form of mass murder - see; every other "civilized" nation on the planet.
Not all firearms or firearm sales require a background check. Some private sales, "the gunshow loophole," have always existed like under the Brady Bill. There's also one particular firearm that seems to always be used in these situations.

Were any of those acquired using the 'loophole'?
Shia Labeouf Snl GIF
What was the mainstream source that posted the photo you grabbed yesterday to go after gender identity, out of curiosity?

That particular photo wasn't mainstream and I wasn't saying it was. They typically leave that out at that level unless it fits the narrative most of them like to run with. I wouldn't need the photo to go after gender identity or theory. In addition, this isn't the thread to go in any further detail about it. That's a whole other can of worms.
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You are part of the divide, you just don't see it because you think you are on the "correct side".
I don’t have a side. I don’t have a gun, never owned one or even wanted one. If you’re speaking of voting I’ve never registered in my 43 years on earth. I normally roll with the Malcom X thinking “ fox and the wolf”. I will say the last couple years I do agree with one sides policies more. Just like I used to agree with more polices of the other side before that. I don’t treat it like a cult like most. At the end of the day they’re all about filling their pockets and playing off emotions.

I’m on record saying I’m just fine with stricter gun laws and background checks I just don’t think it’ll work. Then after it doesn't work we’ll move on to the next political dog and pony show for even stricter laws. Rinse repeat. Rather than looking at all the other issues going on causing youngsters to kill themselves and others at a crazy rate.
Prioritizing mental health requires funding and more importantly access, like most countries do. Here, access to mental health treatment (actually, all health care) is determined on insurance coverage. Many of those countries with stricter gun laws also consider health care a right.

If you are on medicaid, you can get access to a therapist and someone to write you a script for meds. However, most phsych/therapists won't take someone on medicaid because the process of receiving payment is much more convoluted, than a typical well-off person on insurance with a copay.

The vast majority of the country is for universal background checks. It doesn't happen because of a lack of political will. 72% of NRA membership support it.

These are all worthy points for discussion, but with respect to these and other incidents, I’m not sure how they specifically relate to prevention other than a very general sense. It’s too complex to resolve with few words on a message board, but it is an issue that needs to be discussed in a more thoughtful manner.