Off-Topic Mass killings

Ban large vehicles?
USA had 17813 total murders in 2020, with 13663 coming from handguns, firearms, rifles, shotguns or "other guns".

Yup, but if every gun disappeared tomorrow, the mentally ill would find another way, whether it's cars, trucks, knives, chemicals, or pressure cooker bombs.
No doubt gun access/control varies by state. That's not my argument - I'm more on a macro level.
The answer is still no. When my parents were kids you could walk to you local department store and buy a semi-auto, magazine-fed rifle without a background check. ****, my parents could legally buy new fully auto rifles!
USA had 17813 total murders in 2020, with 13663 coming from handguns, firearms, rifles, shotguns or "other guns".

Do you believe if guns are banned that those 13,663 gun related murders would poof go away?

I think we should ban guns , just like drugs are. That’ll keep them out of peoples hands. No more guns or drugs on the street!!!
We lead the world in mental health issues. Let's not put a bandaid on a wound. Tackle root causes and not act reactively.

We can agree to disagree. But my contention is that if you're going to kill somebody, you're going to find a way.
Regulating gun usage and ownership is not a bandaid in my point of view when 76% of all murders are gun-related and over 200 school shootings have taken place since Columbine.

Its not solely a mental health issue, nor is it solely a gun issue. The two combined are the problem here.
This is where I stand. Nothing will change overnight, & this will 100% happen again. But by acting now, even if only gaining a few percentage points in edge, we can do something to reduce the number of mass shootings the next generation has to go through.
Political sollygism, aka politicians fallacy.
Yup, but if every gun disappeared tomorrow, the mentally ill would find another way, whether it's cars, trucks, knives, chemicals, or pressure cooker bombs.
Okay, so lets ALSO take care of the mentally ill? I mean, its not rocket science.
USA had 17813 total murders in 2020, with 13663 coming from handguns, firearms, rifles, shotguns or "other guns".

Not sure which year recently, but rifles (of any kind) had accounted for approximately 300 gun deaths in the US.
Remind me again why Sebastian doesn't have a pipe?
We had this discussion in Germany on so many ******* occasions, I thought I was getting insane at one point. It was pathetic on so many ******* levels...
Not sure which year recently, but rifles (of any kind) had accounted for approximately 300 gun deaths in the US.

This is a good point. All the talk is mostly focused on assault rifles but they actually make up the least amount of gun deaths. It's handguns leading the way, and stolen ones mostly at that. Regulations aren't going to reach criminals with unregistered handguns.
So while mass-shootings are horrific, they're only a small fraction of gun deaths. But to politicians 'assault rifles' are low hanging fruit - even though banning them solves nothing. When the next one happens with just handguns.... etc etc.
Accessibility and background checks for all weapons certainly need to happen tho. The fact that an 18 year old bought these weapons and ammo just cannot happen.
Infringe on the rights of law abiding gun owners to prevent nuts and criminals from shooting people, yea that should work